I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 148

"I am coming, you are not annoying, women talking menide, you have a bloody mugger, Li Wei should not forget to give me and bunny with pearl, goodbye!"

"Boss ..."

In the work room of Guys, Aron is angry, raising his fist to the truth, "Tricken, you are a stinky woman."

"Yes, you are playing, you will play, wait for Li Wei to see how I let him pick you up." Truth Nai's hands with her hands.

Alan bite his teeth, the face is unwilling, and I recovered my hand, "Hey, I don't have a woman with women."

On the arrogant airport, Li Wei smiled this car, and the corner of his mouth revealed a trail.

The sound of a shutter door came, and Li Wei looked at the source of the goods to the source of the sound, a smiling big beauty got down from a red sports car.

"You are Li Wei and Day Biye Future, my name is Shenyong Temple." The big beauty of the face came over with a charming smile to Li Wei.

Li Wei came up with a smile. Happy to meet you, please take care. "Li Wei has greatly extended a hand.

"Please take care!" Shengong Temple has also reached a hand, the two people are holding together, and Li Wei is pure, and it does not seem to have any other idea.

Shenyong Temple laughed: "Li Wei can let go."

"Oh, I forgot." Li Wei recovered his hand.

The future has been forgotten, "My name is the future, I am very glad to meet you."

Li Wei does not want to be a painter in the temple and the future, and his future wife can touch anyone else. People don't want to face this extent.

"Miss That Temple, our purpose, this time, you already know." Li Wei said.

Shenyong Temple laughed: "Don't be so polite, call me, you come to investigate this sea, forced to pay for me, let me help you."

"Forced? You can really call it, and forced the captain, it will be sad." Li Wei smiled.

"He also said that I don't call me. I will make him very faceless, but I don't care about him, haha ​​..." Shengong Temple laughed, said that some strange look at Li Wei, "Good Strange, there is a feeling in your body. "

"What do you feel?" Li Wei asked with a laugh.

"Can't say secrets." Smirked.

"Yes? It is really a secret." Li Wei did not understand this sentence of this goods, because the original story did not explain, but in the original story, this sentence is to the future. " It is now telling yourself.

I laughed, "Let's go to the research institute." Li Wei took a head and was forgotten by him in the future.

In the aquarium, the three slowly walk, the color said: "Since this time, the ocean has had some changes, tides, water temperature, but these numbers do not explain what problems."

Li Wei, this goods played a yawn, "There is no more clearness than these little guys." Li Wei said with different fishs who swan.

The color is nod, "these little guys will often make some disturbances, just like being afraid."

Li Wei smiled, "This ocean must have a horrible thing, I hope not to be a super invincible big monster, hahaha ..."

"Li Wei, you are really funny, there is a monster, don't you have Altman? Dream is still strong Nike, they are very powerful, of course, the most powerful or Nikseus." When I said that Nikes, I took a trace of worship.

"Nikese is really very powerful." I have always said a word in the future of soy sauce.

Li Wei, this car, "Do you seem to be concerned about these?"

"I don't want to pay attention, it's hard, the monster is coming, and Altman naturally became the topic of people. They protect human beings. We will care about it. Yes, ask you a question, why do you want to be like this? Desperately protect humanity. "Asked smile.

"It's very simple, because Ottman likes human beings, from human body they can see their shadow, Altman is just a zoomed man. Color, do you think I said?" Li Wei The eyes directly look straight.

I nodded, "I feel very right, but I really want to hear Ottman to say this."

Li Wei smiled this, two Altman is in front of you, you still want to listen, is it in bed listening to me?

"Li Wei, your smile is a bit suspicious, saying what you are thinking about?" The color suddenly laughed.

Li Wei is secretly sweating, this is discovered, "I am just thinking, you are so beautiful, who is going to be a good."

"Haha, Li Wei, you can really tease, you are not thinking of you, everyone is like this, I understand. Go, we go to study the detailed information." Go forward.

Looking at the back of the color, Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, , ,,

Chapter 47 Creating an accident 367

Inside the aquarium, a aquarium is pushed forward, "Look, high households, is the player of Guys, or two, hold a hand?"

Li Wei looked at the little boy of the gods. This should be the brother of the color. Li Wei squatted down. "Xiaobi, hello, my name is Li Wei." The little brother shouted.

But there is no bird in the high-family bird, and it will be left directly. Li Wei stood up and smiled, "It seems that I don't welcome me."

Smirked: "Not the case, he is like this in these months, although people are small, but there is a heart knot. It is said that high households can be very worshiping Guys and Altman, I have always joined Guys. "

The aquarian librarian called Guangchuan is a bit of pain: "But the accident in three months makes high houses to become like this."

"Accident?" Asked in the future.

Just wanted to say something, the dolphins in the pool became crazy, and Guangchuan said a "loss of accompanying" to pick up the dolphins.

"It is certain that the dolphins feel like this." Color.

The sky flashed a light, and the rays evolved into a strange text. Of course, these text ordinary people can't see it, this is the Ott signature sent by Zapofi.

"The seal of the devil is about to be opened!" Li Wei said softly.

The color surprised looked at Li Wei and the next two, both looked up at the sky, is there anything in the sky? "Li Wei, what did you say, what demon ..."

Li Wei smiled this goods. "Don't care about these details, I usually like to speak for themselves, we still have to go to the Institute."

Lucky smile, "You are really a cute guy."

Li Wei reveals a trace of evil, cute? ! It turned out to describe the man who is full of masculine people, well, will let you understand what is cute.

Looking at Li Wei's back, Li Wei is not ordinary, and you can see the Otte signature and understand what it means.

In the private school of Color, there is a glass cylinder of fish everywhere, and all kinds of small fish are swim. The color sat in front of the computer, "This is the research data in these months. If you organize it, you should find anything."

"That's trouble, we don't understand anything." Li Wei said with a laugh.

"If you understand, you can grab my rice bowl, I can't let you have anything, people can't be too greedy." Said smile.

Li Wei smiled this car, "I think, you are the darling of God, the long-term, knowing, and is not a vertex."

"Gigling ... Li Wei, your mouth is sweet, I have the same good you say, I am just an ordinary woman."

"Then I also want this ordinary. Why don't you give me this day?" You are already unique, and what you want to give you old days? Endless sisters are.

"You are funny, hahaha ..." The smile is very happy.

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