I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 146

Li Wei called a yawn, is this a promise of a big performance? Looking at the eggs, "Chief Executive, I am going to the last toilet."

I didn't pay attention to Li Wei, I'm going to pay attention to Li Wei.

Li Wei is casually walking, can't happen, it is really boring. It seems that today is a monster appearance, and it is here, hey ...

"It's great ..." Miki Snow looked at the brick home, , Li Wei, who stopped the action. Where did Li Yu died?

The brick home wiped the sweat that appeared vigorous exercise. "The problem is that this sound is very useful for our artificial monsters, and it is not very clear for those wild monsters."

Suddenly a monster research institute is shaking, what is wrong?

"It's a monster ..." The people of the entire institute have panicked, all people have started crazy escape.

Mikizi's snow was very good, suddenly stopped, "Li Wei ... this bastard ..." Miki Xue finally thought of, Li Wei said to her, he went to the toilet.

Mikizi's snow did not have a trace of hesitation to ran backwards, she wanted to find this animal, even she didn't understand why she was worried.

"Li Wei, where are you? Li Wei, you come out ..." Miki shouted.

"Hey, do you call me?" A evil voice came from Miki Snow.

Miyazaki is rushing to turn the body, "Li Wei, let's go, the monster is coming, hurry ..."

"I am very glad that you didn't leave me when dangerous, but the more you need this kind of critical juncture, the more you need to calm, it is not a big deal, isn't it a monster?" Li Wei said with a laugh.

Mikizi Snow looked at the leisurely Li Wei, almost did not be unscapage, the danger of his life came back to find this animals, he is good, but also called yourself, how is it calm? "There is no time to talk nonsense, go, this is a order!" Miki screamed.

"Oh, I understand, then the chief us will go." Li Wei nodded this.

Miyazaki is angry, what is it! Just at this time, a violent trembly, some messy things were dropped, and the road was blocked.

A huge glass was smashed in the snow, and a huge glass came to her, Mikizi's snow, and suddenly the body was pushed away.


Li Wei was killed in this goods, then poured down in the ground.

"Li Wei ..." Mikizi's snowstone ran to Li Wei, looked at Li Wei, tears, "Li Wei, how are you stupid?"

"I said, I want to protect the sanner ..." Li Wei opened his eyes very weak.

"I don't want to see you ..." Miki Snow stood the head of Li Wei.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, "Chief Executive, if I die today, can you complete my last wish?"

"You don't want to say anymore, you won't die, I won't let you die ..." Mikizi's snow is constantly crying.

"Don't say any more, I just want you to complete my last wish." Li Wei is weak.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will do it."

"It's actually very simple, but I think the chief is unwilling." Li Wei is a little disappointed.

"You said, as long as I can do it, I will fight for it." Miki Snow felt that his heart was broken, this painful feelings are going on.

"In fact, in fact, as long as you kiss me, it is enough, so that even if I die, I will die, cough ..." The performance must be realistic.

How can there be such a request? However, I looked at the weak and died Li Wei. My head was firmly, "I understand ..."

Mikizi's snow slowly lowered his head and made up with Li Wei's face. When the last zero one mm, Mikizi stopped, "I, I ..." It seems to be very difficult.

Li Wei's eyes flashed in the eyes of the goods, and the body trembled, and the face of accidentally hit the lips of Meiku.

Mikizi's snow is stunning, is it a different feeling from the lips? Do you have Li Wei?

"Well, HP is full, let us go to knock down the monster." Li Wei suddenly sat up and laughed.

Miyazaki is stupid, "You, what are you doing?"

Li Wei is inkwed in this car: "It is the kiss of the sanner to my magical power. This is a long official you, if you don't die."

Mikizi's face has changed, and the fool also knows that Li Wei is already installed, it is evil, even dare to deceive his feelings, clearly, I am still sad, "You this bastard, no forgive ..."

Li Wei suddenly looked at Mikaki Snow, "Chief Executive, Do you know? If you are really dead today, I want to have a kiss before you die."

Mikizi Snow feels that the anger in the heart is gone, low, "Why, do you say this, I, mine, my kiss ... is just very ordinary ..."

"No, in my opinion is the price of invaluable treasures, it is extremely precious, you can use my life to change." Li Wei's excitement of this car.

Mikizi Snow looked excited Li Wei, I don't know what happened in my heart, this feeling is this, what is this feeling?

"The chief, you are tired, sleep for a while." Li Wei came to the side of Meikue, one hand holding the back of the Sakazaki.

Mikizi Snow only felt a relaxed body, a powerful sleeping hit, the body slowly fell. Li Wei, this goods picked up the snow, and the other hand took out the evolutionary trust, and the light was constantly emitted, and he went to the monster.

Brothers seeking flowers, flowers are your best support now, every time I see the growth of flowers, the mood is pleasant, my mood is very natural, these days are too small, I feel very hard.

Chapter 45 Our Secret 365

Silly monster Asterlon is not constantly destroying, and suddenly it shizes his own eyes with his own small paws, so strong rays.

The rays rapidly became the body, Nikith is very mad, and gently put it down.

Aston's mouth spurtled out of the flame to Kniths, Nikesesh was so powerful, and a punch hit the flame.


The flame reached a group of flowing fire, Astlon issued a tweet called Nikith rushing.

For this kind of garbage monster, there is no great interest, Naikesk kicked the past, Aston flew out, and fell to the ground and couldn't climb in the ground.

"Is it coming?" Nikens said.

I saw a big tail sweam like a meteor hammer, and Nazith grasped this big tail. "Dry, your mother is born, you will make you sneak attack, even the monster, you can Can't be a little quality. "

"..." The snorned snoring is very painful.

Nikese was dragged a few laps on the ground, the monster was thrown out, and the death did not die.

"There are two monsters, and the other is the basis of Bank," Alan rushed from the sky.

"Take a few monsters, they will never be the opponent of Nike." Truth said confident on the loading number.

"That is sure, let us watch how Nisse is knocked down them." The beautiful voice of the wood passed.

Bailu and Astron are standing together, and they rushed to Nike. Nikesh shook his head and walked toward two monsters.

"Super Boxing!"

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