I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 842

Li Yan listened silently to the little girl's words.

"This is what Miss Serti and I mean, to cause the necessary panic, to make adults and children as vigilant as possible. That bad guy has the ability to fight Miss Serti... For some time now, Serti Miss Ti has been preventing the murderer from committing an attack. Teacher, at the warehouse that time, Miss Serti suddenly attacked you because there was that murderer in the warehouse. When you appeared there, it was very Coincidentally treats you as an accomplice..."

Sakuragi Jasmine suddenly raised her head, grabbing Li Yan's clothes with some begging, and said, "Teacher, you don't want to attack Miss Serti!"

Li Yan was silent for a moment, his somewhat dazzling hair swayed gently in the night breeze. As a result, his eyes were still a bit angry, and he said, "No, anyway, I must punch these punches. "


Sakuragi Jasmine was shocked.

"Why, why?" the little girl asked puzzledly.

"I'm not a fool who was blindly led. I analyzed the true white injury. She had a stab wound on her neck. According to the previous case, if she was injured by a headless horseman, it would definitely not be as simple as a head hit. ."

Li Yan tore off the broken coat, revealing a thin black t-shirt. He looked at the headless knight and said: "The headless knight I have encountered has no thinking ability. I need to be wary of my own reasoning. I will not Trusting an urban legend unconditionally, I looked at it as a starting point to doubt her before. It seems that she really saved it. But..."

Having said this, Li Yan's eyes became more angry, and he said: "The headless horseman suddenly attacked me. This kind of attack without strict judgment finally destroyed my supra... This is an apology. Ten thousand times, it is impossible to make up for the experience of returning."

When the headless knight named Serti learned that this man was the teacher who protected them, he had already realized the seriousness of this consequence. Upon hearing Li Yan's words, his neck dropped.

Made a big mistake.

The starting point is to protect children, but tragedies are often born like this.

Li Yan stared at the headless knight intricately like two sharp blades, and said: "I was hit by a motorcycle and steel bars penetrated my shoulders. The response of these punches is not excessive... Helmet, I am also willing to pay for it... Your really white kindness made me unable to really kill you, but my partner supra was destroyed for unknown reasons... I would never swallow this breath."


Sakuragi Jasmine heard Li Yan's pain and lowered her head, not sure how to reconcile this dangerous contradiction.

After a period of calm.

The headless horseman took out the PDA and typed out a line of words. In that night wind, the scarred horseman gave the PDA to Li Yan to see.

——I can pay your partner to you, but it will take a long time.

After seeing this, Li Yan raised his head and looked at the headless horseman suspiciously.

The Headless Horseman quickly pressed the PDA again.

——My head was stolen by a Japanese. The purpose of my coming to Japan is to retrieve my head. I have no hostility towards people, but it is indeed my mistake that caused the current situation. I am sorry.

—— [I can now understand that you have lost a very important friend. I am the messenger of God in Ireland. I must take my head back and restore all my abilities so that you can restore your partner to the medium, but It seems that your car is very expensive. I also need to work hard to make money to rebuild the car in terms of money to pay you well.

After the Headless Horseman finished typing these words, she immediately bowed slightly, as if she had learned the bowing culture of Japan well.


Li Yan didn't expect this headless horseman to possess such abilities.

His students kept pulling his clothes gently, trying to calm him down.

In his mind, he recalled the black vehicle that wandered around him all the time when he was in trouble.


He thought for a while, and closed his eyes sadly, the burning spark on his body gradually extinguished.

Superior apartment building downstairs.

Many firefighting vehicles arrived, and many accident handlers gathered at the door to investigate this peculiar elevator accident.

"Sorry for causing you troubles!"

At the door, a row of property personnel bowed neatly to Li Yan who had slipped out of the crowd, apologizing.


Li Yan glanced at the battered elevator silently, then said politely with a guilty conscience: "It's okay, it's okay, you guys... have worked hard."

After calming down, he began to consider the follow-up problems brought about by this battle. In short, it is better to run with oil on the soles of his feet.

He walked out of the building, and finally, a person came to the empty and beautiful street. The night was like a dream, and the street was quiet and plain, as if everything had returned to peace.


He was relieved.

A period of work is over.

This battle with the Headless Horseman is a must...

Supra was completely ruined in front of him, this point, he could not let go anyway.

After defeating the headless knight named Certi this time, Supra seemed to be able to repair it with a result he hadn't expected before.

This time, he raided the headless knight, naturally, not only to get justice to supra, his more important purpose was to deeply investigate the incident that Zhenbai could not continue.

This incident involving him also involved the urban legend [Headless Horseman], and essentially completely prevented Shiina’s progress in investigating the incident.

He recently noticed that Zhenbai had actually fallen into a situation where it was difficult to solve the case before being attacked.

The other party is truly [impossible to commit a crime] and has a performance of [perfect crime].

In human cases, it is not allowed to involve spiritual elements, otherwise no matter how strong the evidence is, it will be considered unconvincing. This is the foundation of any country's legal principles.

When Li Yan found the headless knight this time, he completely sorted out the inside story of the headless knight, and then let the headless knight completely withdraw from this kind of incident, let the essence return to the contradiction between humans, and let the progress go back again Basically.

The problem is that the progress of his current exploration seems to have encountered a threshold.

There is no definite evidence of conviction...

Extrajudicial governance can indeed quickly resolve the suspects he suspects, but he really doesn't know whether the other party really committed the crime alone or in a group...so that he didn't dare to do it.

At this moment, there was a loud engine noise from the streets at night.


While Li Yan was thinking, Serti rode that broken motorcycle and parked beside him.

This headless knight girl, who was wearing a black tights and didn't know where to get another helmet, showed him the pad.

——When your partner is away, I will try my best to make up for your inconvenience.

Li Yan was stunned for a moment. His expression was a bit complicated. Even though the other party had promised to help him restore the supra, the broken motorcycle in front of him was really hard for him to accept.

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