I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 147

Two glanced fists hit the two monsters, in the two horses, the body of the two monsters flew out.

The two monsters are very tenacious, standing again, and the previous one rushed to Nikith.

"The last hit, the bow is beam!"

The arrow-shaped beam that exudes the joyous light is instantly wearing two monsters, and flying!


The monster was fried in order to debris, everything is so easy to end.

"Yeah, win!" The beauty of the wood and the truth, when they cheered, they were very proud, because this is their man, a powerful man.

"It's really powerful, a pair of two can also win such a relaxing, it is Naikesez." Zhe Ping's admiration.

"He is so powerful, ..." The beautiful smile smile. "

On the ground, Miqi Snow smashed his head and saw the heads of his head. He then saw the big figure in front, "Nikes! Is he saved us? Li Wei, Li Wei went to ..."

Miki stood up and stood up, and the feelings had a panic, the guy ...

Nikest disappeared in order to disappear. A voice rang from the sorrow of the snow, "Chief, what are you looking for?"

"Li Wei ..." Mikasi Xue saw Li Wei, the feeling is very excited, the body is not controlled, I am in the arms of Li Wei, "Li Wei, I am so afraid to see you again ... "

Li Wei stunned slightly, I didn't expect to give a surprise for labor, "the chief, without your permission, I will never leave you."

The body of Miki Xi Xue is shackled, and it is awake, what do you do? It's terrible, I took the initiative to hold this animals, and I still said that if I misunderstood, Miki Snow suddenly wanted to find a cave drill.

When I pushed Li Wei, I didn't dare to look at Li Wei at all, "Li, Li Wei, I, I don't have any other meaning, you don't misunderstand, I ..." Miyazaki Snow Suddenly I really want to kill myself, how can I directly put it into this bauble? I still say that, this bastard will not think about it.

Li Wei smiled in this car, "I understand, just just the compassion of the subordinates, what else I will think."

"Yes, that is, this is like this, Li Wei, don't say what happens, this is a command, otherwise ..." Mikasi snow exposed a threat, but the killing power is zero.

"I know, I will not say to others, this is the secret between us." Li Wei smiled.

"Yes, this is the case, no, there is no secret between us, there is absolutely ..." Miki Snow said very much. "In spell, if you have spill, I haven't finished it." Mikasaki snow is rare with a small woman.

Li Wei smiled this car, "I know, I understand, you can rest assured, how can I disappoint you when I am relieved.

Mikizi Snow is not talking to the direction of the car, and Li Wei is now in a second for a second for a second to Meiku, and there is no face.

Li Wei hurriedly chased it, "There is no one in now, let me come to the elaborator as a driver."

Miyazaki is not talking, what can I say, it is not the opponent of this bastard, I can't give you a row.

All the way didn't talk again, the atmosphere was quiet, Mikizi Snow I want to go back to my office instantly, this suffocating atmosphere is really unable to stand.

"The chief you reprimanded this morning this morning." Li Wei suddenly said.

"Yes, he is too responsible for the words of the media." Miyazaki is cold.

Li Wei smiled, "Actually, the old bird is also doing his consideration, he wants more people to understand Guys, know why he doesn't come with you today? Because he I am a little fear, and I will be trained by you, there is anything a good mood. The old bird has now lost confidence, and the recent thing is very disadvantaged, so that he is very frustrated. "

Miqi Xue thought about it: "What should I do?" What is going on, I don't consciously ask this man's opinion.

"The old bird is a director to assist the official, but there has never seen the director, and it is also a kind of sorrow. It is better to let the Director encourage him a few words." Li Wei said with a laugh.

The look of Mikizi Snow is a bit is somewhat hard, "the director's words ... I know, I will arrange."

I finally arrived in the Phoenix nest, Mikizi's snow quickly walked to the car, suddenly Mikizi Snow turned his head, "Li Wei, what are you talking about today?"

Li Wei nodded, "It is true, you can use my life to guarantee."

The body of Mikizi Snow is slightly trembled, and I deeply looked at Li Wei, and then walked towards it.

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil in the mouth of the car, hahaha, Mikizi Snow looks at how you escape from the hand of labor, must be labor-owned.

Birds and Mountain were called the director's office. After coming out, the spring breeze was proud, because he got the praise of the Director, of course, only the general message props, forced him to listen, of course, essentially forced water is the Director, but Birds don't know Stop.

Birds and mountains entered Guys's office, "Hahaha, I am very happy today."

"You are very happy, don't forget to promise things that promise to labor." Li Wei said with a laugh.

"I know, please ask you everyone to eat, I know, let you eat it tonight, hahaha ..." Bird Mountain is a laugh.

"The boss, you are too big, I am Alang to keep up with you." Along looked at Li Wei excited.

"Roll, labor does not engage in the foundation, where do you die until you go." Li Wei will play Along that will be played over.

"Li Wei, you are really great, yeah ..." Zhe Pei called.

"Li Wei, you actually let this iron cock once again, the money is forced, I will give you a little." Hui was raised his thumbs up.

The bird mountain is angry, "Hey, obviously I invite you to eat, how do you grate this kid?"

"Old bird, thank you, please ask us to eat, hahaha!"

Chapter 46, Hua Palace Temple 366

The blue big sea, a fighter is flying quickly, and it is the flying wing number.

"In the future, I will go to Kobe soon. What do you feel?" Li Wei asked with a laugh.

I laughed in the future, "This is a beautiful place, but I always have an ominous hunch here, hope is my illusion."

Li Wei shook his head, "Not your illusion, the labor is also a feeling, behind the beautiful behind it is hidden behind the dark stream behind it."

I nodded in the future, "said that Li Hao is all, ordinary humans can not be so powerful."

"Don't care about these details, labor is a good person, if you can, please call me Lei Feng's pass, Lei people." Li Wei smiled.

"Lei people ?!" Question mark in the future.

"Look, the front is the Kobe Airport. We started to be prepared." Li Wei's heart suddenly suddenly, Shengong Temple color is coming, the future is sorry, you continue to go and have Hika Complete blend.

The flying wing is landed on the Kobe Airport, Li Wei's goods and future planes, went to a railway, looked at the front of the sea. Li Wei took out the license, "Here is Li Wei, we have fell to the Kobe Airport."

"Li Wei, I am so fast, you are really fast, the Kobe is a good place, the origin of the dessert, if there is no abnormal phenomenon, help me and the Truth Nami is a delicious cake." Wooden The beautiful voice passed.

Li Wei smiled this, "I know, the bunny that is greedy ..." I have been interrupted by a bloody voice.

"Boss, if you didn't find anything, hurry back ..."

"I'm going to open, don't stop me and Li Wei, Li Wei's best is still wine, and give me a little and bunny ..." Truth is not finished.

"Boss ..."

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