I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 112

"Then why do you give up the car?" Truth Nijiang asked, she really didn't understand, so powerful one will give up the car.

Li Wei's eyes look deep and looks at the sky. "For the future of human beings, I am willing to give up my personal future, Alang's future we will go." This is compared.

"But ..." Aron is not only the way, but Li Wei has gone to the outside, there is no way Aron and the future, really don't understand how Li Wei thinks, really don't understand Ah, it's evil!

Looking at the back of Li Wei, the eyes of Triana showed a worship, which is a powerful man.

No one saw Li Wei's sorrow, the truth, the truth, worship, I just want you to make me, fall in love with me, I can't stop me, hahaha ...

Chapter 6 Our Flame 326

"I said that Li Wei did what did you do?" A Long bloody character once again, stopped Li Wei, "What does you mean? We are not to see you to show, we are Out of a team member. "

"This is the difference I am with you, you are doing, and I am doing, but my effect will eventually be ten times a hundred times, waiting to see it." Li Wei is going to front.

Future and Along regards a look, the future said: "I think Li Wei is very reasonable."

"This guy is really don't understand, but he is really awesome, fighting, football, racing, not a man." A Long shake his head.

In the medical university, the future is talking to a long history.

"When I was small, I was quite worshiping Guys. In the past, I participated in the team qualification examination is also this reason." Zhe Pei said.

"That's very good, you join us." The future is happy.

Philosoping then came, "Because Guys' certification qualification is good for future findings, my parents hope that I have a good study and then inherit my father's hospital."

A Long listened to the blind eye, what people are all, "In the future, I don't have to say it, let's go back."

"Slow, I have to say a few words, philosoping, think about why do you learn medicine?" Li Wei was now to start.

Philosophy fans, what do I learn? alone? It seems that it is not for saving people? I don't seem to be so great. It seems that my parents make me learn, because my family is driving a hospital, saying that, for so many years, I don't seem to live for yourself.

"Look at your own philosoping, you don't understand anything you don't understand, do you think this is interesting? Do you really think about yourself? Are you for what is alive? Alive, please tell me. "Li Wei was very loudly of this goods, and I was shocked by Aron and the future.

Zhe Pei looked at Li Wei, "I am, I am ..."

"What is your interest?" Li Wei asked again.

"My interest is to study the language of the universe, study the monster of the past ..." Zhe Ping stunned.

Li Wei took this goods in the shoulders of Philosoping. "Philosoping is for yourself, your interest is the most suitable for you, think about it. Future, Aron us."

Looking at the back of Li Wei, the philosophy of philosophy is flashing in the eyes, it should be alive.

In this way, the three returned to the Guys workplace.

Aron took a table. "Today, I really don't understand what to do, one is self-centered guy, how can people fight with a monster?"

Li Wei smiled, "A Long, you dare not play a bet with me."

"What is gambling?"

"If they all come together before tomorrow, you will recognize that I am boss? Only, if less than one person, I recognize you to be a boss." Li Wei is a good way.

"This is impossible, you can't do it." Alan is full of face.

"Can you see tomorrow before, say you don't dare to fight this bet?" Li Wei asked with a laugh.

Aron didn't dare. "What is not dare, you will wait for me to be a boss, now I am going to do it in my own way." Along said.

Li Wei smiled and laughed. "In the future, you are waiting here. If someone comes to take them to the chance."

I nodded in the future, "I understand."

In the library. "Are you here?" Along looked at Li Wei.

"You can come, I can't come, here is not your home." Li Wei is a good way.

"You ..." A Long took a deep breath, restrained his impulse.

Li Wei took out a license from a pocket in front of Alan, and contracted his own license. "You have a fire above."

"Give me ..." Alan excited.

"I said agron, when did you change your impulse character? Just take a look, it's not your life, can you calm down?" Li Wei is easy to rush. A Long fell, then the whole body sat on Aolong.

"I am evil, I am getting up from my body ..." Aron made the whole body of the whole body, I want to give Li Wei to this goods, but Li Wei is also heavy than the elephant.

"Don't say that these people feel misunderstood? Otherwise, others think that I am doing something for you. I said that you are really a small gas, give your future boss, don't work, now people, I don't want to Said. "Li Wei sighed.

"Available bastard, you are still talking, you have the ability to sit on the labor." Alan shouted.

Li Wei looked at the two licenses in his hand. "This flame is the former team leader. If you don't rely on others, you must have a flame burning flame that is the burning flame?"

Aron stopped struggling: "How do you know this sentence."

"Don't care about these details, do you say what I said?" I can tell you that I am watching TV? "

"To ..." A Long called.

Li Wei stood up and threw the license to Along. "In this phoenix number, it is a flame that belongs to us," Li Wei has been painted with paint.

"Wait for me, I will come." A Long also began to brush. " However, the phoenix is ​​still a big point, I want two people to brush how to say it a few days.

"You look, who is coming." The future voice came over.

"I bother." A cute voice came over and was the beauty of his eyes.

Aron looked at the people, and the face was green. Looking at Li Wei's eyes changed, this is miserable, it is a boss.

"Li Wei, you are right, I am going to protect those small pots, so I have to join Guys." Wood's beauty looked at Li Wei.

"I must defeat you, otherwise I will never leave Guys, gambling my pride." Huiji was starting to hang.

"You can give up your future for humans, I admire you, and tell the truth, the car may not be suitable for me." Truth said with a laugh. Her super hearing is the biggest weakness in her stadium.

"Li Wei, I found that you said it is right. I have not lived for myself. Sure enough, Guys is best for me. I decided to join Guys." Zhe Pei said loudly.

Aron looked at the four people. "You are really coming, I ..." I want to cry, I want to call Li Wei, this metamorphosis, but Along the hearts of Aron still admire Li Wei, these four A hard-working person is coming, and it is more effective than saying.

Li Wei smiled, "Welcome to your arrival, then you will be dry, come over and brush the paint, this is our flame."

"Okay ..." "I know, in fact, I will brush it." "Come, see who brush it." ......

"The gambling before Aron was abolished." Li Wei suddenly said.

Aron said, I went up: "Li Wei can't look for me? If I say it, I will do it, from today, you are my boss."

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