I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 113

"You are very good, in fact, I just said that I just talk about it, just a kindness," Li Wei is full of faces.

Xiangyuan Dragon: "..."

Looking at Aulongmate, everyone smiled together, in the joyful laughter, paint work is also fast.

Today is normal four chapters, let me see your support, give me motivation, let me continue to write a chapter.

Chapter VII Our Wings 327

"This is our wings." Li Wei looked at the painted Phoenix.

Everyone's face has a satisfactory smile, "Yes, our wings!"

Suddenly a big alarm came, Aron's face changed, "Boss, what happened, we hurry to look at it." Along shouted in Li Wei.

Li Wei is accepted by the heart, "Yes, let's take a look, everyone is coming, now you are members of Guys."

Guys work room, the bird mountain is frightened to look at the monster appearing on the screen, Li Wei, a team of people came in.

"Who are you? Unrelated people can't come in." Seeing Truth Nai's four people, the birds and mountains have gone.

Li Wei smiled and laughed. "This is our helmet, the peace is good, you call him old bird, he will not mind."

"Li Wei players, I solemnly warned you, don't call me old bird." The birds on the birds crowded.

Forced to talk, "The birds are helped to help, they are all newly joined players, but not outsiders, the way is that Li Wei is invited."

"Li Wei? Is it he?" The birds are full of faith.

"What do you mean by old bird, can you see me?" Li Wei became fiercely, so that the birds were shocked, "that, how can, I am very trustworthy for Li Wei's capabilities. "

"That is the monster of the ground, and the monster of Tokyo is attacked by the monster, and eats the ancient monsters.

Others use the horror of the eyes to look at the philosoping, and the philosophy touched the brain. "You don't know? Look at my study, I finally gave it, it is too good.

Li Wei came out this goods. "Forced the captain let us dispatch, let our wings take off."

Forced the pain, "Go, I believe you."

The beauty of the wood and the philosophy have been left, the ability of the two is not suitable for fighting. Li Wei did not want to squeeze a cabin with a few big men, so it was called Tricken, so that several big men don't do it.

The phoenix number is separated, separated into a flying wing and load number, Li Wei, this goods and truth refused to fly wings, and finally finally prepared everything, the Phoenix number took off.

Finally, I saw the goods in Jun, Li Wei called: "You must not let the Tun enter the city center, we must stop it, the phoenix is ​​separated here."

In a mechanical sound, the Phoenix number is separated into a flying wing and load number, a burst of laser is in Jun, but please ignore the effect, because it is zero.

"Old bird, don't work, ask for the banquet of the meteor technology." Li Wei's voice of this goods passed to the guest room of Guys.

It is difficult to face on the face on the bird. "Li Wei, you don't know if you use meteor technology, the headquarters' nerves are more sensitive."

"Mr. Birdshan is not a good time." Forced water.

"Ok, but I am not responsible, according to the regulations, the meteor technology will be loud once." The bird shouted loudly.

"Mr. Bird is thank you."

"I am not responsible." The bird is afraid of the expression.

I was forced to laugh, "They are all my players, what everything is to be responsible."

On the flying wing and load number, Li Wei called the goods and Aron, "Super Motion mode conversion!" In the light, the flying wing and the loading number have changed, and it is simple to change the cool. Hyun.

"Launching the phantom flying." Li Wei called the goods, the speed of the flying wing changed, from a position to another, it was simply instant.

"Look at our, Bun Linggang is started, flying geese tornado." Two tornadoes were sent from the loading number, and went back to Gutu.

Under the attack of the powerful tornado, Jun is already rolled out, from the over-air decline, of course, the damage is ignored.

Gu Dun was on the ground. Li Wei was a shot of the flying wing, "I will give you a missile, don't thank me too much."


Gudun sent a roar, angry standing, waving the two whip in his hands launched a violent attack toward the flying wing.

At this time, the meteor technology has been reached a minute, and the flying phantom flight stopped, and the speed is slow.

"Left, next to the right." Tricken is called by Li Wei.

Li Yu smiled, "Truth, your ears are really not covered, you can listen to the fine sound when you attack, you can talk." Li Wei turned back, Truth is already fainted, hearing is reached Limit? Have a superman listening is not a good thing, then I will take it.

Li Wei has slowly landed the plane. "What happened to the boss?" Aron's voice came.

"Nothing, the body of Trianey can't help it, fainted. Don't take us, you are careful." Li Wei called, then from the chest, the evolutionary trust, the time to force. "

"I want to fight us, don't think ..." But a giant whip has come over, and it is necessary to come to a machine to destroy, and suddenly a dazzling light flashed, and the whip in Jun Pumped on the rays.

A giant that is red-oriented with red appears, holding the whip of the ancient Town, and throwing the ancient town.

"Ottman ... another alview ..." Aron looked at the giant in front of him.

It is very doubtful in the future. How do I still have other Altman? However, this Ottman has never seen the whole country.

"You look at Ottman in the last time, there are two Ottman on the earth." Woody is excited in the workplace.

Gunnan climbed up from the ground and rushed toward Red Nike, a few whips waved past.

Although it turns into Nikith, but the strength is not only the extent of Nassess, even if the ordinary Altman also has garbage and powerful points, Monbychi is coming, Li Wei turned into Nike Thurs is his three times strength, and it is not a hand to deal with ordinary little monsters.

A hand whip, the hand of Natsses is lighted directly, and the whip is broken. A butt of Jun sat on the ground and constantly fell.

Kniths is a foot before, and the body of Hettown is directly kicked nearly 100 meters, falling on the ground and shakes.

"Send you directly to hell, press the light!" The hands were launched in the light of the L-type, played in the body of Jun.


The body of Juntown disappeared, turned into a molecule between heaven and earth.

"This Ottman is so powerful, his light skills are actually in Gu Tunhua for the essay, it is really powerful." Zhe Pei looked at the screen's constant exclamation.

Intishapsdish, "I am really very powerful of Altman!"

"It's so powerful, so powerful, we defeated the monster, yeah ..." The beauty of the wood and the bunny jumped, constantly patted.

Aron, the future, Chastity is a cheer, "Win, it's too powerful, great ..."

Looking at Otmmanization in front of him, it was gone, and the future eyes showed a wonderful god and doubt. When can I meet this Ottman, but this Altman is not a universe guard? Will the team fight in this planet?

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