I am Ultraman

I am Altman, Chapter 210

Suddenly, a rider came from, "Wife, don't guess, you are in my hand."

The women are all stunned. "Wife ?! Is it a brother, my brother, where are you, you come out." Xiao Xiang called.

"I am by your side, look at it." The sound of the fried thunder came again.

The girls looked up and saw a very huge face. "It's great, it is too big, but it is different from Nikith." Shengong Temple is a bit confused.

"It is him, this is the ultimate form, his strength is back." Cardira excited.

"This is too big, it's just afraid, we stand in his hand, it feels like land." Die's stunned road, one million meters of height is not covered.

Mei Sei's gentle way: "As long as he is Li Wei, I don't care, I don't care."

"Don't worry, what you see is just the older form of husband, you can become small. Wife, the universe is destroyed, I need to restore it."

"But what do you do? The universe is so big, how did the universe become this?" Yamazaki asked.

Noah smiled, "The one is caused with fried chicken, there is no way, it is too powerful. Now you can watch it, look at my husband how to send a big hair."

The women are all stunned, can I destroy the universe? What a horrible strength is needed.

Noah made a big scream, the right hand was high, a huge golden sphere was played out, the Noah's wings began to wavily, with the Wild wings of Noah, the golden ball began to rotate violently. stand up.

"Time is counterflow! The wife witnessed the happening of the miracle, everything will be better." Noah smiled, didn't make things to do, the time of the entire universe is going back, return to that everything is intact. Time.

The girls saw the Sun and Moon Stars, the Star River galaxy began to rotate, and finally giving people a feeling of the whole universe is rotating. Everything is restoring to restructuring, and the galaxy is returned to the original position, in short, one Are recovery.

Noah began to breathe. After all, it was a restoration of a destroyed universe. It was not so easy. "Ah!" A roar, gold giant spinned to the limit, a golden color The radiance covers the entire universe. After the golden light disappears, everything goes to the original.

The star of Ott once again, but it is still the buddhist star, Noah is just the time to defeat the time to Zaji to defeat Ort's Wang Piki.

Countless Ottman slowly lifted his head, looked at the rays from above the top, under this shining, all Ottman feels with ml, wrong, like Mu Chunfeng, one Word cool.

Jack's legs are good, the ice ax of the Saiwen is once again, and the croissant of the Father of Ort is also coming out. The king of Ott stood loudly: "I am grateful to the great Noah Otman who represents the Great Noah Ottman, I am grateful to save the country." Said the , All Ottman is kneeling.

For the black fried chicken, all Ottman can think of Nova, thank you, Nova, Harry Road!

There are at least three chapters in the evening.

Chapter 124, seeking the day 444

Noah is very low-key in the bag of rays: "You don't have to thank me, I just have a small matter of slightly, the universe needs to rely on you to guard, go, plasma sparks."

I saw the plasma sparks slowly moved from the timer of Noah's chest, flew to the plasma sparks, "I have already given a plasma spark burning all dark abilities, which will have no darkness to enter the country."

"Thanks to the great Noah Ottman." All Ottman loudly, this is a thank you from the heart.

Noah nodded, "Everything will be fine, let me do the last thing to do for you." The soft light is distributed from Noah's body to the entire light country. Everything is all resumed, and the country of Guang has returned to the original look.

Many Ottman's eyes have flowed a crystalline liquid, and they were shouted, only Noa Altman was equipped with the god of Altman.

On the shoulders of Noah, the scenery of Mumei looked at the country of light, what Otte Airport, the headquarters of the universe guard team, "The country is really beautiful."

"Yes, it is so lucky to be born in such a place in such a place. Look, that is the future." Wooden Beauty stands on Noah's shoulders shouting on the following red Altman.

"Wooden beauty, truth, how do you all in Noah?" Xiandong stood surprised.

"Dream, don't you understand? He is your Nastess Big Brother, now he has resumed strength." Truth is called with a strong pride, his own man is so many Olympics Temman worships, it feels cool.

"What ?!" Xiandong, Zi Fei, Saiwen, Lei Hous, etc. Lying in the trough!

"It is no wonder that Niksse is so powerful, he is Noah." Deo shocked self-call.

"No wonder we all all the information is also unable to learn the origin of Nike," Zorifei, I finally knew the truth.

"Even if he changed to Nikes, he has been helping us." Saiwen's tone revealed.

The expression of Ott is somewhat depressed. How do you go to the earth, just grab the limelight by Nikseus, pothole!

"Dream, you have to cheer, your road is still long, I will always look at you in the distance." Noah's god stick generally said.

The little dream suddenly felt full of fighting, and was encouraged by the greatest Noah Altman, that excited, "Noah, you can rest assured, I will do it." Other Altmann It is envious and hateful look at the little dream. Why? Why do you want to be specially encouraged than Youz, they also need to encourage.

"Ott warriors, goodbye!" Noah's big drink, physicalization, in order to gverter in the sky.

"Let's send Noa Altman." Picker called, all Ottman stood up, and the expression of Suwei looked at Noah's departure, the radiance of plasma sparks also revealed. Attention.

In the next day, the Noah statue of the countless seat was established in the country of light. The words of each statue were engraved on the stone monument: I would like this to commemorate the god of Ort. Noah, saved the hero of the universe! Wang Altman uses him as an example, perfecting himself, and improves yourself.

Time is reversed, so the earth is still the black paint paint, because the sun is dead!

Guys' workshops, Aron strangely: "Miraaki's chief official, Kamira, Xiaoquan, how can they not see, I am still here, how to feel that I have forgotten something."

Yan Zhi and others nodded, "I also have this feeling, what is it?"

"I said that you don't want to take this, or think about how to restore the sun, now there is a panic in the world, the crime rate, mortality, and unemployment rate have increased." The bird is loud.

Philosoping suddenly called, "You see, you see." The screen was opened, and the black sun flashed a huge ray, followed by a giant that had never seen.

Instant this picture was already captured by the media of the world's countries around the world, and this picture appeared in the world.

"You look at Altman who has never seen it, but looks at the feeling of good and powerful, will he save human savings?"

"This Ottman must be in order to understand the crisis of human beings, what will he do next? Let us wait and see."

The media of all countries of the world guess this Outman's purpose, most people believe that this is to save the earth.

Noah looked at the black sun in front of his eyes, laughed, "simple!" The hands closed, and a light ran, shot on the sun.

The major media on the earth is excited. "Let's see, everyone will look at it, the sun is constantly variable, restored his light."

"Good powerful Ottman, actually made the sun replayed a vitality, thanks to great Altman."

"Let us cheer at this moment, thank you this never seen, but saved the Ethamman humanity of the earth from the heart."

On the earth, the sun's rays slowly rose, countless people crying, kneeling on the ground, finally being shine once again, this is the warmth given by the sun, thanks to great Altman.

The entire ground is everywhere, people jumping at the crazy, celebrating their joy in a variety of ways, the media is crazy, and the screen is up to Noah.

In order to disappear in the light of a light, the earth was wrapped in the gloom, all the human beings closed his eyes. What is the powerful light?

The rays of the whole earth are slowly scattered, the outside of the Phoenix nest, Noah is very unforgettable. Man."

"I didn't see the wrong, the beauty of the truth Naimo, they were in the Ottman, and that is ..." Along did not continue to say.

"Hello." Mumei vigorously waved his own hand, "I am not a handshake now, you are envious."

Zhe Pei swallowed a sip of saliva, "Is this Altman are Li Wei."

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