I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 836

La Fei'er immediately raised her voice, clapped her hands, and said to them: "You do it well, sister, let's prepare a snack."


The three little girls said in unison.

Raphael pulled Satania by the collar and walked into the kitchen.

"What are you doing, La Fei Er, I don't want to work in the kitchen!"

Satania pulled back like a pet dog struggling with its owner.

La Fei Er showed a somewhat unexpected expression and said, "Sorry, I made Sata Meow you misunderstood. I didn't mean to let you into the kitchen."

"That's right, how can a noble demon like me prepare snacks for humans other than the seniors, La Fei Er, you know me well..."

Satania smiled with satisfaction, puffed up her chest and praised La Feil.

But before the words fell, Satanya was thrown into her bedroom by Rafer and locked it with an iron lock.

"Wait, wait a minute, La Fei Er, what did you guy lock me up for!?"

Satania was stunned, turned over and knocked hard on the door and asked.

Soon, Satanya discovered that no matter how she knocked on the door, there seemed to be no response from outside. It seemed that the room had been soundproofed by Rafael, and the unilateral sound source was blocked.

"Everyone, try the fruit cake I made."

La Fei Er seems to bring out a delicious cake.

"It looks delicious!"

The lively child named Xiaoxing said excitedly.

"Wait a minute, I want to eat too, idiot Lafeier!"

When Satania heard it, she knocked on the door more vigorously to protest.

"By the way, where's Sata Meow?"

At this moment, Winnet realized that Satania was missing, and asked curiously.

Satanya, who was initially a little depressed, suddenly shook, and tears filled her eyes. Sure enough, among these people, only Winnett was the most reliable.

"Sata has gone out, it will take a long time to come back." La Fei Er said to them without blushing.

"Are you a demon!?"

Satania was stunned and couldn't help but spit out.

In desperation, Satania turned her head and looked at La Fei Er's room.

It should be said that it was the first time Satania entered La Fei Er’s bedroom. She couldn’t help but started to walk around with some curiosity. Soon, when she opened the drawer, she saw the book in the drawer. Thick photo album.

Satania didn't know that this bunch of photos used to be La Fei'er preparing for Li Yan's entrance to the Demon World. The former Li Yan found the entrance to the Demon World in a photo and brought back the four of them smoothly.

"Good weight!"

Satania brought the album up and opened it to look at it.

As a result, the photos on the first page were all celestial backgrounds, and most of them were the solo photos of Miss Lafeier.

"La Fei Er has so many photo albums, when did she take them?" Satania looked at it carefully, thinking in confusion.

When I opened it all the time, the photos changed from La Fei'er's solo photos to photos of her with Gabriel and her classmates, and soon turned into a group photo of their group of four...

These photos are quite normal.

However, looking at the back, it seems a bit weird.

The photos in the back are basically photos of Satania. From the dressing room, bathroom, to the classroom, and to sleep at home, from the point of view of the shooting, they are almost all taken secretly.

"Wh, what's going on, I always feel disgusting, instinctively tells me this shuddering horror..."

Satania shivered and thought.

However, when she flipped it down, she found that there were new characters in the shoot.

The background of the photo, from the Gabriel room, to the doorway downstairs of the apartment, and on the street...

"What's the matter, what does La Fei Er do when taking pictures of Senior?"

Satania was a little curious, looked down at this series of photos, and muttered to herself.


A weird door opening came quietly from behind Satania.

Suddenly, behind Satania, a strange breath filled her, and her whole body couldn't move.

As if being watched by a hunter, that kind of fear controls her body from the heart.

In the darkness behind Satania, a pair of hands stretched in from her neck and touched the pale face of Satania.

[You~see~See you~~?

Every word is full of resentment, and Lafeier, who is behind Satania's back, with an inexplicable smile, asks quietly in Satania's ear.

After a few minutes.

"There is cake!"

Satania suddenly returned to the living room, smiled delightedly, and said to them.

"Oh, Sata Meow, welcome back, by the way, where have you been before?"

Weinet asked.

Satania looked at Vinette numbly as if she had been demonized, and said: "I don't remember, I don't know why." (The memory system will automatically block terrible things to protect herself)

"By the way, you are senior's students, it's great, you, can stay by the senior's side and study so easily, but don't be proud of you, we... In fact, it is me, Satania, who is the most proud of seniors. The younger generation, you are still far away!"

Satania was at the dining table and began to show a triumphant evil expression, speaking to their three children.


Yui's face turned worse, and Qinye was a little unconvinced.

"Well, what is the relationship between Sister Satania and Teacher Li? I always think you are very close to him."

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