I am Ultraman

I am Ottman Chapter 128

Miqi Snow got a head in the snow, "I wish you a smooth battle." After the end, I walked outside, Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, "You continue to study, I will go to the toilet."

Looking at the goods, Li Wei, the goods, the dissatisfaction of Tricken, "Lazy ..." The rest, she can't say it, after all, how can a woman say that it is so difficult to say.

Mikasaki walked forward with beautiful women, the brow wrinkled, and the two hot sight behind him made her feel that clothes were burned out of two holes. It really can't endure.

"I said that you are going to follow me?" Mikizi's snow fell back to the cold frost.

"The chief, you don't like this, I don't want to listen, and I can't leave here. I don't follow you." Li Wei smiled.

Mikizi's snow sucks a sigh of relief, decided not to be with this rogue, after resting the anger, Miki Snow continued to go forward, even she didn't understand why Li Wei would be so easy to see this. .

Li Wei continued to follow, "Be careful ..." Li Wei suddenly made a shout, the body pressed the whole of Miyazaki.

This posture is very interesting, Mikasi snow is overwhelming, and it is pressed by Li Wei. Li Wei, this car suddenly remembered a sport, riding! Don't think more, or slowly ride later.

"It hurts ... Mr. you get up!" Miki's painful look.

"The long official is really sorry, I really don't intention," that is deliberate.

"Don't talk nonsense, give me a hurry, you are heavy ..." Miki Snow is unfair.

Li Wei is very reluctant from the back of Mikasaki, this soft female body can't believe it. But now I will bear it first. Anyway, one day, one day, I can't worry, I can't anxious.

"Don't come to help me ..." Mikizi's snow is very paralyzed, the "good intention" of Li Wei, the opportunity to rely on, and the opportunity of the oil is smart, but next, hey ...

Miyazaki is slowly standing, there is no standing half, "Ah ..." frown wrinkled together, and fell to the bottom.

Such a good opportunity, how can Li Wei will let go, and pull Meiku Xijin into his arms. "How can you do this?"

The anger in the Snow of Miyazaki, you think that it is the animal, I will, "let me go ..."

"Oh, ok." Li Wei is very lonely, the result can be understood, Miki snow fell to the bottom, "it is evil, yourself ..."

When I was going to fall in Mikizi, Li Wei suddenly reached out and pulled her into the arms. "The chief, you said that I am still not put, in fact, I am very difficult, Because I am a gentleman, I just don't want to take you cheap, but you will fall by letting yourself, since I can only violate my heart in my heart. "Pack, you are connected.

Miki Snow listened to this, I wanted to bite this. It is too shameless. It is too shameless. It is this babble. Now I still say this, what is this guy's face?

Mikasaki is calm down, but the shameful face is still selling her, "I, I said that you are deliberate?"

"Do you think what kind of metamorphosis I want to think, how much you are, Miki, even if I am a mother, I will not deliberately do it." Li Wei's great righteousness of the goods, of course It's all installed. It is intentional, but the labor is the case, what do you have to take labor?

"Yes, yes?" Miki Snow looked at Li Wei's eyes, this guy said, is not like fake, is it really unclear? You are just a simple snow, can this man say if this man said?

"It's that." Li Wei's goods are in color, but the eyes are flashing in the eyes, and the Mikasaki snow will not notice.

Mikizi's snow did not speak, and the atmosphere was subtle for a moment, leaning on Li Wei's solid brother and felt that powerful heartbeat. Mikizi Snow feels that his body is constantly improving, or if it is on Li Wei, it is estimated that it is a strange feeling. What is this strange?

Li Wei is actually very enjoyable. It has not enjoyed a meat, and the brothers of Mikaki's brothers are tightly pressed against their brothers. This is soft and can't believe it. If you use hands What will I do? Thinking about thinking, Li Wei will make the chicken.

Mikizi Snow I can't think of this again. Otherwise, I will make mistakes, "Li, Li Wei, you, you can release me, I have to go back." Now I have a little sanctuary, pure Little woman looks.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, and said to the ear of Mikasaki, said: "Chief Executive, do you think you can go?"

Give me a point, ask for flowers, ask for a variety of support

Chapter 23, I will back you 343

The body of Mikasury snow broke, the hot gas came to the ear, so that the Sakatsu snow was born, it seems that there is a feeling of shares in the heart, "You don't want to rely near, I, I can of course, you let go I can ... "

Li Wei smiled and laughed, "Since it is the requirements of the Chief Executive, I can only follow."

Mikizi Snow tried to go forward two steps, the face is a painful look, the feet are like a whistle, and it will die, but since it is already called Li Wei, this animal is loosened, Mikasi snow is embarrassed. Once again, Li Wei helped this goods, and at the same time, a angry in his heart was a blended me, or he had already done his own things.

"You should not be stubborn, what is the woman who is difficult to look at it, look at my distress." Li Wei was shamelessly squatted in the front of Miki Xue, "Since all this is what I made, then I need it. Responsible, I will take you back. "

Mikizi Snow looked at this broad back, the heart jumped acceleration, let this man back to himself, how to think is a blushing thing, the most terrible thing is that it is not too disgusted, "this, this I don't have to look, Li Wei, your heart, I already know ... "

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil, the woman is like this, you need to put it, how can a good man don't take the initiative, "the chief, I am a stubborn person, when I think it needs What to do, I will do it, you don't stop me, because that is not. "

After the hands of the hands, I hugged the legs of Mei Xue, I was awkward, although I was in the clothes, but the skin of this calf is still bright, the best legs, after, after, I will put it in the future Bed, hahaha ...

"I said that Li Wei, you have to keep this posture how long ..." Miraaki's shameless way, this guy has carried his own legs, it has always kept this posture, which is what? Of course, the heart of Mikasaki is still very shy. After all, this is the first time with a man to take her, the fever big hand makes her feel that the calf is burned.

Li Wei smiled in this car, "Don't worry, I will get up soon." I don't want to say this, what will I encounter? " Li Wei, this car is suddenly a burst of chickens.

Meiqi's Xueyu is angry: "Who is anxious, a bad bastard, I don't want you, I will go back ..."

"Chief, you have to be obedient, you have to believe that I will go back to purely just fulfilling a man's responsibility, as for others, I can't think about it." Li Wei's full face, then slow Slow standing up, easily put the Snow on the snow.

What is the refreshing thing? Although in the clothes, a woman is close to you, the soft feeling makes Li Wei really wants a few throats.

Mikizi Snow I feel that my face has been burned, and the whole body has been in touch with this man. This wonderful feeling makes the Snowy Snow. In order not to let your brothers and Li Wei's back in the back of the goods, Mikizi Snow work hard to support their bodies, which let Li Wei have a little a pity, but forget, the opportunity of the latter, hahaha ...

The face of Miki Snow is increasingly uncomfortable, the pair of buns on the round hip, let her feel that it is very unsatisfactory, it seems to be roasting, I always feel that this guy's hand has been penetrated, God, let This guy will take a hurry, usually a short period of time, this moment, Miyazaki feels extremely long.

"Li, Li Wei, you, can you hurry? It is not good to see it ..." Miki Snow felt a bit difficult.

The middle and Li Wei, the car's mouth, "The Chief Executive, what do we do even if we have seen it? We are very normal, the chief is hurt, I will back it back, obviously The piece is very love, others see it, will not say anything, as long as our hearts are frank, everything will disappear slowly. "

Miqi Snow instant gas, this bauble is still in his nuts, obviously is enjoying, but it dares to say this, but, Mikasaki snow is not annoying this, "You hurry ..." business improvement.

Everything can't be fire, Li Wei has always followed this rule, so it is unfortunately, but it is necessary to speed up the pace. It is enough to enjoy it. The softness of the hand is excited. .

I finally arrived in the office of Meiku, Li Wei was put on the sofa. A few mouthfuls of the mouth of Mikasury snow, a very tired look.

Li Wei is like a cup, looking for two cups, picking two glasses, and handed a glass of Mikizi. Looking at Li Wei, the cup in the hands of this goods, Miki Snow seems to say something, "Li Wei ..., that cup ..."

"What happened to this cup, very good, I have drank ha." I have done it, "I am really good, it is really good."

One of Miki Snow, "Not bad, you will drink it." This cup is often drunk in Mikizi. Suddenly, Mikizi Snow thought of indirect kissing words, not, self-owned animals indirect ...... Kiss?

Li Wei looked at the cup in his hand, see what happened to see the expression of Meiku Xue. Labor is deliberate, "the chief, your own ankle, I have learned a little massage, you can make your feet."

Miki Xue suddenly looked at Li Wei, "What do you say? This is still not used, I will call medical staff immediately."

Li Wei, the striker of this goods, "The Chief Executive, I am a stubborn person. Since this is because I start, then I will definitely be responsible, the chief, you have to give me a chance to redeeck, otherwise I am suspicious of it in my life. "I blame!

Looking at the serious expression of Li Wei, Miyazaki is doubtful, is this guy is serious, wrong, can't be cheated by this guy, it seems to be deceived from the beginning. You have finally discovered it, it is not easy.

"I think it is, I still don't need trouble, I don't need trouble, Li Wei, if there is nothing, I have to work." Miki Xue is very simple, Li Wei you can roll.

But is Li Wei who can easily send people? If the face is thick, everything can be done. "The chief, I said that I am a stubborn person. I actually didn't cooperate. I only do myself, even if I have to punish me, I have no regrets, because I have made the right choice, our Life must be brilliant. "

"You, what do you do ..." Mikizi Snow surprised, Li Wei is already squatting, holding a small foot of Meiku, and starting the offshore action.

"Dry ... If you see, doing what I think is the right thing." Li Wei said with a dark sweat, and he wo said to do you. This will really change it, otherwise the sister They were scared away.

"Don't, you don't ..." Miki Snow issued a misunderstanding voice, I don't know what to do.

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