I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 843

"No, I can go back by tram."

Li Yan's expression kept a sense of distance from Celti and replied.

He continued to walk a few steps, the Serti behind was silent for a while, put away the PDA, again slowly increased the accelerator, and followed.

At this moment, the conversation between the police in the distance behind him faintly came.

"Police officer, I collected broken fingerprints from the damaged part of the elevator. The fingerprints left after the damage are probably terrorists."

"Very well, immediately seal the surrounding area, and don't let any suspicious personnel let him out!"


When Li Yan was stunned, there was no reason for him to persist. In a panic, he finally defeated his sensibility. He got on the back seat of his kicked motorcycle. The two immediately accelerated. It quickly disappeared to the end of the night with a roar...

In the highways and streets of Tokyo, the black motorcycle quickly moved towards Shinjuku.


Li Yan grabbed the slender waist of the opponent who was still fighting with him before, unable to speak a word.

He does not know whether he should do this more properly, but the current feeling is that his hands have to put his arms around the waist of this atonement in order not to be thrown off the car. The burning sensation and softness from his arms, I always feel that my subconscious mind is telling him that this is a woman with an excellent figure.

As long as it is a brake, his body will not naturally press over, and this kind of contact makes him even more mixed.

"Oh, bad..."

Li Yan's eyes widened, feeling this special experience, and couldn't help thinking.

I always feel that this situation is very slick.

"Wait a minute, you drive slower..."

Li Yan involuntarily pressed behind Certi with an embarrassed face. After feeling safe enough, he began to remind Certi.

After Celti heard it, she began to slow down.

Soon, the two arrived at a crossroad in Shinjuku, just turned the red light, and the motorcycle stopped on the zebra crossing.

"Finally stopped... almost... almost completely overwhelmed..."

Li Yan's head was very hot, and he secretly rejoiced with some unwillingness.

Sure enough, he knew that motorcycles were not as comfortable as cars. He was very lucky to be able to drive a supra at the beginning. Otherwise, according to his economic dilemma at the time, he might really consider buying a motorcycle for transportation.

When the two were waiting for the traffic lights, Li Yan asked again: "Well, Miss Serti, I have one more thing, I need you to provide information."

Selty, who was sitting in front, was taken aback for a moment. She opened the zipper, revealing her proud career line, and took out her PDA.

——What information?

"I haven't investigated the murderer's motive. Do you know anything?"

Li Yan calmly continued to collect information and asked.

Celti was silent for a moment, she typed quickly, and once again handed the PDA to Li Yan.

——The other party has always been surrounded by a cloud of black mist, unable to see his face, but it is no longer a human being.


Li Yan was silent, analyzing this concept.

The tragic circumstances of that series of cases are almost like mental pollution. He still has some admiration for Zhenbai's willingness to return to the scene of the accident to investigate the truth...

However, when Li Yan was talking with Serti, a car that was parked behind suddenly started up and slightly touched the rear wheel of the black motorcycle.


Li Yan and Celti felt it, and they looked back one after another.

This is a Lexus car. I don’t know why, Li Yan always feels a bit familiar, but this action made him a little dissatisfied with the other party’s behavior. He turned around and looked at the driver and said, "Sir, driving like this is dangerous, please... "

As if it was a coincidence.

The bustling lights of Tokyo city, the long fleet of black highways, the dim traffic lights at the crossroads.

On the back seat of the Lexus car, a special figure came down, and Li Yan who was still talking could see him. He was almost completely suppressed and could no longer speak.

After getting off the luxury car, a beauty who seemed to have just attended the banquet, wearing that beautiful red kimono, with long black hair like ink, stood in front of Li Yan.

Li Yan was almost confused.

Her size, appearance, and even her age group are still the same as she was at that time.

At the crossroads, the woman who got off the luxury car was standing on the edge of this somewhat dim highway. The breeze was blowing her black hair, elegant as ink, and extremely charming.

The two of them who hadn't seen each other for several years, Li Yan had changed into a social outfit, but the other party didn't change anything, as if time had stopped, they met here again.

Red flowers are flying under the cherry tree.

"Really Sorry."

The stunning woman looked at Li Yan quietly. This was the only trace of an Eastern woman's faint and gentle gaze, and then disappeared without a trace.With a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, she asked, "My driver accidentally stepped on the accelerator. Are you okay, sir?"


Li Yan was dumb, always feeling an indifferent fear flowing from his heart.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that if this lady in the kimono did another visit next, she might really have to make the car crash past at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour...

Chapter 394

The rumbling of cars passing by.

A bench near the road on the lakeside in the park.


Li Yan was sitting aside at the moment, waiting for the woman next to him who was wearing an English-red elegant kimono and was still sending out postponement for the next banquet.

This woman, who had been holding her head down and pressing her mobile phone, showed her smooth and plump back neck slightly under her black hair bun. The quaint scenery and the quaint beauty made Li Yan feel an unspeakable surprise almost every time.

This woman who can always amaze everyone is called Sayuri Sawamura.

After encountering at the crossroads, he was invited to a nearby park by the other party, and it seemed that there was something to look for him.

It's just that Sawamura Sayuri's pretty face is slightly hidden by black bangs, and her eyes are a little more gloomy.

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