I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 127

"But what if the sword is there? He will definitely attack Baguu." Chastity suddenly said.

Aron's face is cold, "I will definitely stop him." Said Aron will go outside.

"Where are you going? I will not be completed yet." Zhenzhi took Aron. Aron pushed the chastity, "Don't block me."

"I told you to wait," Zhiguan stopped Aron again. "You are very strange, what are you hidden?"

Aron is screaming, "This is nothing to do with you again." It's just pulled back to the outside, but it was just a come back. "What are you doing, isn't we a team? This is not you have been Since the belief? "

"What do you say? You want to fight!" A Long yelled, and it was going to do it.

"You are enough." Truth called. The beauty of the wood has passed, "Just, there is anything to say, now it is not a fight."

"Flashing!" A Long used to push the beauty of the wood. When the wood is going to fall, he will be pulled by Li Wei. "I said Aron, you really need to be awake. A bit. "

"You will not understand at all, if you can't satisfy him, what is the meaning of Guys's efforts ..."


Aron's body flew out, Li Wei recovered his fist, stepped on the body of Aron, "Significance ?! You still have a meaning, what is your meaning? For a person? Significance, or the meaning of the earth people? Can understand what you are alive, not the virtual Cherish Ze. You respect him, but respect for him, but the reason why you live in his shadow. "

Li Wei recovered his feet, Alang struggled to stand up, looked at Li Wei, and did not say a word, went out to the outside.

"Aron ..." I wanted to chase in the future.

"In the future, let me wait, let me go, I am his boss, I can't do this blood." Li Wei smiled and went out.

Aolong came to the first time and Li Wei. The same hills in the future, like the plot, this time the sword came, some dialogue, A Long also understood this person in front of him is a sword.

"It's evil, actually occupying the body of Causa captain, your guy." Aron rushed to the sword, but the result can be known, being hit on the ground.

"Hey, I said that you got my brother to have a consent?"

"It's you!" The sword looked at it.

"It's me, I said the sword, you do this very much, occupy the body of Cherish, now use this body to play a very respectable person." Li Wei slowly Go up.

"Boss ..." A Long called.

"I am very happy, you still remember my boss, now I will come back to the venue." Suddenly Li Wei louded in this license, the sound of the wood, "I found two monsters in the Northeast City. Li Wei, you have come back. "

"I know the beauty of the wood, the sword, you will be lucky, I really want to hide you on the tree, now I have to shake your head, but I really have this idea.

The Northeast City is now a hot fire, and the two of the two, the two, the two, a family who does not fight the other person, and the human form of Bogu is watching the battle, waiting for you to fight, I am swallowing you.

The sight of the sword looked at the northeast direction, "Bogu!" The body disappeared.

Looking at the sword that I can't see, Alang's body slowly squatted down, and a disappeared look. Li Wei walked over, "A Long, now Guys really doesn't make sense? Think about our common battle experience, think about our flames, our wings, do you think these are really meaningless? I believe he will come back. "

Aron slowly lifted his head and looked at Li Wei.

"Let's go, go back, waiting for you." Li Wei took Aron.

"I know, the boss, I also believe that a day, the captain, the captain will come back, let's go." Along returned to fight.

"Before the boss, you are not unhappy." Li Wei asked.

"No, I was really impulsive at that time, and I think the boss is very reasonable, so I don't blame the boss."

In the future, I have a first step to drive the phoenix city to see the northeast city. I saw a shocking scene. Boharu took a few down Gunnan and swallowed it, and then I was over, three The next five eloquence will be swallowed.

Boji was satisfied with the stomach, and it was very cool to see. The ultimate wooden beauty makes Miches go to it, don't say this teaser is still very good, use your electricity to fight Baggun.

Miklas began around the blogged blog, declared his victory, and the beauty of wood is also a good look.

Baggu's body suddenly turned out, and the energy was overflowing. Then it was a shock, and a lot of Baggun came out. In fact, it is no longer called Baggu, this is Bagguri's higher form, Baggommons. After swallowing a lot of life, Balu finally evolved.

Look at the more ferocious Bhagommons, all people are stupid, do not play like this.

Miklas is easy to be flying by Baggommons. In this critical moment, the little dream debut, the end is very miserable by Bogawus, I don't know who I am, then huge The meat wings are wrapped in the package.

At this time, the two laser came over, Bogawus sent a roar, the little dream took the opportunity to escape from the meat wings.

"It is Li Wei and Aron, they are coming." Yan Zhuan called.

Aron shouted, "Look at the big body like this, you want to protect this planet, you can take out your energy."

It was an outbreak of the little dream of Aron, and the small dream of the little dream was started, and the battle with Bhagommons took up the wind, and finally gave the Baggommons.

At this time, the sword was coming, I played a light, looked at the light, and the little dream hurriedly threw the Bogawus. Once Baggommons were hit, the body The energy will break out, then it will come to a beautiful big explosion.

Chapter 22 You can still go? 342

"Rolling, I want to kill the guy." The sword is cold.

"No, once the Baggu is exploding, there will be a lot of life on this planet disappeared." Xiaominge said loudly.

"When I do it, I don't have anything, I will only have more people to die in it." The hand of the sword stretched out, a light sword stretched out.

The little dream helplessly extended the sword. The two began to cut, but unfortunately, the little dream of the sword was turned off, and the sword will kick the little dream.

Seeing the sword, I have to go to the bombabo, A Long yelled, "Stop!" The gun in his hand and hit the shoulders of the sword.

The sword turned into the body, I wanted to give Aron, suddenly swords his head, some painful appearance, the light sword in the hand disappeared.

At this time, a powerful current hit the sword, the sword poured, Bogawus stood again, the little dream ran in the past, and finally gave the blogged Feet, Baggommons's physicalization is disappeared in the disappearance.

In the workplace of Guys, Mikasaki is talking about, Li Wei is not understanding, and the eyes are not watching the snow.

A line, two lines, three lines emerged on the forehead of Mikaki, really can't endure anymore, "Li Wei players, can you say what I just said?"

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil, Xiao Niu, I want to whole, "Mikaki, everyone, I am in my heart. Now let me repeat, this, you Formulate a Bakgun annihilation plan, the content is to lead Baka Ru to a unmanned island of the Pacific, and then generate a magnetic field force to form a protective cover by preparing the machine, and then use the shell to play it, detonate it The energy of the body, the force generated after the explosion will be blocked by the protective cover, so it will not have an impact on our humanity. "

Everyone looked at Li Wei, this guy did not listen at all, and I would like to know this clearly?

Li Wei smiled in this car, "But the son of Mikasaki, your plan is indeed, but there is a big vulnerability, I think you should know. That is Bojun, once appeared, the little dream and sword must be It will also appear, you want to detonate the energy in Baju, can you think that the gun is you can do? No Altman's participation does not do it, but once Bakara explosives, the little dreams and swords are from What is the shroud? What will it be? "

Everything's brows wrinkled, yeah, this is done to Baggu, but also destroyed dreams.

Mikizi Snow looked at Li Wei, "This is something that there is no way. It is a matter of prior to eliminating Baggu. There is no way to think about other things."

Li Wei suddenly laughed, "How to be so deep, the little dream and sword are not good, do not mean that alone is not."

The beauty of wood is excited, "Are you talking about Nike? If it is his words, it must be available. He is so powerful."

Other people nodded, "Nasikes is our hope."

"Don't worry, I believe that Nikseus will not let you down." Of course, will not let you down, or how this is still put down.

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