I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 865

Xuexia Xuena was taken aback, she turned sideways and looked curiously, only to see a little girl she didn't know.

This is a very cute elementary school student who is also very elegant and quiet. At first glance, he looks like an excellent student who often goes to a cram school, but his gloomy and lifeless eyes are a bit uncomfortable.

"I am, what do you want to do with me?" Xuexia Xuena stepped forward curiously and asked.

"Meeting for the first time." Aoki Haruka appeared very polite, and said, "I am Haruka Aoki, a third-grade student of Litangmen Elementary School. I am a student of Teacher Li Yan."

Xuexia Xuena felt a little surprised when she heard it. Senior Li's students suddenly asked her to do something, but she still showed a smile, so beautiful and unparalleled.

"Did your teacher ask you to come to me?" Xue Nao asked.

"No, I came to find you myself."

Aoki Haruka's eyes had an indescribable magical power, and she said, "Now, Sister Xuexia, do you like Teacher Li Yan?"

"..." When Xuexia Xuena heard this elementary student's words, her face was stunned, and there was a little blood on her face immediately.

Aoki Haru said: "Please don't take offense, this kind of information is easy to get, do you know that Android system has big technical flaws, and personal data can be easily stolen... Including Mr. Li Yan, sister, and sister friends Communication records."

Xuexia Xuena looked at Qing Muyao with a little surprise, a little doubtful.

Aoki Haruka went on to say: "Sister Yukoshita is very smart. On Valentine's Day, out of the risk of being rejected and disturbing certain relationships, she used a very special method to send her heart."

In the courtyard of the University of Tokyo, Yukino couldn't help frowning when he heard "complex relationship" in his heart.

"Sister Xuexia, do you mind?"

Aoki Haruka lightly asked, "You always mind that you take away the person your sister likes, right?"

A gust of wind blew the street suddenly, and Xuexiaxuno's body shook slightly.

When she was said that, in her heart, she suddenly remembered that she had accidentally seen the strange young man who got off her sister's car that night and was arranged to live in her sister's house.

At first, she strongly opposed her sister getting so close with someone who seemed to have ulterior motives.

However, when we met for the second time, after the stranger had already had a fight with Hiratsuka-sensei, he stood in front of her covered in dust, clearly knowing that a dangerous element might have been eyeing her, and it was an understatement. Came over to find her.

At that time, she realized why her sister trusted this strange man so much.

An unsurpassable sister, an unsurpassable senior, has always been...standing in front of her, leading two different paths that she can see.

"Sister Xuexia." Aoki Haruka realizing his weakness, said: "Have you made up your mind that someone like the teacher is easy to be taken away by you, you keep getting close to the teacher, I feel that the teacher seems to be slow I understand your intentions. Is this really good? As a younger sister, you did not think about how to face your sister. For such a weak determination, I think you will eventually hurt the teacher..."

The complicated relationship between Yukinoshita's sisters, and the family relationship that Li Yan and Higiya Hachiman could not sort out in the consciousness, Yukino has always had a difficult relationship with her sister, but once it is really possible to face the possibility of a break, Xue Nao hesitated.

Under the blue sky, under the snow, Xuenai stood there quietly, letting the wind blow her hair.

Xuexia Xuenao's surprised eyes gradually recovered her calm.

"I don't know how to say it, you really deserve to be a senior student, you are excellent, Aoki."

Xuexia Xuena closed her eyes, and said with the shaking in her heart.

Aoki was silent, and she realized that Yukino's reaction had not achieved the effect she wanted.

"Don't worry, I won't hurt your teacher." Xuexia Xuena's cold snowy face finally revealed a faint smile and said.

"I'm pretty sure, I am really moved."

"While looking at sunflowers, your teacher is like the eleventh sunflower in the legend. I have always believed that people can deal with challenges only by working hard to improve themselves, but...but..."

Xuexia Xuena’s smile became somewhat bitter. She stood under the changing blue sky and white clouds, beautiful and demure, and said: "You don’t understand yet, love is not straightforward, or a burning heart. enough."

"However, I think there is a right time to prove all this to my sister. My sister... must think so too."

The smile of this girl was poignant and feeble in the strong wind.

Don't understand...

Qing Mu Yao looked at Yukino under Xuexia, and was stunned.

What was going on, why one after another was much more stubborn than she thought.

The first time she failed, she still felt that there was a certain chance, but the second girl showed such determination to her, she found it difficult.

The thought of her teacher's expression of trusting them made her feel more painful.

Don't understand.

How does the teacher do all this...

The next goal is more special.

Aoki Haruka didn't know whether he needed to go to this woman.

She could also see that this woman had completely abandoned this impossible experience.

By the time she realized it, she had already met this woman with incredible beauty.

"Are you alone?"

In the corridor of a design company, Sayuri Sawamura, wearing a black kimono, saw the little girl sitting on a chair in the corridor who didn’t know where she came from. She sat aside, with a smile on her immaculate white face, and asked gently. Tao.

Her appearance almost didn't match her age at all. When she was just getting close, there was a faint fragrance on the body of this woman, and her elastic cheeks had an indescribable sense of beauty and charm, revealing the most beautiful in the world. Smile.

"Yes." Aoki Haruka replied.

Sayuri Sawamura smiled and said, "What a lovely child, does your family work here? Do you want some snacks? I still have juice and Coke here, but I need to rinse my mouth well to eat sweet things."

Aoki Haruka shook his head, and said flatly, "No need."

Sayuri Sawamura was taken aback. She looked at Aoki Haruka, always feeling that this little girl had an indescribable sense of maturity, and it seemed that she was not good at dealing with each other.

Once the character of this child was observed, Sayuri Sawamura changed her strategy, nodded, blinked her left eye, and joked with a bright smile on her profile: "I can't finish eating anyway. Leave it in your hands and leave it to you to deal with it. This is a great help for me."

Qing Mu Haruka's gloomy expression gradually eased, she was silent for a moment, and said, "Thank you."

"My name is Haruka Aoki." Haruka Aoki introduced himself again and said, "I am a student of Li Yan. I have heard of you from the teacher. I am a little curious to come over and see you."

"Teacher Li?"

Sayuri Sawamura was taken aback for a moment. She looked at Aoki Haruka and quickly smiled and asked, "That's it, do you really like painting or design?"

Aoki Haruka sat on the chair, shook his head vigorously, and his hair swayed slightly.

She still hasn't decided whether or not to attack Sawamura Sayuri. She should have done it mercilessly, but now she hesitated.

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