I am Ultraman

I am Chapter 208, Altman.

"To Gao Noah Light!" Noah's yell, with the waves of both hands, the energy core flashed, the golden rays played out.

"Zaji lightning!" Zaji's big scream, "Noah, come, let us come to a final battle, and divide it between us."


This is the absolute force of the collision, the entire Ott Star is in a strabit, the energy is hit, and the space is broken in a piece of collapse.

The rays of the two sides were challenged, eventually stabilized, centered on the bombing point, a half gold half black energy ball in constant shape.

Energy Ball With the continuous enlargement of both parties, the diameter is from ten meters to 100 meters, and then from 100 meters to kilometers. The energy in the energy ball seems to be fusion, gold and black, and the chaotic color is replaced.

"Fried chicken, what is the result of this energy ball explosion?" Noah asked faintly, but the energy in his hand continued to output.

"The labor-owned incident, the labor has stopped, hahaha!" Fried chicken smirked.

"It's rare to have the same time, it can't stop it, then completely exploded." Noah's words are the same madness.

The chaotic energy ball suddenly contracted, and then it was a shock explosion that can be directly shocking.

The energy storm of up to Ten thousand mils is instantly swept the half of the Otte Star, and there is no thing that is completely surprised. Noah and fried chicken were drowned by this energy, only one piece of gray world, nothing else.

I don't know how long, everything is finally sailed, half an Otte Star has no, and the remaining half is being swallowed by a small black hole. It is the black hole, the chaotic energy ball is destroyed. The space, forming a collapsed area, this collapsed area is now crazy to swallow everything around.

"Haha, cool, special cool!" In the universe, a golden light is constantly condensed, Noah's huge body appears, and the upper and lower flowers are flowing.

A black storm flashed, and the fried chicken flowing in black blood appeared. The two sides are very wolf. They did not expect that the power of energy fusion explosive was so powerful, far greater than one plus one.

The golden rays flashed from Noah, Noah returned to normal. The black man flashed on the fried chicken, and the fried chicken words recovered the way to the hanging day.

Fried chops suddenly laughed, "Hahaha, don't you mean in this way?"

"Oh, you have found this, it is not easy." Noah raised his thumbs up with fried chicken.

"Because not destroying everything, this feeling is really uncomfortable." Fried chicken is very mad.

"Ottex's star has been destroyed, I really don't know what you want, is you destroying the whole universe?"

The fried chicken nodded, "Yes, it will destroy the whole universe, there is no need to endure, a garbage universe, the labor will be destroyed, what is the seat of the universe, actually dare to suppress labor, Today, labor is to release all the power of labor. "

"Ha!" The fried chicken, the thick black lightning clip is a black energy storm up to hundreds of thousands of meters to destroy all the violent trend to the endless sky.

Chapter 121, the ultimate fierce battle (6) 441

"Are you crazy? Brain is broken, the result of you doing this is that everyone has not played. You have endured such a long time, just know this." Noah said very much.

"Yes, labor is known to know this, but labor is no longer to endure, I haven't had to play, I have to play, the labor, the hair, ah!" In the scream of fried chicken, black can lead the storm to a hundred When Milometers stopped expanding, "Noah, look at the current gestures of labor, only this can experience the kind of pain."

Now Nova is in front of the fried chicken, and the body of fried chicken has been extended to one million meters, which is the original gesture of Zaji. Under the pressing of the universe, Noah and fried chickens are only one-third of the original. However, not, Noah and fried chicken must have need to follow the Cosmic rules, as long as they are willing, use one percent of the body, they can break the press, and can restore the strongest gesture at any time.

But the result of this is to fight with the universe. Once the universe is destroyed, the universe will destroy, and the impact of the destruction of a universe will have to affect other universe, form a reactive reaction. In that, everyone didn't play. In fact, fried chicken is also because I haven't released my strength. From this point, fried chickens is still rational, but now this is rational, people in battle It is easy to be crazy.

Noah's words, "Nima, you are really a madman. In this case, labor and capital should be crazy, ha!" The rays of rolling out of the continuous outbreak, hundreds of thousands of meters The huge ray storm went to the surrounding.

The rays slowly dissipated, a high one million meters of Noah appeared, this time Noah recovered the past silver gray, the plasma spark and the soldiers gave to the Warrior given to the release of all the strength of Noah It's too much insignificant.

"Noah, let us crazy fight, hahaha, explode this universe, let everything is destroyed, cool." Fried chicken looked at his fist, vigorously cleared, a power storm Out.

Noah looked at the infinite starry surrounding, "The universe responded is very big, it seems to decide to give us two give away."

"There is a matter of it, see who kills who, labor is going to break all, one does not leave." The roar of fried chickens, and the thick arm is in Noah.

Noah's arm blocked, and a fried thunderous sound spread out with the sound wave, and it passed, and the substance encountered was transformed into flour.

"Only this is a good thing, cool." Fried chicken began a crazy attack, every attack made space rupture, where Nova and fried chicken battles were all crushed in a glass-like space.

"Zaji sparks!" The fried chicken, a huge black energy blade over Noah.

Noah quickly avoided, fried chicken disdain: "Do you think that the trick of labor is only necessary to hide?"

"Labor has never thought about it." Noah made another side, escaped from the energy blade that came from behind, then the huge body flew in the distance.

"Don't think about leaving, today's labor is not to kill you." The roar of fried chickens chased.

Two huge figure began to shuttle between groups, where they have passed, the explosion is constantly. Nova quickly wrapped behind a small asteroid, Zaji sparks were not as turned into the asteroid.


The asteroids have a dramatic shrap, slowly separate, in the moment of separating explosions, a huge figure drill out, "Noah!"

The huge fist hit the body of fried chicken, frying the chicken, the body was flying backwards.

"Noah lightning!" Noah's yell, a huge light hit a frying chicken flying.

"I want to succeed." The body of fried chicken suddenly fixed, then instantly disappeared traces, and all of the planet did not be detached in the dust.

But the universe will not be letting the two, and Noah suddenly turned the body and screamed, "Noah is prison!"

The coarse inflammatory column hit a huge planet that hit its own very speed.


The planet stopped the trend, centered on the rumble of the Yanzhu, and the fire red rays were wrapped in a huge planet.

, ... ...

The huge planet was smeared for ashes, but this is just the beginning, the stars and planets continue to hit this place, and the distance between the distance is riot, and it will turn into the Star River Storm.

"Zaji kicked!" It was buddy from Noah, and Noah's body was flying. When the fried chicken wants to act further, a group of asteroids came over like he attacked.

"Garbage!" Fried chicken disdainfully screamed, let the asteroid group bombed himself, "Ah ..." The energy storm broke out from the body of fried chicken, all the small groups were submerged, and the slag is Slag.

"Fried chicken, have you destroy this universe?" Noah's body appeared in front of fried chicken.

"How is it ruined? Let everything be a slag, is not very interesting, labor is nothing to do." The fried chicken said loudly.

"Is it true? If so, why do you complete your strength today? You don't want to destroy everything." Noah said.

"Domestic mouth, how to do it is the freedom of labor, you can't control, what do you know?" The fried chicken is angry.

Noah waves, "Care, a few dialogues, you are excited, really can't help but stimulate, are you child paper?" Noah dressing shook his head.

"I am evil! You will say that labor is a child paper." When you want to say something, the storm, a star river storm hits this place, imagine, the Milky Way is mixed with tens of thousands Planetary scene.

Today, I really can't afford a brother, I updated a chapter. This chapter is that I spend more time than two chapters. I can't do it. I will find a time to make up the chapter of the owed. Please understand the brothers

Chapter 122, ultimately fierce battle (7) 442

"Lying in the trough, all squares are the storm of the Star River. If you want to find a place to hide, you can't hide." Noa shooted, the front, the top below, it is the star rope storm that swept the roll, all the retreat is blocked. "The universe rule has been angered."

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