I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 849

The call is over.

"Well, I still didn't tell her that I came here on this kind of bicycle. Doesn't it matter?"

Li Yan put down the phone, and suddenly remembered, feeling a little uneasy.

About 2 minutes passed.

The smooth and clear glass automatic door slowly opened.

Under the golden and soft sunlight, a woman wearing a shirt like snow, a dark skirt, and her dark and soft hair draped over the white coat, her appearance is always lacking a kind of human emotion. The wayward emotions unique to a beautiful girl, like ice and snow, are so clear and beautiful that they are thousands of miles away, and they are dazzling and stunning.

She scanned the street with her bright, black-and-white eyes, and soon saw Li Yan on the right, her expression changed slightly.

Teacher Cat quietly looked at the girl who had seen her several times, and was stunned.

It could see that the girl just cast a glance, as if there was only one figure in the whole world.

"So it's that beauty."

Teacher Cat said meaningfully.

Li Yan introduced: "She is called Xuexia Xuena, I remember you met her several times."

"Really, the name fits this human girl. I have seen many human and monster beauties, princesses, folk beauties, or tens of thousands of mountain gods in history, but I haven't been able to shine with this girl. of."

Teacher Cat licked his palm and said.


Li Yan didn't quite understand what Teacher Cat said suddenly.

He was unable to ponder the meaning of Teacher Cat for a long time. When he was about to stretch out his hand to greet Yukino Yukino, suddenly, a snow-white sports car suddenly drove into the road between him and Yukino Yukino. It is a Lexus LFA. Li Yan, who has studied Toyota vehicles, was immediately dumbfounded. It is worth 80 million. How come there are only 200 LFAs in the world!?


Yukina Yukino stopped slightly, and looked over with a slightly surprised expression.

What came down in front of her was a decently dressed, handsome and sunny 22-year-old young man.

"Student Xuexia, it's really a coincidence. Are you planning to go out now?" The young man asked with a gentle smile, looking at her politely.

Yukina Yukino stood quietly on the spot, with a pretty face turned to look at this young man who had arrived suddenly, his expression seemed awkward, he wanted to leave but it was hard to leave, and said, "Yes. Aren’t you going to accompany your father to the banquet on holidays every week? Will you rest today?"

"Yes, occasionally, I also need my own time, so I ask for leave from my father."

Fujiwara said with a smile.


Xuexiaxue Nai Liansen was as cold as snow, without any expression, just nodding faintly.

Li Yan could see that Xuexia Xuenai seemed to have a reason not to leave at will, and had been listening to the diligence of the seemingly powerful young man.After a while, suddenly, she and Li Yan were separated from each other by 40 or 50 meters. Yukino under Xuexia didn't seem to pay attention to Fujiwara's words. Her beautiful face quietly looked at him again, and her clear eyes fell slightly again. On his side not far away.

It seems, with a strong apology.

Li Yan stood under the tree, silently watching Xue Nai's figure under Xuexia.I don't know why, his body moved suddenly, pushing the bicycle arbitrarily, and walking towards the two people at the door.


Yukino Yukino's expression was startled, as he witnessed him walking step by step towards this side. I don't know why, this scene always felt an unexpected and ignorant mood.

"Xuno, is this your friend?" Li Yan looked at the young man named Fujiwara and asked.

Yukino Yukoshita hesitated for a while, and immediately recovered, then nodded and introduced: "Let me introduce, this one is my classmate, student Fujiwara Ryoma, Fujiwara-kun, a student of Master of Economics at Dongda University. One is my senior, senior international student Li Yan. After graduating from East University in physics, he just graduated with a master's degree in Oxford, England. We are going out together today, so he came to pick me up."

This young man named Fujiwara Ryoma looked at Li Yan with how ugly and ugly his expression was. He looked at Li Yan, and Li Yan read a contemptuous look in that eye, especially his one. The senior who graduated from Dongda University actually rode the menu cart carrying an unknown animal, and then looked at Yukino Yukoshita again. He soon calmed down and smiled again. Said: "Meeting for the first time, Senior Li, please advise."

"That's it, Fujiwara-kun, I can't let the seniors wait too long, next time we will have a good chat, then..."

Xuexiaxuenai immediately said goodbye.

"Wait a minute, classmate Xuexia."

Fujiwara Ryoma politely said to them: "I can't help but drive you to your destination. If you are a vehicle, I will soon be able to drive a commercial vehicle that can carry you, seniors, and this bicycle. Will be greatly shortened."

Speaking of this, Xuexia Xuena looked at Li Yan next to him curiously. She remembered that although Senior Li Yan was very poor, he had a modified car. Why did she suddenly push a bicycle over today? It's curiosity.

But Li Yan became more embarrassed as he listened, thinking about it when Supra was away.

"No, I asked the senior to come here like this. I am a student and I need to look like a student. Thank you, Fujiwara-kun, then see you at school."

Yukino Yukoshita bluntly refused the help provided by Fujiwara Ryoma, and Fujiwara Ryoma couldn't help showing a lost expression.

However, Yukoshita Yukino understands that Japanese bicycles cannot carry people, and she has never been on other people's bicycles. She stood on the rear iron frame and studied it, and sat down accurately with her feet on one side. Footboard.


Fujiwara Ryoma still seemed unwilling to give up. He wanted to say something to Yukoshita Yukino. Yukino twisted his finger behind Li Yan's back. He suddenly felt a pain and quickly understood the other party's thoughts. He immediately got on his bike and left. To the door of the apartment building.

In the streets of Tokyo, on the periphery of the calm main road, an ordinary lady's car was driving on the road. Under the shade of the street, under the snow, Xuenai under the snow grabbed Li Yan's waist with both hands, a little nervous, but felt this A mode of travel does not seem to be bad.

"Is that the second lady's suitor?"

Li Yan looked at the front of the road and asked curiously.

Xuexia Xuena was taken aback, feeling a little surprised that Li Yan cared about this.

"Well, he is the only son of a retail group. Since I accidentally met last year, he has always talked to me." Xue Nao explained in a flat tone.

"My father's business is largely related to the Fujiwara Group, so..."

Xuexiaxuena thought for a while, and did not know why, but explained to Li Yan.

Li Yan listened to Xuexiaxuno's words, and he also heard something wrong, but he always felt that the young man's eyes looked at him a kind of contempt. Naturally, he didn't have a good impression of this person. He smiled and said, "I always feel that the classmate with the surname Fujiwara... seems to be very popular."

Yukino Yukino heard this, nodded, and said, "Yes, after all, the family is a Chinese, and the only son of the consortium. He looks very good and talented. Many girls privately say that he is like a female painter. Longing for the male protagonist. But I have no friends in college, and I don’t know which comic they are talking about. Is that kind of manga that I like to show unique performance is so handsome... Sorry, I have worked hard for a long time, but I still don’t understand the house How is the charm of culture counted."

This kind of relatively tactful remark, translated, is what Xuenao does not understand the selling point of artificial men.

Young handsome domineering president...

Li Yan also couldn't understand what a female house thinks, handsome and rich, such an inferior and arrogant character is so popular with girls, it is simply.

On the contrary, female cartoonists like to draw this category.

Li Yan was haggard, other people were good-looking, talented, and wealthy at home. He was a natural winner in life. However, he could see that Xue Nai didn't seem to be close to him, so jealousy sprouted, and he narrowed his eyes and said, " That is to look better, have a little money, and have a better grades... Second Miss, you have such good conditions, find a better one, at least find one who doesn't like to watch others so much."

After Xuenai sitting in the back seat heard this, she grabbed Li Yan's hands at the waist and moved slightly.

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