I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 209

"It is anger to be angry and competing, it is good." The fried chicken is very domineering.

"Haha, things have developed to this point, only thoroughly ignite, ah!" Noah's roar, a lot of light energy broke out from the body, and then suddenly rushed to the bombardment storm.

Fried chicken is also a roar, and goes toward another direction. Noah has collided with countless planets, a huge star hit, Noah's yell, the body suddenly passed through the star, then it was a violent big explosion.

Can't predict when you can end, Noah, the absence of countless planets are uniform, and the slag in the universe.

The chain reaction brought by the planet explosion, in the universe blooming a grand fireworks, look at the distance, brilliant and beautiful.

"It's still not endless." Noah's punch will explode, "It seems that you need to come, the universe rule, you really think that labor is afraid of you, I just hope that everyone can play well, Noah lightning! "

The super powerful light hits the countless planet of the bombardment, Noah's body is rotated, and the surrounding everything is given to the slag slag, and suddenly beat it.

Nova flashing After breaking the secondary element of the layer, it is the extension of the universe. It is wrapped in a gray barrier. Noa lightning is on the top of this barrier, the barrier has a dramatic jitter, lightning one layer From the medium fried, the barrier was broken. The extension of the universe was broken, and the collapse had occurred, and the collapse of a dramatic collapse spread toward the internal.

"Zaji burst!" A roar came out from the distance, a high-million-meter black energy storm rolling toward the surrounding rejection, everything was swallowed, and there was temporary calm.

Noah's body broke out of an energy to attack the black energy coming, "Go to death, Noah!" A huge fist came out from the storm.

Noah's hands and suddenly, the body returned to tens of thousands of meters, "fried chicken, labor has broken the extension of the universe, not long, this universe will be destroyed."

"Is the labor, is it a prize? This is not your style. You don't always want to destroy this?" Fried chicken is a little confused.

"This doesn't matter, because everything is going to change. I don't understand, I don't have to waste the expression of labor." Noa hugged the shoulders and the face did not matter.

"You know, how do you like this? Labor is not need to understand, just need to explode you." The fried chicken has appeared in front of Noah, it is really hard to imagine such a huge body. Will have such a fast moving speed.

The two sides have picked up a close battle, but it hasn't been hitted for a long time, Noah and fried chicken have been hit by a thickness of nearly one million meters. The two sides screamed at the same time. .

"Special, really hurt." Noah looked at the fried paint black, his endless lightning is flying, then a brain bombards, the same side of fried chicken is the same Scenes.

"Do you think that I have eaten a second time after I have a loss? The universe is the fool." Noah's big drink, the body broke out of the light, all the lightning was encountered After the rays, it is invalidated.

"Noah is prison!"

"Zaji prison!"

Noah and fried chickens are in the same partner, and now the break is very simple. Every collision will have the break and collapse of space.

The flame is slowly disappeared, and the fried chicken and Noah rushed to the other party. When the light of the mating, the light of the two regiments had collided, and the two sides retired.

The roar of fried chickens, "The universe only hinders labor, since then thoroughly destroyed, Zaji lightning!"

"Hey, don't you be afraid to sneak at this time?" Noah has active, launching an attack toward the fried chicken, and a moving opportunity cannot let go.

The fried chicken turned to the fast forward, although the flying, the Zaji lightning in the hand was still launching, walked toward the universe, the Zaji lightning broke the level of the layer, once again give it another time The extension of the universe has accelerated the progress of the collapse of the universe.

On the Earth, Guys's workshops, "What is going on? Will n't get the place where we are 10,000 light years, the space has disappeared, all the planets have been swallowed, if this progress, the earth will be swallowed. "Philosoping crazyly operated computer.

"What are you talking about?" Mikizi called.

"So, will we die?" I didn't have a previous blood on my face.

"Although it is very cruel, this can't change, the strength of the universe is not that we can stop, not only the earth, the solar system, the Milky Way, saying that the entire universe will be destroyed." There is a tear in the eyes of the philosoping.

"I don't want, Li Wei has not come back yet, how can we die this, I am going to find Li Wei." Cardira is called.

"We have to go with you." All women are firm, they can't wait to die here.

Forced to nod, "Ka Tmie, go, go to Li Wei, you are Li Wei's woman. We stay here to live with the Earth."

Camidra flew over the earth with all the women, and in the distance, the rolling space collapsed and came, and the earth immediately became a dust in the broken.

Noah chasing Zachi has come to the universe's epitaxial, now it is a magical, material in crazy tiles and broken, everything will be destroyed.

"Take a look here, how beautiful the destruction is, you can see the space outside the universe, where is the place where we were born, hahaha!" Fried chicken mad laughed.

"I really don't understand what is so funny, where is the place where labor is born, and you have a relationship with you." Noah disdain.

"It is evil, your existence is redundant." Fried chicken anger.

Noah nodded, "Maybe, the existence of labor is excessive, can be refreshing, see your hard work, labor is happy." It is good to use words to fight against the chicken. Haha!

Chapter 123, ultimately, fight (8) 443

"Death!" The roar of fried chickens, I wanted to launch my big trick.

Noah laughed, "Silly force chicken looks at your back, it seems to date, the universe is standing on this side of labor."

"What ..." Fried chicken suddenly turned over, but it was already less than ten meters from him late, and it was not going to move.


Fried chickens can only look at themselves, and a painful roaring is made from the mouth of fried chicken. The energy of the sky has been wrapped in him.

"Silly chicken, this is the case of the universe to condense all the power of the universe, even if you will suffer, let the labor will give you the last hit." Noah's hands began to wave, He is ill, this is the necessary principle of being a person.

Noah Light! "

"You, you will be happy, labor, labor, and labor will not lose this ..." The sound of fried chicken is coming, I want to start attack.


Super powerful light has already hit the body of fried chicken, and the fried chicken once emitted a shocking steady, and the body returned outwardly under the promotion of the light.

The huge body of fried chicken has been introduced to the extension of the universe, flying towards the huge space of Nova, Nova is still shooting, "Go to death, stupid chicken, labor, labor, will finally be safe."

Boom ...

A splendid huge mushroom cloud rises from countless parallel universe, Noah stopped shooting. "I have to restore this universe earlier, otherwise, it is not a universe." Noah looked at half of the universe that had ruined half of the universe, the internal material was destroyed and escaping here.

"What is something calling me, it is Ka Tmie ..." Noah's body flashed, and then disappeared.

In the universe, Ka Tmia is flying quickly, but this speed is far from enough. "To catch up with it, don't we see the last side of Li Wei?" Truth is unwilling in the hands of Ka Tmia.

Behind Kamira is destroying everything in the space, destroying all the substances that can be destroyed.

"What is the universe? I am really not willing." Mumei said loudly.

Suddenly, a dazzling radiant flash, Ka Tmiel's head moved to the side, in the powerful rays, Ka Tmie felt that he was touched by a warm object, the next moment, everyone disappeared in the original .

After another appearance, Ka Tmila looked around, what is this place?

The women came down from the hands of Ka Tmila. "Where is it? I hope that I can't get the edge, but give people a safe feeling." Wood's beauty looks around.

"I don't know, how can we appear here, I only remember that there is a huge shot, Card, do you know what?" Mikasi Xue asked Ka Tmie that has changed to the human form.

"I am also very confused."

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