I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 847


As soon as the voice fell, he squeezed one hand on his knee, and one hard, like crushing a bun.


In the hospital, Shibata's heart-piercing howls of pain were heard.


In the guard room on the fifth floor, this faint scream was passed there.

Sleeping really white, lying quietly on the bed.

However, obviously no one was allowed to visit, a little girl walked into this intensive care unit.

"Shibata's case, sister, are you planning to collect evidence so dangerously?"

The girl asked.


"Ms. Li from my school seems to have realized your intentions. You woke up on the third day. In order to trap the other party, you have been pretending that you haven't awakened. Therefore, he still chooses to let you avoid cracking the perfect crime like this. I didn’t cooperate with your plan, so I solved it by myself.”

"I know you, I know Teacher Li Yan, I know everything about cultists..."

"The bloodstain of that knife can be used as evidence. I will give you the list of cultists."

The little girl with flowers showed a grimace at the corner of her mouth, and said, "The teacher is qualified. This is my reward for him."


True White, who has been sleeping, gradually opened his eyes in the dark.

All her plans have been met.

On the third day, she woke up.But in order to trap this perfect murderer, she knew that the other party would come to her, so she kept pretending that she was not awake and deceived the people who cared about her the most, only then was she able to deceive the Shibata who would definitely come to detect her and get it. The only evidence that can accuse Shibata: murder weapon.

Therefore, when Yukino was shining her eyes with a flashlight, it revealed the Japanese police and her plan. She hinted at the other party, but it didn't seem to be exposed.

"who are you?"

She looked sideways, but found that there was nothing beside the bed.

Yes, only the bouquet of flowers, and a list of cultists who sacrificed blood for immortality...

Chapter 395: This School Girl Doesn't Know What Is Thinking

Two days later.

Early in the morning, 7:15.

The serial murder case in Tokyo finally settled.

This important news naturally appeared on all channels except TV TOKYO. According to the police, this time the case was solved thanks to the intelligence provided by the key clerks.

The main culprit in this case mentioned in the report that he accidentally fell from the fifth floor because he escaped, causing multiple comminuted fractures in his body joints, spondylolysis, and mental breakdown. He seemed to be paralyzed for life.

According to the gossip, it seems that the person who provided the key clues is a fairly young girl detective.

This is something for now, after this disturbing incident has come to an end, life seems to be slightly restored to its former calm.

When the sky was still bright, cyan light and shadow swayed back and forth on the curtains beside the warm bed.


An evil and familiar meow disturbed Li Yan's clear dream.

Li Yan opened his eyes with disgust, and saw the funny, weird and evil cat face that was close at hand.

"You are awake."

Teacher Cat, who was lying on Li Yan's quilt, looked down at him gloomily and greeted him.

Soon, there was a loud noise in the house, and the door of 505 opened immediately. Teacher Kitty was thrown out, and his ass was hurt by falling heavily.

"Hey, wait a minute, do you treat an acquaintance who has come to see you from afar, idiot, bastard!" Mr. Kitty suddenly exploded, and quickly rushed over to scratch the door, sternly.

"Teacher Cat, I told you a long time ago, don't bother seniors."

Not far from the corridor, Natsume Takashi who saw this scene covered his forehead and said with a headache.


As a result, as soon as he heard Takashi Natsume's voice, the door of 505 opened again quickly, and Li Yan hurriedly poked his head out and looked over.

In the misty morning light, Takashi Natsume, whose appearance had not changed much, stood there beside Natsume, whose hairstyle seemed to be changed in multi-track. After seeing Li Yan, he showed a faint smile.

"Long time no see, senior."

"Excuse me, Senior Li."

The two hadn't seen Natsume and Duoguo for more than a year and said hello to Li Yan.


Li Yan's eyes opened wide.

Standing at the door, Li Yan's mood suddenly improved, forgetting that he was still wearing shorts and shorts, and asked a little unexpectedly: "You...It's really been a long time since I saw you. Why are you here in Tokyo?"

"I came here with Multitrack. Multitrack has to go on a business trip because of the company's work. I happen to be fine. It's dangerous for a girl to come to Tokyo. Others are..."

When Takashi Natsume explained, Mrs. Cat jumped on his shoulders, poked his head out, and interjected: "You are a low-hearted guy who suddenly came back here. It seems that he didn't bring us any gifts. It."

"Teacher Cat seems to want to see you..."

Natsume Takashi reluctantly looked at the fat cat on his shoulder, and added.

Multitrack seems to be snickering.

"The room is a little messy, you will just take a look."

Li Yan hurried into the house, collected the manuscripts and lesson preparation materials in the living room, and said to them.

After Takashi Natsume and Multitrack Tou followed Li Yan, they sat down.

Teacher Cat’s eyes glowed immediately. It immediately picked up a manuscript and read it, only to find that it was all elementary school Mandarin textbooks. It was frustrated and threw it to the ground with hatred, shouting: "Li, you are writing What kind of mess!?"

Li Yan was taken aback and said, "This is the material I want to teach students in class, what's wrong?"

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