I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 121

Chapter 15 Hunter Cavaliers 335

In the end, Alang's top and the gray face came back, let the rock monster Sad Dera run away. After Along came back, he was very important. The person he saw is really the captain of Cain Ze.

At night, the big mist began to diffuse the city, the monster Saard pulled the hike in the big mist, Guys had started again, and Li Wei did not soy sauce this time.

In the end, Domini appeared, and it was a hard battle. Finally solved Sadra, just happened when people were happy, unexpected, the two Sadra appeared, and dreams than Yisi Tell.

Suddenly the rays landed from the sky for a giant wearing armor, a light hit Sadra, Sadra fell down, and then a light, two Sadra were suddenly The life of life is given.

Everyone looked at all, who is this?

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, hunter knight, hunter knight, is also in extreme hatred, and it is still in a very hatred, and it is the only value of his only existence value. .

The life of the defeat Sadra once again turned into light disappeared, so that everyone did a dream, what happened?

The seaside, agron is running with the future, and the two seem to be very happy.

On a paradise, the nauseaful white clothes woman reached out his nausea, in fact, she was a disgusted woman who became Baggu, only one for the purpose of the earth, swallowing all the human beings. And the monster, countless civilized planets in the universe have been destroyed in her hand. Hunter Knight Sword Want to kill her because he wants to be avengeid to be swallowed by Bogura.

Bogu played a light ball from his hand to the sea. When I finished all, my face changed, "It is you who hate it."

Nothing is the sword of Cherish body, and the two began to fight. The final sword was kicked by Baggun. When she stood up, Bogu was already gone.

"Hey, not bad, I saw a wonderful battle."

The sword immediately looked at the direction of the sound. "Who are you?"

"My name is Li Wei, you are a sword, hunter knight sword." Li Wei smiled and walked next to the sword.

The face of the sword changed, "Who are you in the end? I don't know my name is the sword, is it a companion of Baggu." The sword was excited to point the knight at Li Wei.

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, I am just passing, how do you hit your business? I won't worry." Li Wei smiled.

"Say you who you are? Otherwise don't blame me, you are welcome." The sword is gloomy.

Li Wei stopped smiling, "You want me to say a few times, my name is Li Wei, Li is Li Wei, Li Wei, is just Li Wei."

"It seems that you can't see the coffin." The sword rushed to Li Wei.

Li Wei shook his head, "I really don't understand what you think, but since you have to play, you will accompany you." Easy to hold a spying knight, Li Wei The punch is on the sword.

The sword felt a giant force from the fist of Li Wei, and the body was uncontrolled, and fell to the ground. The sword is difficult to stand up, can't believe in the eyes, this person is absolutely not ordinary human.

"You are not my opponent, I have been taking care of you, goodbye, Swordsman." Li Wei is finished in order to make a light disappearance.

The sword stunned for a while, "Is there such a powerful creature on the earth?"

On the shooting field, Aron is shooting a target, but unfortunately five targets, he only used one. Truth brother shook his head, "Let's let me change."

Li Wei looked at the ears of Tricken, and five targets appeared. The truth bried guns, and the amazing five all hit.

"Along you can't do it, look at Trismai." Li Wei smiled.

"The boss, you don't want to say, her is just luck, and I just had a mistake." Alan called.

Truth brother shook his head, "I found that the more blood boiling, but the man who is useless, the more loudly." After the truth, he walked outside.

"What, what you said, you said it again." Aulong angrily rushed toward the truth, but he was tripped by Li Wei, "You continue, I will go out." also followed.

"The boss, you don't have to do this, Tricken, you are waiting for me." Along said loudly.

Sitting on the Tiantai Tiandai, there seems to be thinking about something, suddenly a glass of water, "What happened?"

"Don't take care of you." Truth, looked at Li Wei, this goods came, this kind of chemical lang.

Li Wei took back the tea cup to drink a big mouth. "Really cool, I said that you don't have to be like this, can you do a normal heart? You look at me, so you are so calm. "

"Okay, I can of course do, Li Wei, hello, Li Wei's goodbye." After the truth, I wanted to go, but how can Li Wei agrees, a hand, a trui, and another The hand of the hand was thrown away, and the truth Nara entered his arms.

"What are you doing? Let me go?" Truth brigade struggled.

"You will be able to move anything. I am not responsible." Li Wei smiled in the goods.

Truth is no longer struggling, because it is struggling, helpless: "What do you want?" Don't look at the truth, the heart is confusing, and Li Wei is a strong male atmosphere. She has been in the heart, this alive bastard, doing this, don't know if this will cause a lot of trouble to a woman?

"Can you talk about what you are thinking about?" Li Wei smiled in the goods.

"I, I didn't think anything." Truth never supported.

"Is it? That let me guess it, is it because of your listening problems, you can't get further." Li Wei smiled.

The truth is shocked by Li Wei, "You, how do you know."

"Because I know you very much, your super listening makes you can listen to fine engine and wear sound when you ride, so that you don't dare to refuel the door, isn't it?"

Truth is silky looked at Li Wei, "Li Wei, what do you know, it is true, and those who have already surpassed my achievements."

"Why do I understand this? I am also desire to be understood so much." Li Wei, this goods released the truth, looking at the sky with forty-five degrees, faint sadness was filled in the air, and started .

Looking at such a Li Wei, Trinna's heartbeat is constantly accelerating, what is going on? Suddenly, I really want to know such a person. The truth is clear, this guy is a chemical and heart, don't be confused by him.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, hey, keep this rhythm, step in conquer, even if you know that labor is Yogang? Like my pursuit, you will make everyone happiness together.

"Let's go back." Li Wei went to the front.

Looking at Li Wei, Truth, I woke up, this disgusting bastard, what is it?

Chapter 16, men are like this 336

Li Wei, I just went to the studio, I heard the birds and hosted, "Trouble you go to the sea."

"Going to the bottom of the sea? What are you going?" Asked Philosoping.

The Pill Secretary said: "There is an abnormal water temperature change in the four thousand meters of the sea. In order to prevent the necessary, it is still necessary."

"Do you worry about this monster?"

The bird is nodded. "Now it is the season of the monster, any small changes should be attached to us."

"Let me go, Truth, let's go together." Li Wei said in the truth that I just came in.

"I ?!" Truth refers to himself.

"Why can't you do it? It's al., You will go with me, look at the bottom of the sea is also a very good thing." Li Wei revealed a trace of evil.

Listening to Li Wei, this car is said to be with the beauty. The heart of Tricken is a uncomfortable heart. If you say it, you haven't passed the brain. "You can't let you and the beautiful beauty, she will be bullied by you. , Or, or go with you. "

"Oh, is this? In the future, you come to drive the load number, help me with the Triana's sea space." Li Wei called the future.

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