I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 122


It took this way to the sea, after arriving at the designated place, the load number launched the sea chamber into the sea, and the next driving number was standing on the sea.

"Or big sea!" Li Wei opened his hands.

Sitting in the truth of the truth, no goodness: "Celebrate driving, don't you talk nonsense? We come out of task."

"What mission? Is there a task?" Li Wei is a surprised expression of this.

The truth, I want to give this feet, "We have to investigate 4,000 meters deep, are you not forgotten?"

"Oh, I thought it was a stroll in the sea." Li Wei is full of face.

"I really shouldn't come out with you." Tricken's face is full of regrets.

Li Wei called this goods: "The sea, all water, horses, four legs ..."

"You don't call again." Truth brother his ear, but it is completely useless, and super hearing makes her simply unable to avoid this noise.

"Truth, you look at it, there is a big sea turtle in front. Let's sway the paddle, boat push the waves, swim in the water, let us bake it." Li Wei this goods The lyrics gave a mess.

"Ah ..." Truth gave a mad, blocked the ear, emit a scream.

Li Wei came to the head smile and looked at Trinna. "Is it a little bit of mood?"

Truth looked at Li Wei this goods. "Do you deliberately do this?"

"Otherwise, do you think?" Li Wei is a great look, "I am a kindness in your eyes? I know that you are not very good at your mood, and you can come to the sea. "Purely just to pick up the girl, just changed a saying.

In the heart of Trism, I suddenly became a touch of touch, but I still need strong in verbal, "I, I don't need ..."

Li Wei smiled without a smile. "Whether you need not, I just do what I think I need to do, I don't accept your choice. Just like a person, just look far away. Opposition, can be of course good together, don't look at her happiness is also a happy thing. "

Li Wei admitted that these were all Gang doorman - fart, like one person, even if the use of countless conspiracy means, it is absolutely not allowed to be together with others, do not experience the bride married, groom But it is not your own feel.

Truth is surprised to look at Li Wei, "I really can't think of you can say this, listen to it."

"The words of my brother are all experienced, like you, this little girl will not really understand." Li Wei is in the beginning. "

Truth is disdainful, "If you still have experience? You are too big, don't you do so deep?"

"You will know later, I am a person with deep story. In fact, if you want to know, I can tell you now, because this can deepen your understanding of my." Li Wei .

"I, I don't want to know what you are like this, don't say it to me, I don't want to hear." Although I didn't want to listen, but the Trisma's eyes turned out, Li Wei is a What kind of people are really a bit more interested, but it is absolutely can't be flattened by this guy. It can't follow his thoughts, otherwise it is too active.

In the dispute of Li Wei, the two people slowly arrived in the sea.

"Well, I can now open the communication device." Li Wei pressed a button.

"What, what do you say? Your communication equipment has not been opened." Truth is feeling with a madman.

"Otherwise, do you think we can communicate with life, can you have a bit of your mind?" Li Wei smiled in this car.

Truth never took a breath, just wanted to say something, a sudden voice passed, "Boss "

"Nothing, rest assured, are you a person who hangs up? Just, the communication equipment has a little problem, but finally in my efforts, I am so powerful, now we have reached the sea. "Li Wei said that this is shameless.

Truth Nai looked at Li Wei in the back, although I have known this guy's face is not usually, but I still make the truth shocked again.

"For nine o'clock in the direction, I heard the strange voice there." Truth never said.

"I know, let us come to a sea-bottomed adventure, I don't know if there will be a mermaid. If there is anything, I will catch home when it is a good job." Li Wei is a good thing for this.

"I said how you are full of brains, is some strange and dirty ideas, are men like you?" Truth can't stand it.

"I dare to bet 99% of men in the world is what I am like this, just the problem that I can't do." Li Wei, this item, you don't understand the eyes. "

The truth never turns a white eye, "What is the rest of the one?"

"Yangshuo, eunuch, and shemale take this one percent." Li Wei smiled in this car.

"The hateful man! The engine has become tunes, and the long-term navigation may be dangerous." Tricken's face with a trace of fear.

Li Wei smiled and laughed. "When you ride a motorcycle, it is also because this is not a refueling door, believes our machine, this is our fish tail that we have to swim in the sea."

Truth nodded, "Anyway, you are there, not me die alone."

"We all won't die, no one can take any lives in my hand." Li Wei revealed strong confidence in the eyes of this goods.

Looking at such a Li Wei, Trian's heart is chaotic, why do you have a hero at this time? "The sound is from here, we vibrate reflected waves to scan, launch!" The circular aperture of one layer Go, the scanned image is transmitted to the tour of Guys.

"Sure enough, it is a monster. The thing wrapped is not a egg. Is this a monster that has not hatched it." Woody beauty looked at the screen.

"Is this monster and water temperature rise?" Forced water to the philosoping road.

Philosopted nodded and started the analysis. "There is no relationship, it is not a monster, but it is the heat to bring together this monster. I understand that the monster has not hatched, this heat is to help it hatch, but the most important point Things, who is this calorie? "

In the ocean, Trismai's brows wrinkled, "No, this is impossible, how can it be ..."

"What is the truth, what did you hear?" Li Wei asked.

"I, I heard someone laughing ..." Trinina's sight looked at a direction, a woman in a white dress is crazy and laughing.

Most people are stunned. Who is this woman?

Chapter 17 Heart Defense 337

Looking at the woman who laughed in the crazy, Li Wei was disgusting this kind of nausea. It's true that this is Baggu. It is really her. A monster who eats monsters and addictive madmen. She ate, waiting for the monster to finish, it is estimated that human beings.

Balu played a light ball into the hill below the sea chamber. When Xiajun suddenly rushed, the surface of the earth was rolled away, a huge egg appeared, the egg shell appeared, and then fierce broken, the monster appeared, the ancient monster double squirrel, one looks A very strange monster.

The ririsses of the double monsters have seriously interfere with the function of the sea chamber, so that the seaside caference cannot advance.

"This monster is a double-end monster, like the exact of Tokyo for thirty-four years, finally eaten by Jun, which is the monster of the sea." Zhe Ping's face suddenly realized.

"When I don't say this now, Li Wei and Truth are still in the sea, what should I do?" Wood's beauty is worried.

The sea, the eyes of the doubles, it is necessary to attack, the truth is a big panic, "Li Wei, what should I do?"

"Look at me, you know how to do it, calm, no things." Li Wei smiled this goods.

Truth called: "Li Wei is not a little bit of life, the monster is coming."

"No, I care about my life. Once I die, I don't have anything, so please rest assured that no one can take a life from me." Li Wei faintly said that the tone was unable to refute.

Truth is not talking, listening to Li Wei, she actually rarely, what is going on? Why do you trust this man so? He clearly looks unreliable, why?

A ray slowly landed in the eyes of Dream than Youke, "It's a dream than Youis, he will save us, Li Wei, we don't have to die."

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