I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 813

Gabriel opened her work file, showed it to Li Yan, and said, “There is a partner company’s all-age game that requires children as an image representative. Don’t worry, it’s legal, and I will let the company give reasonable remuneration. ."


As a result, Li Yan saw the familiar name of the game.

In "Hunting World II", Eagle Jump is currently recruiting a suitable elementary school student as a representative of the game's image.

Li Yan's expression became more complicated. He actually knew a child who felt more suitable for this position, but he didn't know whether the other party and the other party's parents agreed to participate in such activities.

"Huh..." Li Yan picked up the phone, prepared to dial a number, and said to Gabriel: "I will declare first, if the other party disagrees, don't force us."

Gabriel smiled and said arrogantly: "Then you can ask carefully."

"Don't agree."

"Don't agree..."

Li Yan kept hoping that it would be better for the little girl not to agree. After dialing the other party's cell phone, it was quickly connected.


This is the sound of Qin Ye.

"Qin Ye, teacher wants you to discuss something." Li Yan said tentatively.

——What is it, I am studying, I am very busy now.

Qin Ye said with a calm tone, as if he couldn't do without attention.

Li Yan was silent for a moment, then told Qin Ye about the game show and the representative.

However, when he asked Qin Ye whether he would be the representative of the game show, it seemed that the mobile phones were all dropped, and there was a thumping sound.

——Teacher, are you still there, teacher!?

"Yes, what's wrong..."

—— [Really, the game exhibition of "Hunting the Devil Two", and the actor?

"Yes, would you like to participate in such an event a little bit..."

——Of course I do, I do!

Qin Ye's voice seemed very excited, as if this was a coveted opportunity, said to Li Yan.

While Qin Ye was still asking about the time and place, Li Yan with a complicated expression was speechless.

"Unfortunately, if a child who likes games, how can he refuse such a fun activity?"

Gabriel shrugged, looked at Li Yan mockingly, and said.

Li Yan can only compromise, but he always feels that this kind of arrangement is always the same deliberately, is he too careless...

On Sunday, Tokyo Sonny game exclusive sales exhibition.

The scale of such game exhibitions is not very large. It is naturally not as eye-catching as the Tokyo Game Show. Most of them are exhibitions attended by game companies with medium sales levels on the P console platform.

However, similar to the company that makes games with heart, it still attracted many fans to participate.

Each company hired cosplayers to support the show before the exhibition, and they generally played the role of the latest game.


The three children who had arrived in Li Yan's special car were stunned at the door.


"It's a game show!"

It was the first time that Xiao Xing saw this dazzling array of interesting games, and suddenly shouted in excitement, Yui hurriedly corrected the wrong vocabulary.

"If it is known by the school, I don't know what terrible rumors will be spread..."

Li Yan took the three excited students, some headaches, thought.

However, when Qin Ye looked nervously by the hand that had been holding Li Yan, the face of the girl who was usually cold and steady showed a flash of light. She was flushed with a smile, raised her head and said to Li Yan: " Teacher, thank you so much."

At this time, Li Yan's worries disappeared. After all, the child's grades were good. If the game did not delay her grades, it would be worthwhile to make her smile a little more.

"Captain, Xiaoxing, it's time to act!"

As if arriving at Qinye's home court, she raised her right hand, greeted her partner, and ran into the game show.

"It can only be this way."

Li Yan looked in his eyes and thought.

In the venue, Li Yan once again met Eagle Jump's acquaintances, and the confidentiality of his identity had already been explained to them. Therefore, the care of the three Yui and the others and his own screenwriting status do not need him to worry about for the time being.

So, on the other hand, what Li Yan cares about is the guys who were invited to participate in this work.

It was a little bit beyond Li Yan's expectation. Not only did people actively participate in cosplay activities, but they also came a lot as soon as they came.

The most famous game of Kawakaku games is a anthropomorphic web game called "Fleet Conquest", which anthropomorphizes battleships. It is said to be very popular in East Asia.

However, after Li Yan came to the scene and saw the performance of the group who was about to come to work in advance, his expressions were all stunned.


Li Yan witnessed all this in amazement, thinking.

The exhibition area of ​​Kawakaku games is booming.

This time, Sawamura Hideri, Kasumigaoka Shiba, Shiina Mashiro, Kusana Ryuki, Shido Kunimitsu all came here to participate in the event when they met the conditions.

The main reason for coming to the team is for two purposes.

One is similar to Ying Lili, Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Shitong Guoguang, who are veterans of otaku culture, who are not exclusive to cosplay and even interested. After discussing with each other, they formed a team together.

Another purpose is to pay for the cost of part-time work.

Surprisingly, apart from Zhenbai who has always participated in various cute part-time work activities, this time, Xuexiaxuena, who has nothing to do with otaku culture, actually came to participate.

I haven’t spoken much. The stern-faced Yukino Yukino has a hairstyle with a side ponytail, showing a cold air. He noticed Li Yan a little bit. However, when he was photographed by a group of fans, he could not take Li Yan into consideration for the time being Yan here.

The most expensive tuition at the University of Tokyo is the tuition of the Faculty of Medicine. For the second lady from a wealthy family, this reason is somewhat unconvincing.

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