I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 858

Aoki Haruka nodded and said politely.

"So, did you and Miss Sawamura come to Sensoji Temple to pray for blessing?" Li Yan asked suspiciously.

"It's just that at this time, we are all here in Tokyo, and ah, if the object of prayer is in Tokyo, it is best to pray in the most spiritual temple in the area."

Sayuri Sawamura said with a smile.

"Local people?" Li Yan thought in confusion.

When Ying Lili heard it, her face became weird.

"Ahem, that, Miss Kimura, they are still lining up for us, sorry, otaku Lee, we are going to rush over now."

Ying Lili kept that elegant young lady's attitude and said goodbye to Li Yan.


Sayuri glanced at Yinglili somewhat incomprehensibly.

"Then see you next time."

Li Yan looked at them, nodded in greeting, and said.

After saying goodbye to Li Yan, Ying Lili hurriedly took Sawamura Sayuri's hand and walked towards the long line.

Naturally, Ying Lili would not be confused to forget Li Yan’s unique physique. This was only one of the reasons. She also didn’t want Li Yan to know about two other purposes. One is that Sayuri took her to pray for Ying Lili [Carp Leaping Dragon Gate]. The simple meaning is shameful enough.There is another purpose, if it is said in the temple, it will not work.

Li Yan began to rejoin with Tsurumi Liumei and the others in a clearing. After weighing the locations of many shrines to visit, he finally made an appointment to pray together in the inner shrine.

While queuing, Li Yan was the last in line.

At the time of the worship, three of them came forward to pray together. According to the number of people in the front line, Li Yan happened to be one more, so he could only pray for himself.

"Well, the prayer is over!"

Yui and others broke away from the crowd, breathed a sigh of relief, and announced excitedly.


Qin Ye and Xiao Xing cheered happily.

"You are really energetic enough," Noonoka said enviously.

Tsurumi Rumi felt that in front of her, Nonoka was also in the sequence of elementary school grades, and glanced at her with some helplessness.

"By the way, Xiaoyao, ask you something?"

At this moment, Yui looked at Haruka Aoki who didn't speak much, and asked carefully.

Aoki Haruka was taken aback, and asked: "What's the matter?"

"Xiaoyao, the girls in the class have always said you...Your parents abandoned you, is it true?" Yui asked sadly.

Tsurumi Rumi and Nonoka were startled and looked at the two children.

Aoki was silent for a while and nodded.

Qin Ye and Xiao Xing showed sympathy and sad expressions. The sympathy between children is the simplest and the most understandable.

"Sorry, did I ask a lot more?"

Yui clenched her fists and said apologetically, "But, Xiaoyao is my friend, so I must know about you, Xiaoyao."

"No need to apologize."

Qing Mu Yao's face was plain, but there was an indescribable indifference, not like a child's response, and said: "My mother is a cultist. She abandoned me a long time ago and ran away from home."


Tsurumi Liumi always felt that it would be better to interrupt this topic.

"What about your father, where did your father go?"

However, the child's mind is not so complicated, Xiaoxing directly asked sensitive questions.

"Hey, Xiaoxing!" Naonoka quietly stopped Xiaoxing's question.

Aoki Haruka didn't mind, she said, "Dad was killed after he abandoned me."

This sentence shocked everyone around him.

"Being or being killed? This is a murder, an incident." Qin Ye looked at Xiaoyao in amazement, blinked and asked, "Do you know who killed your father?"

When Aoki Haruka was asked this, her eyes looked unnaturally at the cash box and the crowd at the prayer position.

The meaning is unclear, there is no hatred, no emotions, it seems just a glance.


Li Yan slapped his palm three times and prayed silently.

"I hope that this year will be smooth, healthy and successful, especially...I can do my job as a teacher and protect my students, please, Lord God."

Li Yan closed his eyes and prayed silently.

The night wind blew Li Yan's bangs, and those eyes closed carefully, as if with his own determination, praying to the gods.

He didn't know that at this moment, in other shrines, Eiri Sawamura and Sayuri were praying, Gabriel and Satania were praying, and on the roof of the shrine in the deep forest, there were two dolls like dolls. The girl also prayed to the shrine. At the shrine in Hitoyoshi City, Natsume, with the cat teacher standing on his shoulders, prayed, and in the middle of the mountain road in the middle of the night, Kusanaru Ryuki, who was still working hard on racing, prayed to Jizo Bodhisattva...

Everyone also prayed the same wish as Li Yan.

To some extent, this is the [Men's Day] that Li Yan never spent on this day.

Li Yan opened his eyes and quietly felt the reassuring night breeze. Starting from tomorrow, his life will definitely go smoothly.


A week later.

The third grade office of Litangmen Primary School.

A letter "Eastern District Tangmen Public Primary School on Teachers' Moral Supervision" fell into Li Yan's hands.

All the teachers looked at the only foreign teacher in this school with different expressions.


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