I am a master of light novels in Japan

I'm a Master of Light Novels in Japan Chapter 866

After touching Shiina Shiro and Yukoshita Yukino, Aoki Haruka's heart began to shake.She originally thought that Li Yan paid such a huge price in exchange for the bondage, and she would not know and cherish those who need him to contribute and give. People are always fragile and selfish animals... But suddenly she has some Understand that there is a miracle beside Li Yan...

If she used the true relationship between Sayuri Sawamura and Sayuri Eiri to imply that Sayuri Sawamura is leaving, the effect should be outstanding, but this woman who took the initiative to get close to her and had an indescribable beauty made her hesitate. Yamato Nadeshiko, who has a truly light-hearted temperament, is on the side betrayed instead.She still has such a beautiful smile and heart, how did Qing Mu Haruka use the charge of betrayal against her.

"I don't understand my teacher." Aoki Haruka looked at Sawamura Sayuri and asked: "I want to get closer to the teacher. You are his friend. You can tell me what kind of teacher Li Yan is. person?"

"...That's it, Aoki-chan, you are such a good boy. I want to know more about the teacher." Sayuri Sawamura couldn't help being moved after hearing this, and she reached out and touched Aoki Haruka's head.

However, when asked such a question, Sayuri Sawamura found it difficult to answer accurately.

"He... um... how should I put it." Sayuri Sawamura looked at the wall above, thinking.

"Your teacher should be a very reliable and talented person with a true soul like a flame."

Sawamura Sayuri smiled and said the first comment.

But in the second sentence, her expression was somewhat bleak, and she said, "But, your teacher may be the strongest superman in the world, and the most vulnerable and loneliest person..."


Aoki Haruka was taken aback.

"He has saved a lot of people and has been saving people all the time. Sometimes in very dangerous situations, he will show courage that ordinary people can't have to fight against. Your teacher attaches great importance to life. I don't know him. What happened... But this attitude is actually a kind of sadness."

Sayuri Sawamura said quietly: "Why do people who value life dare to fight with life... How much, he longs for happiness, but does not have happiness, such a contradictory destiny has made a fearless hero in the sea of ​​fire... It's not a happy thing."


Aoki Haruka's expression gradually faded.

"So, you should accompany him more, smile more with him, and be a good boy. He will use everything he has to protect you."

Sawamura Sayuri smiled and said to her.

She said this, but she didn’t know why, but her mood was a bit bitter, to be with him, and to smile at him... A child can do this without scruples, but she can’t

Regarding what Sayuri said, Haruka Aoki had no objection.

However, Qing Mu Haruka heard it, and his heart became even heavier.

She originally thought that Li Yan's bondage was hypocritical, but now, she seems to be the one who lost...


It's raining.

Little by little, the entire Tokyo is gradually filled with rain and fog.

Without an umbrella, Qing Mu Yao, who walked alone on the street, lowered his head, letting the cold rain drip on her.

"Dad, mom!"

Suddenly, on the opposite side of the street, a car stopped. The little boy and girl who got out of the car took yellow umbrellas and threw themselves into the arms of their parents.

Qing Mu Yao looked in her eyes, her eyes were full of gloom, as if stimulating her mind, she was about to collapse in an instant.




She opened her mouth slightly and made a painful noise. Finally, she cried and started to run.

"No, no!"

She ran, as if she had fallen into madness, and shouted to herself.

"I can live well by myself, and I can live well by myself!!"

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!"

In Aoki Haruka's mind, he kept thinking of his experience.

She was treated like a monster by her own mother.

I don’t understand why, why her mother hides from her. When she got home, her home was like a refrigerator. It was dark, cold and quiet, especially in the cold kitchen. Her mother never cooked for her. .

She is trying to be a well-behaved child just like pleading, already crowded with all her strength to express herself to her mother.

But one day, she was at home and was attacked by her mother.

A kitchen knife directly pierced her back, and kept holding her to stab her indiscriminately. Her mother was almost afraid that she was going to the extreme and used such cruel behavior.However, she unexpectedly survived without incident, but when her mother stabbed with a kitchen knife and fell on the cold wooden plank, her eyes were open, tears flowed, and her soul disappeared.

What did she do wrong...

"Mommy mommy!"

She couldn't help calling her mother, squatting in the corner, crying.

Qing Mu Yao has realized that his teacher is not the same as her, he is no longer alone, so she is still alone.


In the heavy rain, Aoki Haruka gradually stopped crying.

The shadow in front of her trembled slightly.

I can’t do it, I’m so lonely, I can’t do it at all...

This thought kept echoing in her heart.

Finally, she stood up, and her cheeks with rain and tears became more cold and dark.

One yuan apartment, room 505.

[Ding Dong!

The doorbell of Li Yan's house rang, causing Li Yan, who was still writing a novel, to be taken aback. There was still heavy rain outside, who would be looking for him at this time.

He just wanted to touch the doorknob, but a strange scene happened.

[Ding Dong!

[Ding Dong!

[Ding Dong!

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