I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 814

However, this was the only explanation Xue Nai gave to Li Yan in the message.

It seems that Yukino has also been trying, areas that she is not good at.

Ying Lili, wearing a German military uniform, has attracted much attention.


Ying Lili's cheeks are a little red so far. As a role player, she naturally needs makeup treatment, but Ying Lili has always been a little concerned about the "strengthening" treatment of her breasts. It seems that the only shortcoming of cos is this.

After she found Li Yan, she said, "Oh, otaku Li, you came so late."

"Thanks, Ying Lili...Which German officer did you cos with?" Li Yan brought the students to the front and asked curiously.

"Eu Gen... If you don't know a character like you, it's too reckless to introduce us, right?" Ying Lili said sternly.

"Aren't you enjoying it too, it's just that certain parts need material enhancement."

Shiyu Xiazhiqiu said with a smile.

"Damn it, isn't you the one who wants to try the most? You have been provoking me..." Ying Lili gritted her teeth and whispered.

"Holmes, I was strengthened by the material just like Mr. Kashiwagi."

A certain part of the true white who was wearing the same military uniform as Ying Lili was indeed faked, and said to Li Yan blankly.


Li Yan really didn't know what to say.

At this moment, Li Yan's clothes were pulled.

"Teacher, teacher, Qin Ye is about to start appearing!"

In the crowd, Yui found Li Yan, held Li Yan excitedly, and said to him.

"Hurry over, it's about to start soon!"

Xiaoxing also grabbed Li Yan's other side and said emotionally.

"Sure enough it appeared."

"Are these two your baby students, aren't they cute?"

"Student of Holmes, what will you do?"

At this time, Ying Lili, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Yukoshita Yukino and Zhenbai, as well as Kusanagi Longhui who played another game in Cos, gathered together to get to know the students that Li Yan always mentioned recently.

Yui and Xiaoxing didn't seem to be too intimidated when they faced the uniquely dressed game characters, and chatted with their group of teachers and friends.

In Li Yan's eyes, he always felt that this group of people was too interested in his students...

"Then, time is running out, teacher, we have to go!"


Li Yan couldn't react, and was dragged to another exhibition area by two children.

This scene was seen by Ying Lili, Shiyu, Yukoshita Yukino and Shitong Guoguang, and they all showed cheerful smiles.

That incredible ghost, really looks like a teacher...

The game show went quite smoothly.

When a group of people heard that Li Yan was going to participate in this event with a group of students, they all participated in this event aimed at [teacher and student]. They seemed to notice that a group of strangers had been gathered to see Li Yan. When the occasion for Yan to be a teacher was not very suitable, it was a great effort to celebrate a certain teacher's superiority and the students who had contact with the old thief.This vaguely caught Li Yan's attention.

However, just as Li Yan was immersed in the joy of friends and students, he vaguely heard a unique roar.

[Boom boom boom...]

There was a rush of screams of the motorcycle, so Li Yan couldn't help turning his head, looking through the glass to the street.

It is not clear why, Li Yan seemed to witness a caring motorcyclist at that moment. The roar of the motorcycle seemed to suddenly break the tranquility here...

Chapter 385 The Reignited Teacher Spark

Near the night of May, quietly.

This is a street close to the woods of the park, and the white dim light shines on this empty and spacious road.


Holding a small umbrella and carrying a square schoolbag for elementary school students, Qin Ye stood alone in front of this quiet intersection for several hundred meters. He looked directly at it with a clearly scared expression and stopped.

What's going on here……

It didn't feel that way yesterday.

The sky was drizzling, and the little girl in thick clothes was holding a gray umbrella. The scenery before her eyes was like a vast and different world of dark fairy tales, with an indescribable sense of weirdness and poetry.

"Ah, the same special effects as Silent Hill, do you want to walk over..."

Qin Ye's thoughts were all chaotic, looking at this street, he thought to himself in amazement.

The school is preparing to hold a primary school theatrical performance in May. Qin Ye was selected as the flute player, so she has been practicing with everyone in the school’s music room. This time it was the third night to return.

However, it is obviously only 9 o'clock, so it looks like there is no one on the street...

Most importantly, calm down.

Qin Ye swallowed, and started to move towards this shortcut that he often took.

She has already figured out the countermeasures. As a primary school student, she has an alarm on her body. Once the alarm is set, the police who have been standing by in the park will be here within four minutes.

However, like the hesitation of choosing a supporting role in an RPG game, Kotoba always feels that Saito is too unreliable.

The selection box was selected by the two teammates. In the end, Saito's avatar was accompanied by the game special effect sound, and it was painted with a negative symbol under the regret sound effect of [Da Da].

Another guarantee is the mobile phone. She has already placed her finger on the dial button. Once any monster or ghost appears, she will immediately call the strong-looking teacher Li, who has promised to be able to make it before the danger .

"It's so decided."

Qin Ye trembling with his feet, quietly walked towards his home alone.

The streets were filled with white rain and fog, the woods rustled in the wind with a bleak sound, and in the faint light, the swaying treetops looked like a demon looking down on a child with a small umbrella, every step of the piano leaf , The heartbeat will speed up by one point.

Step by step, the little feet drew a light trace along with the water ripples on the road.

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