I am Ultraman

I am Ottman, Chapter 114

A light flashed in the flying wing, and Li Wei appeared in this body. The truth touched his forehead woke up, "What happened to me ..."

"Everything is fine, the monster is killed, our wings are victorious." Li Wei smiled.

Listening to the cheers of the players, the truth smiled, "Great, this is our wings."

Chapter 8 Swimming 328

Inside the pool, Trismai is desperately swimming in the water, and the heart of the woods in the water is not awkward, and I will know how to think about it.

"How is the grade?" Truth kaid stopped swimming.

"Ah ..." Woody beauty sent a sound, hurriedly pressed the table, but it was late, "I really sorry, sorry ..."

A , "Hey, Truth, your body is really nothing, good, very good, it is better to go to the swimwear."

The beauty of the wood and the truth, I watched Li Wei, Truth, said: "I sometimes don't understand, you give people feel very great, either very embarrassment."

Wooden beauty is dark: "I don't want to wear swimming to see you ..."

Li Wei smiled in this car, "Look at your look, I know that you have a heart, how can you have to work before?"

"How did you see it?" Wood's beauty and Triaeth called.

"Because my brother, I am very serious about you." Li Wei smiled at this time.

"For us serious observation, you don't have something to do," Truth is said.

Li Wei smiled this goods, "So serious, since it has already given up the previous work, I want to use it, I know that you are doing the greatest thing, for the future of all mankind Ah, think about this is still a little excitement. "

"Indeed, I am very happy to protect humanity, protect the earth ..." Truth nice, "maybe it should be put down the previous thing."

The beauty of wood is also nod, "I saw Ottman's efforts to protect the earth, even if I am very timid, I also want to do something?"

"How do you want to have a swimming game with me?" Li Wei looked at the pool.

"Swimming words, I will lose to you, come." Truth is uncomfortable to look at Li Wei.

"Ha ha ha ..., I can overcome you, swimming is also the same." Li Wei threw the clothes, only wore a pants.

The face of Truth Nai and the beautiful face is a bit red. I really can't think that Li Wei looks like a lot of thin, but the body is so good, a piece of streamlined muscles seem to be perfect.

Li Wei put a Poss, "How to attract it by my brother? If you want to touch it, brother is not mind."

"Don't ..." Wooden is red.

"The ghost will touch you, don't talk nonsense, eight hundred meters, and the beauty of the wood will help us." Truth brother.

"Okay, you start, first and third, start."

Truth got into the water at once, Li Wei did this first made a stretching movement, then put a few POSS, very leisurely.

The beautiful wood is called: "Li Wei, you start, you see Truth Nai has played a circle."

Li Wei smiled, "She is a woman, does not let her show my powerful, good, start, wood beautiful, look, see what is called strength."

Wood's beautiful stay, this is a fish, how can humans like this so happy, so perfect, Li Wei is a person?

"Ming Ming Truth, I talked as a long time. It was so fast that Li Wei was so much, and Li Wei was too powerful ..." Wooden beauty stunned.

Li Wei, this car, "Truth, I don't want to travel."

Wooden beauty shakes his head, "No, you have already broken the world record ..."

"My brother has always been such a power. You have to happen, how to admire my brother?" Li Wei revealed a trace of evil.

"There is no ..." Wooden beauty red face.

"Oh, I am really disappointed, let us come together for the truth natea." Li Wei smiled.

"Okay, come on, Tricken nice, come on." Wooden beauty shouted.

Finally, the truth stopped behind the shore, looked at Li Wei, the helplessness of the eyes of Li Wei, "Is this guy? Is it true?"

"Call me Superman." Li Wei smiled, then stared at Trinna, which was dead and dead, and how temptation, what temptation, life, Li Wei, is already a place. .

Truth is also clearly clearing his situation, and jumping into the water, "Betting, can you make a gentleman?"

"If you think that people can be a gentleman, I can't do it, I don't think it's like you, add the temptation like you, don't have a good reaction, is it a Will? Brother, or Thailand's shemale, of course, I will definitely don't discriminate against these two types of people. "Li Wei is a full face.

"Artificial gentleman ?!" Wood's beauty question and answer.

"Wood beautiful you are stupid, people are not pseudo, this guy, I see is a true savior, or the right thing is a monk." Truth said very much.

Li Wei, this stall, uncomfortable, , , is not a lot of people, is it very energetically brought about by his wife, the result is not I got my bed, the truth, you just got it, because the labor will eventually find all in bed.

"Your feelings are somewhat unsatisfactory." Truth gave a look of the expression of Li Wei, frown.

The beauty of wood is nod, some are afraid of: "Well, it seems to be very evil, which makes people feel afraid."

Li Wei smiled this goods, "Is there? Maybe it is just a kind of illusion, you don't care too much." Relying on, it is too old, all of which are faced on the face.

In the work room of Guys, the future and philosoping are very spiritual looking at the virtual projection, the above Ottman is Naikesez.

Suddenly the virtual projection was gone, "I have been watching it all the time, I am not bored." Along will give virtual projection.

"I just think about the new Altman, how can it be so powerful, the light can actually make the Dunhua for the molecule, it is too horrible, and I will solve the ancient town." Zhe Ping has a little worship.

A Long smiled, "That is not what we can care, we can just deal with the monster."

Suddenly a harsh alarm sound came, the virtual projection opened, the image of Mikasaki Snowdrops came from the middle, "to convey the headquarters of the headquarters, the space Guys captured the shadow of the height of 60 meters near the Daxiong Mountain. Please go to investigation. "

Li Wei, the beauty of the goods and the wood, the two beautiful women in Tria, just came over, looked at the disappeared image, Li Wei, some unfortunately shake his head, did not communicate a few words with the beautiful beauty of Miyazaki, but not Too urgently, all in one base, the opportunity is big.

"All players are dispatched." Forced water called.


Li Wei has already established a boss in these players. Alan is called the boss, and it is not necessary to say that it is forced by the martial arts that is abused by himself.

Utilize the privilege of the boss, Li Wei is a cabin with the truth and the truth, the other men, how do you go with you?

"Phoenix is ​​dispatched!"

A lot of support, there is still two chapters in the evening, now I really can't break out, normal four chapters every day, I will come to a big outbreak when I get the shelves.

Chapter 9 is cheated 329

Near the caravans in Daxiong, the phoenix is ​​separated into a flying wing and load number. Li Wei has dropped down on one side in this goods and truth.

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