I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 827

"Haha, no need, teacher. It's only seven o'clock."

Yui shook her head and said.

However, after looking at Li Yan for a while, the cute girl with a bun face took out the scarf from her schoolbag and surrounded her teacher with Li Yan's surprised reaction.

The night was blue and the street lights were pale, and the little girl cared for the teacher so earnestly and carefully, it made Li Yan fascinated for a while.

"Teacher, you must be happy, no matter when, I and colors will protect the teacher."

Yui's face showed two blushes that only children can have, and she encouraged it.

"Goodbye, teacher, and supra sauce!"

Yui bowed to Li Yan, showed an innocent smile, and walked to her own house.

Li Yan felt that there was still a slight body temperature in the scarf, and there was a little peace in his heart.

"Let's go back."

Li Yan thought.

At night, Li Yan drove Supra to Shinjuku.

The sky was rolling dark clouds, without moonlight.

The flickering dim street lights kept shining by, however, in front of Li Yan's vision, on the reverse road, a jet black motorcycle passed by in an instant.

As if time had been delayed, Li Yan could see clearly. The black tights and golden helmet were exactly the same as the headless horseman who attacked Shiina in his dream.


Li Yan's eyes suddenly became bloodshot.


Suddenly, the normal Supra suddenly turned 180 degrees, and the spinning tires splashed white smoke on the road, and quickly chased the motorcycle.

"Asshole, where is that guy?"

It only took a few seconds, but Li Yan couldn't find the trail of the motorcyclist on the highway, and couldn't help thinking.

No matter what, he wanted to chase down the suspicious rider and figure out what happened.

Immediately afterwards, the editing system in Li Yan's consciousness began to hear prompt sounds.

[Beep beep!

Li Yan was taken aback, he realized that the motorcyclist was actually nearby, but was hidden.

However, the system tracking is very unsatisfactory, sometimes, and sometimes disappeared. While supra was chasing, Li Yan always felt that the destination he was chasing was a little wrong.

He has been approaching Yui's residential area.


Li Yan's face suddenly turned pale.

——...It is said that if you meet a headless horseman and wear a scarf, the other party will not attack you if they can't find your neck. Everyone is very popular, so you remember to bring it recently Scarves are better.

Many days ago, Yui smiled and told Li Yan the words he said during the rumored [Headless Horseman] that immediately echoed in his ears.

Now, the scarf he is wearing is not Yui's!?

Supra almost rushed to the vicinity of Yui's house at the cost of speeding, and Li Yan hurriedly got out of the car.

For some reason, he was about to leave when the Supra behind him suddenly flashed a few lights.


Li Yan was taken aback, he looked at supra.

This vehicle accompanies him several hardships and already has deep emotions, but supra has never flashed lights like this to remind him.

The level of the headless knight in front of him is definitely not comparable to the group of headless knights he solved on the mountain road before...

"You are here, don't come over."

Li Yan took a deep look at Supra and said.

With that said, Li Yan still rushed into the dark stairs to find Yui.

[Beep beep!

[Beep beep!

Li Yan's editing system kept ringing, proving that the Headless Horseman had indeed come nearby.

"where is it?"

However, neither Li Yan nor the editing system was able to locate that headless horseman.

Soon, Li Yan changed his mind. He positioned [Target] on Yui's side. Although he was not sure who the other party was looking at, he wanted to ensure Yui's safety.

Soon, the location was found.

Li Yan quickly ran to that position, feeling extremely anxious, not knowing whether he found it first or the headless horseman found it first.

After spending a few minutes, Li Yan came to a three-story tin house on a deflection angle in a residential area.

This kind of temporary house was basically used by the engineering team to rest, but it seemed to be in a state of being idle. He really didn't understand how his students got here.


In horror, Li Yan called to the dark tin house.

Above the tin room, a strange sound suddenly came.

He rushed up immediately, and quickly found Yui's trace on the very edge of the second floor.

With a loud noise, Li Yan pushed aside the room and looked inside.

There were a lot of cargo boxes inside. Li Yan took out his mobile phone to search for photos and asked: "Yuyi, are you here? I'm Teacher Li, are you okay!?"

Yui, who seemed to have heard a familiar voice, hid behind the box and sneaked out her head. After discovering that it was really Li Yan, she said with joy and excitement: "Teacher!"

Li Yan also saw Yui, and his hanging heart finally fell. He couldn't help but thank God, he was relieved, and said to Yui: "Great, Yui, you're all right..."

Yui was also a little frightened. She shrank her shoulders slightly and explained her pale face: "Yes, teacher. I felt that I was being followed by someone, and seemed to want to come up and catch me, so I fled here in a hurry. , After all, I am familiar with the environment around my home."

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