I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 826

"In short, we have a reason to go, don't leave us behind!" Yui said with a flustered expression, waving his hands, almost crying, staring at Li Yan with serious and anxious eyes.

Li Yan looked at her expression and didn't know why. He really couldn't resist this serious and persistent expression. He sighed and asked: "Before following, you have to tell your parents clearly in advance, you know?"


When Yui heard this, she suddenly smiled and responded.

When the two were about to leave together, suddenly, the whispers of a group of senior students in front of Li Yan caught his attention.

"Have you heard, the rumor of the Headless Horseman."

"It's terrible. I heard that a friend of a teacher in our school was recently attacked by a headless horseman."

"Uh, let's go home early, by the way, bring the scarf well."


This remark made Li Yan stunned. It was not the first time he had heard of the term [Headless Horseman].

What's going on, rumors spread in the school.

When Yui saw this, her expression became a little worried. She stretched out her hand and quietly tugged at Li Yan's clothes, and said, "Teacher, in fact, this rumor began to spread when you asked for leave. It is said to be a fifth-year student. Sakuragi Jasmine’s little girl began to pass it on. It’s really annoying. I’ve talked to her and told her not to do it.”

Li Yan was silent for a while, and said: "It's okay, the rumors will disappear soon."

In Li Yan's heart, he always felt vaguely related to the urban legend of the Headless Horseman. His dreams and his true white diary also mentioned [The Headless Horseman], and it seemed to be mentioned in the case files all the time. It happened after hearing [Motorcycle Sound].

His eyes became more confused and puzzled.

It has been spread in Ikebukuro and Shinjuku, and appeared in April and June looking for his head...Does the headless horseman, who has an extremely fierce power and temporarily replaces someone else's head in the dark night, really exists?

However, thinking did not last long, Li Yan was pulled by Yui's sleeves and went to the school gate.


"I'm exhausted..."

In front of the parking lot in front of the school, Xiaoxing and Qinye, who had been late from another school, came here breathlessly. It seemed that they were determined to go with him.

However, as the Supra slowly drove off the road, among the group of students returning home from school, there was a gaze hidden in the crowd, quietly watching the car leave...

A beautiful girl with blond hair lying quietly on the bed.

Before, they had seen this girl at the game exhibition. It should be admitted that this girl is quite beautiful, like a hero from a fairy tale world, exquisite and inviolable, sacred and inviolable.

"It seems to be badly hurt..."

The three little girls looked worried, and Yui couldn't help but whispered.

"Thank you very much for coming to see her, Senior Li's students." Rita leaned down, touched the heads of the three of them, and said with a smile.

"Yes, the teacher looks very haggard, I always think we have to do something with colors!"

The three Yui announced with serious expressions.

Rita's expression changed slightly, and then she glanced at Li Yan not far away, showing a bitter smile, and said: "You are so sensible, you are very timely, your teacher is indeed very haggard."

"What's the name of this sister?" Xiaoxing asked.

"Shiina is really white, just graduated from college, don't underestimate her, this sister San is also a hero who protects this world."

Rita stretched out her finger and explained, "It's a very clever, complete detective girl."


The eyes of the three little girls all shone, and they asked in surprise.

Rita looked at the sleeping girl with a sad expression, and then said, "Well, I am injured now. I and many people, including your teacher, are waiting for her to wake up."

"This is what we want to give to Sister Shiina."

The three girls each took out an item from their schoolbags, handed them to Rita with both hands, and said with an excited look.


After this item was handed over, Li Yan and Rita were both stunned.

Three transparent glass jars, and inside the jars are filled with three-color origami stars. The golden sunset shines through the windows in this room, making the stars in the glass jars look so bright and full of hope.

"It's just that the three of us took several days to fold it." Xiao Xing wiped his nose and said proudly.

"I hope the martial arts will be prosperous." Qin Ye explained with a smile in his eyes looking forward to victory.

"In this way, with the light of the stars, Sister Shiina will find her way soon and wake up."

Yui smiled brightly and said to Li Yan and the others.


Li Yan noticed that Yui, Xiaoxing and Qinye’s fingers all had scratch marks. For children’s immature skin, folding too many stars can easily damage the children’s fingers. It seems that they have spent a lot of money. Think about how to help teachers and teachers' friends.

Li Yan took the prayer bottles with more than one hundred stars representing colors in each jar, and couldn't help but looked at the three students in front of him.

There is nothing wrong in saying that he is a teacher, and he must act as a teacher to protect his students.

"Thank you, it's great to have you as my students."

Li Yan, who had been silent for a long time, said to them with a long-lost sincere smile in the evening breeze.

The three prayer bottles were quietly placed on the table close to True White, and the sleeping girl seemed to resonate with these three colors.Everyone believes that girls who are looking for beautiful colors will definitely be attracted back by such beautiful colors.

The sky gradually turned into night.

At 7:05, at night without moonlight and starlight, the streets were a bit chilly.

After Li Yan sent Xiaoxing and Qinye home, he finally sent Yui to the door of the street.

However, there are many stairs where Yui lives, and the vehicle can't go up. It is impossible to send Yui home directly to the door.

"It's all right here!"

Yui, who was sitting in the passenger seat, said with a smile.

Li Yan looked at her and said, "I'll take you back."

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