I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 835

A light sigh, as if hearing the mercy of the goddess.

Gabriel raised her head, looked at Li Yan calmly, and said: "This time it is very strange, you actually asked us to help."

"After all, this is about my student and Zhenbai's safety. So, Gabriel, are you willing to help me?" Li Yan asked.

Gabriel thought quietly, nodded, and said, "Yes, according to the Mutual Aid Agreement."

When Li Yan heard this, he was happy and said, "Thank you..."

However, Li Yan’s thanks have not yet been finished. Jia Baili, who gathered the two Guangyaya’s legs slightly again, suddenly looked into his eyes and asked: “But one thing in advance, you decide to What to do with that headless knight?"


Li Yan paused and said nothing.

"The Supra thing, the Shiina-san thing, seems to have driven you crazy, Li."

Gabriel looked at him and said.

Her eyes were dazzling, with concentration that she didn't have in the past, and she asked: "You are now like a demon who has lost your mind. Can you really maintain the reason you used to judge, Lee?"

In the dim room, in the gentle morning breeze, the ray of light through the window kept flickering on Li Yan's body. The figure so close to the prayer angel seemed deadly silent and dark.

Sitting cross-legged, there was dust shining through his body. The young man lowered his head slightly, his voice cooled, as if coming from an abyss, and said silently: "I know what I am doing."

He left. Before closing the door, Li Yan stood in the corridor and stopped for a while, but he didn't look at Gabriel again, and slowly closed the door, but Gabriel was in the golden sunset and saw that there was no worries. The figure that gradually disappeared in the door.


Gabriel remained silent, sighed softly, lowered her head slightly and became worried.

That is a "Sura" whose soul has been occupied by revenge...

7:15 at night.

-[Ding Dong.

A bell rang, Li Yan took out his mobile phone and read a text message.

——[Yukixia Yukino: I have already visited, Miss Shiina's situation is currently stable, and everyone needs to work together to awaken her.


Li Yan was silent for a moment and put away the phone.

He had just walked into the elevator at the moment, one after another, and looking down at himself constantly rising through the glass elevator in front of him, this would be the best place for him to fight with the headless horseman.

High-end residential area with closed space.

After several days of investigation, Li Yan’s statistics inferred that the most likely target of the Headless Horseman’s attack was that, apart from Shiina Mashiro and his student Yui Akamatsu, the headless Horseman had no target at first, but a famous name. As a fifth grade student of "Sakuragi Jasmine".

After hacking the Metropolitan Police Department documents, Sakuragi Jasmine was attacked on the street in mid-March. The sound of the motorcycle engine was also mentioned in the record. Then a sharp blade cut her neck in the dark...

But when this fifth-grade child was discovered, she escaped the pursuit of serial murderers with only minor injuries. It must be said that it was a miracle.

In addition, the Metropolitan Police Department's information also revealed a situation, that is, at about 7:30 in the Sakuragi House, residents on that floor will hear the sound of motorcycle engines in the corridor, that is, no The head knight lurks in this high-end apartment building every night.

Li Yan originally hoped to gather more information before preparing for revenge, but after hearing that the Headless Horseman had the habit of continuous hunting, he had to go here alone with the Headless Horseman with this information. Decisive victory.

"Now, Gabriel and the others should be in place, right? It should be no problem if the guard task is entrusted to them."

Flashes flickered on Li Yan's face, he was standing in the center with his backpack, thinking quietly.




The elevator is still climbing.

There are not many high-rise buildings in the Tokyo urban agglomeration. When the floors of this high-end apartment building climbed to the 20th floor, it was able to overlook a bird's-eye view of the surrounding landscape. Tokyo at night was shining with lights, especially the red Tokyo Tower and the world. The tree is clearly visible, echoing the high-rise office building not far away.

Finally, with a [dingdong], the floor arrived.

on the other hand.

"Well, are the four sisters friends of Teacher Li?"

Just after having dinner, three elementary school students, Yui, Kotoba, and Koyuki, were invited to a central area near Ueno, in a single apartment room rented by La Fei Er.

"Yes, you guys are colors, my name is La Fei Er, and that sister named Vignette, please take care of me."

La Feier smiled like an angel and said to the three little girls at the door.

"Hey, you did it on purpose, you must have deliberately ignored me!"

Satania, who was standing on the side, asked angrily.

"The elder sisters are very beautiful, what's the matter, why are Teacher Li's friends all beautiful? Are you the harem of the teacher?"

Xiaoxing looked at the three adult foreign student girls in the house, raised his head ignorantly, and asked.

When Yui on the side heard it, her face turned pale, and she hurriedly covered Xiaoxing's mouth and said, "Xiaoxing don't talk nonsense!"

"The current elementary school students are really amazing, and they say such terrible concept words as soon as they speak. They are really a student of Senior Li." Weinet was startled by the three children in front of her.

She thought about it seriously, then leaned down, with a gentle smile, and explained: "We are not the senior's harem, but the senior's queen..."

"Then start eating snacks. After eating, start playing games."

When Venete was explaining to the pupils, La Feier interrupted Venete's important explanation and suggested.

"Wait a minute, La Fei'er, I haven't explained it clearly yet. Isn't this just sitting down!?"

Vignette suddenly turned blue and thought excitedly.

When Winnett had a headache, the children came in.

"Ms. Li said he has something very important for us to gather here tonight. What is it?" Yui asked nervously.

"Well, I won't know until he comes over anyway."

La Fei Er thought for a while and said with a smile.

Satania looked curiously at three elementary school students with different personalities, and said curiously: "You are the students of the senior generation, it seems that it is nothing more than that..."

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