I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 859

Li Yan couldn't say a word after seeing this suspension investigation warning.

To a certain extent, Li Yan's dream seemed to run counter to...

Chapter 399: The Little Devil's Prank

School playground.

"Come on!"

"Don't lose!"

On the sports field, third-grade students are still training for the sprint relay project. The shouts of encouragement from the children and the sweat of running in the sun permeate this quiet campus.


Li Yan was holding the cardboard box containing his personal belongings in both hands. When he was about to leave the school, he couldn't help but glance at the students in the classes he taught.

I really didn't expect that I had been a teacher for two months, so I was inexplicably suspended by the Ministry of Education in Tokyo, Japan.

But he deserves it.

He is a problem teacher, which is a recognized title in the school.

In the first month, I quarreled with my director to the principal’s office, and in the second month I received a statement of suspension of pay from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.Set two records that are difficult to break for this elementary school.

On May 6, in a single day, a full 165 letters were sent to the entire three groups with reports of alleged involvement in the underworld gunshot wound by Li Yan in high school, and the recent alleged plagiarism scandal from Oxford University in the United Kingdom. In the email of parents of all students in the grade.Even the photo was taken through a monitor. This action successfully alarmed 16 families in his class. After a joint report by his parents, it was only natural that Li Yan was suspended.

It can be seen that someone has been planning to deal with him in this way for a long time.

The enemy in Japan, Li Yan thought carefully, he has always been a duty, there should be no such thing as a enemy...

He thought about it, but also the group of gangsters beaten up in high school, the retired scumbag elite, the financial lending boss who is still in prison, and the international theft group he has dealt with. There are not many enemies... well, there are quite a few, but those who have the ability to do this, he estimated that only people from the international theft group are more likely to do it, but the other party has indeed been disintegrated, and if they want to find He has revenge, why do so much?


At this moment, Li Yan heard the voice of a little girl on the playground not far away.

He looked over and saw a group of primary school students wearing white sports shorts and red shorts running towards him.

The headed Akamatsu Yui was full of restlessness and nervousness. After running to the front, he raised his head and asked: "Teacher, what are you carrying. You are not really leaving school. You are not our teacher?"


Li Yan was startled. He didn't expect the news that appeared in the morning to spread throughout the school so quickly.

"How did you know?" Li Yan asked curiously.

"Some students heard it from the teacher's discussion."

A boy said to Li Yan.

"The teacher is not a dangerous person at all. The adults' thinking is too strange. They obviously don't know the teacher, but they deny the teacher based on some rumors. What is this!"

Yoshida, who had played a prank on Li Yan, asked excitedly.

"..." Li Yan fell silent, this sentence is undoubtedly more true than the words of the public.

The education industry in Japan is a relatively sensitive industry. Compared with civil servants and star idols, mere rumors can easily destroy a person’s career. Japanese society itself is also a society of interpersonal estrangement that believes in rumors.

"It's too much. Teacher Mingming is very interesting when he teaches. He always tells stories with stories. Everyone likes such courses."

Another girl with a double ponytail retorted.

Another Xia Chuan who participated in the prank also said: "Although the teacher was really fierce at first, Yoshida and I also knew that the teacher did nothing wrong. The other teachers have always regarded us as fools. The teacher is the opposite. Respect our dreams and voices, I think Teacher Li is better."

Li Yan looked at the two of them and said, "You and Yoshida are very smart. If you learn well in the future, the future is immeasurable. Higurashi's words are very kind and enthusiastic, and you need the teacher's commitment. Nakamura is a kid who loves this world, and dreams of being a novelist just like me, so you really like the application that I talked about in class about some subject types... Yui has a very kind leadership ability and will become a lawyer in the future. And the police will be quite dazzling."

"thank you all."

Li Yan showed a gentle smile. He put down the box and reached out his hand to touch their heads.

It used to be so uncomfortable at the beginning that he could only use alcohol to dispel his sorrows. Under the enlightenment of Hiratsuka teacher, he cheered up and treated this group of students with his enthusiasm and persistence. The parents of the students did not understand him. , His students must understand him.

"Teacher, that... that..."

Yui's eyes were full of tears, and she was choked with speechlessness. She seemed to be really afraid that the teacher she trusted and liked would disappear like this.

"Don't worry, the teacher has never done anything to you or myself in my life."

Li Yan leaned down with a smile and wiped Yui's tears. He looked at the group of children he was going to guard for the rest of his life, and said: "I suddenly understood the purpose of being a teacher by my mentor... Please trust your teacher. Maybe your teacher is really like a hero with a hidden name and face. Without your knowledge, you have always done things you can be proud of."

At this point, his mood has completely calmed down. The children were called back to class by the physical education teacher, while he himself was standing in the warm May sun, holding a box of items, and standing at the entrance of the school. Turning around and watching them calmly, the cold wind blew his black bangs.

However, when Li Yan stepped out of the school, he was located on the second floor of the school, and a vague figure was quietly watching this scene through the window.


Those eyes, as if everything was expected...

One yuan apartment, 505 rooms.

Li Yan opened the door and returned to his room, looking at his deserted and unpopular room.

He opened the refrigerator and took out seven or eight cans of beer with iron pipes. When speaking to the students, he was confident and positive, but when he was alone, his figure was so haggard. Who could pick it up and sit alone? In the living room, singing to wine in the sun.

"Which bastard did it, if I find out, I have to put him..."

After drinking three cans, Li Yan showed an unwilling and heartbroken expression, and with resentment, he squeezed the beer can into aluminum balls, thinking angrily.

The investigation about his suspension is actually irrational. He is different from an ordinary teacher. Because he is a foreign teacher, the problem is more complicated, and the incidents are all based. If the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology really found out In high school, he actually resisted street gangsters and injured people, he really couldn't go back to Litangmen Elementary School.

Can't go back...

There was a sudden touch in Li Yan's heart. He, a graduate of East University and Oxford University, an idealist who inspired to be a scholar, was worried that he could not be a primary school teacher, and he couldn't do without the group of familiar and familiar people. Elementary school students, can’t do without friends from Japan...

It's really bad for him to be so afraid of being a Japanese Mandarin teacher before.

After drinking about six or seven cans, Li Yan did not have the habit of drinking, and began to feel a little dizzy. After reaching this limit, he also stopped irrational behavior such as alcoholism.

-[Ding Dong.

At this time, his cell phone rang, and someone sent him a text message.

Li Yan took a look and found that his father had sent it.

After opening it, I looked at the message and asked him about the usual greetings of keeping warm, punctual meals, and insufficient living expenses.

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