I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 848

After listening to the multitracks, he looked at Li Yan with a smile, and said, "Senior, you really became a teacher. It's amazing. I always think it suits your profession."

"It's not suitable!"

Teacher Cat suddenly poured cold water, and he shrank into a ball on the soft cushion a little madly, picked up the biscuits that Li Yan gave, and said angrily: "You know that your only talent is writing novels, don’t you, like you except writing novels? People who are OK and have no merit can do anything besides writing novels, write novels obediently."

"..." Li Yan looked at this one who ate him, drank him, and was still scolding him for his meatball.

"Teacher Kitty, didn't I tell you not to tell seniors about this?" Natsume Takashi quickly covered Mr. Kitty's mouth and said displeasedly.

Teacher Cat was indifferent, jumped out of Natsume's arms, and after eating the remaining biscuits, suddenly pointed to his face, his stomach, and his tail, and shouted, "I can't help but mention this. You know that our monsters don’t have much fun for human beings, you see, here, here, and here, they are all thinner!"

After reading it carefully, Li Yan said flatly, "Isn't it getting fatter?"

"This is your illusion!"

Teacher Cat raised his head and retorted: "In short, the money you make from writing novels and the freedom are much more than you are a human teacher. It's very interesting."

Li Yan, who was sitting next to them, was suddenly taken aback when asked.

After a while, Li Yan asked curiously: "Why do you have to read the novel I wrote? I have no time and need to write new works for the time being. There are countless new works published every year. You should look for it carefully. ."

After Teacher Cat heard it, her expression went down and nestled on the soft cushion.

"When you are not in this country, the monsters and I have been checking out if there are any other novels that are eye-catching."

"However, the authors in this country are all in estrus. They keep writing novels about the male protagonist's plan to mate with multiple girls and to please the opposite sex for the purpose of mating and irresponsible after mating. Yes, humans really don’t know what they’re thinking about all day."

"So we can only understand Li your novels, that's how it looks~~~"

Teacher Cat lay on the soft cushion and spit out incomprehensibly.


The three people in the room were silent, and their cheeks were a little red from the multi-track listening.

Li Yan believes in teacher Mao Mi for this reason. Japanese light novels don't require most of them. Basically, there are 90% of them to have an important relationship with sex. This is nothing new.

Li Yan was silent. In fact, he had always been thinking about whether he had time and effort to write a new work if he had already worked.

I like writing novels completely.

Names that haven't been mentioned for a long time: Uesugiyan, Guicai, Master of Light Novel...

[Boom boom boom!

At this time, Li Yan's cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw the call from [Xuexiaxuno], which was quite strange. Generally, this second lady rarely called him.

"Hello, second lady."

Li Yan answered the phone curiously.

——[Senior, where are you now?

"In the apartment building, what's the matter?" Li Yan asked.

—— [I have something to ask you, can you drive to me, I was told this morning to go to a library company, so please again, I will send you my current address.

"Uh, wait, wait..."

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment. He was hosting two juniors, Takashi Natsume and Multitrack Tou. Of course, there was no time to pass, but the phone there was shut down before he finished speaking.

Natsume Takashi vaguely heard some conversations, smiled, and said, "You're done, senior, the other party seems to have something very important."

"Natsume and I will live in Tokyo for a few days, so we still have many opportunities to meet, senior."

Multitrack also said to Li Yan with a smile of understanding.

"Sorry, let's at least go out for a meal today, you guys wait for my call."

Li Yan looked at them and said apologetically.

However, when Li Yan felt that they were reasonable, he heard the sound that made his brow frown.

"Wait a minute, Li, you first answer when will your new work be written? Give me an answer!!"

The cat teacher at his feet suddenly lay on Li Yan's lap, reluctantly, and roared.

Bunkyo District, Tokyo.

At the entrance of a seemingly luxurious apartment building, a row of high-end Ferraris, Porsches and Lexus cars parked.

"This, this is!?"

Li Yan, who was riding a simple bicycle, looked up at the tall building together with the cat teacher in the basket.

"So high!!"

Teacher Cat looked at in surprise.

"Is this apartment building really suitable for students to live in!?"

Li Yan raised his malnourished face, Nan Nan asked.

In any case, the second lady of the rich family is the second lady. The place where she lives is really unusual. Compared with his old apartment without an elevator, it's totally different.

At this moment, it is already nine o'clock in the morning.

[Boom boom boom!

At this time, Li Yan's cell phone rang again, he looked at it, and then answered the call.

——Senior, have you arrived yet?

Xuexiaxue asked calmly.

"Yes, I'm downstairs."

Li Yan said.

However, his car at the moment is not a supra, but a menu car borrowed from Aoyama Qikai. Of course, he also wants to explain that the supra is broken, but he also thinks that Xuexiaxue will have important things to call it. He, so he came here anyway.

——Thank you, senior, then I will come down now.

Xue Nai's voice still carries that kind of indifference, calm, and heavy emotion, no matter how she listens to it, she can't hear her mood or mind.

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