I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 837

Yui looked a little concerned, staring at Satania and asked.

Winnett and La Feil were both taken aback.

"This sister, it seems that you are very confident of first-come advantage, but the childhood sweethearts in this world always lose to the sky, it is very cruel."

Qin Ye said to Satania indifferently.

"what did you say!?"

Satania suddenly showed hostility, staring at them and said.

Vignette suddenly had a headache, and always felt that the atmosphere was not right.

"None of you quarrel, quarrel can't solve anything."

At this time, La Fei Er, who had been silent, finally spoke.

Satania, Yui Kotoba and others were taken aback, and then fell silent.

"As expected of La Fei Er, as soon as she speaks, it makes them quiet." Weinet looked at the angel La Fei'er beside him admiringly, thinking.

"If you want them to return to friendship again..."

"You have to fight head-on. Actually there is only one Senior Li or Teacher Li. Satania really cares about the chance of her best junior being taken away. You are also worried that we will take away the [childhood sweetheart faction]. Protect your teacher, then, you must use a duel to tell the winner, the colors..."

La Fei'er smiled like a dangerous person and suggested to both of them.

"What are you doing, La Fei Er!"

Weinet couldn't keep up at all, thought.

"I agree."

"I agree!"

Satania and Qin Ye fought against each other, and they agreed.

"Okay, then I'll write down the rules. Let's go out to the park and play exciting games~~~~ People who lose the game will be punished."

Rafael became excited and hurriedly began to write the rules of the game.

"Hold on, didn't the senior tell us that you should never let them stay outside, hello!!"

Vignette's heart was cold this time, looking at the group of people who had lost control, thought.

To Li Yan's expectation, Satania's group were completely unreliable...

7:28 minutes.

The sky was filled with black clouds, covering the bright moon in the sky.

Tick, tick, time keeps moving towards 7:30 at night.

Finally, with a crisp sound, at 7:30, the predicted time has come.

At first there was no movement on the 23rd floor, but an elevator kept rising towards the 23rd floor.When the elevator approached the 23rd floor, the lights in the corridor flickered constantly, making the corridor very strange.

——Ding Dong!

The automatic door of the elevator that reached the 23rd floor opened.

A headless horseman riding a black motorcycle and wearing that golden helmet came out of the elevator silently.

It seemed that out of her vigilance, the lights in the corridor kept flickering and flickering.

A long time ago, she felt an indescribable sense of danger at this level, but when she came out, she saw nothing.

However, when she was looking around, the lights in the far corridor went out, but after flashing a few times, suddenly, a strange young figure suddenly appeared in the recovery light, like a wraith spirit wandering.


The Headless Horseman realized that something was wrong, and when the elevator was about to close, he immediately turned around and returned to the elevator.

However, just as the headless knight pressed the close button and the elevator doors kept closing, the hands that gushed out of the darkness grabbed the gap and broke it open, as if a demon was about to rush into this elevator. general.

The elevator lights suddenly went completely dimmed.

The elevator started to move and began to rise.

"We meet again, Headless Horseman..."

The figure of the young man who came in was obviously a human body, like a twisted monster. When he raised his head to look at the headless horseman, those squalid eyes were clearly visible in the night, and the faint urban luster confronted the headless horseman.

The voice of the greeting was so calm, but it was full of gloomy killing intent.

Suddenly, the inside of the elevator was completely dark...



In an instant, the metal outer layer of the elevator began to be supported by a strong force, and the violent sound reverberated continuously, and the small space inside seemed to have been fighting fiercely.

I don't know how long the fight has been. The top floor of the elevator was suddenly opened, and the black aura took the headless horseman to escape from above. She seemed to have suffered extremely severe trauma, and her damaged body continued to compound with white smoke.

The headless horseman immediately waved his sickle and directly cut off the four steel cables of the elevator.

In an instant, the elevator suddenly began to fall to a height of thirty stories.

Three seconds, five seconds, ten seconds...

In the darkness of the headless knight looking down at the abyss, she didn't know if she could kill this terrifying human...No, it was difficult to judge whether it was a human.

However, in the abyss, an indescribable chill kept hitting, making the headless horseman feel that things were not that simple.

Something is climbing in the dark elevator shaft.

A faint spark of fire, faintly flying in the abyss.

Continuously nailing the gun rope into the wall of the elevator shaft, and slowly climbing towards the headless rider above the elevator shaft.

In the darkness, before the eyes of the headless knight, his forehead seemed to be injured, and blood was flowing on his cheeks, but he stared at the headless knight like a painless robot, so hideous and terrifying, as if he had crawled out of hell. The monster kept returning to her field of vision with the help of the rope, and chased it.

What kind of monster is this...

Chapter 392 Why is Loli in the Park Undressing?

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