I am Ultraman

I am Outman, Chapter 220

In the huge Nova Temple, countless people have worshiped, looking forward to Noah's coming again, once again bring hopes and bright.

The earth has flashing a light, beautiful women, Tongtong treasures, hahaha! Wear, formally open.

Chapter 14 Excellence [Search Moon Ticket] 458

Due to another appearance of Mars in seven years ago, this seven years has never stopped from the construction of Mars and the construction of the base. The current director of TPC depends on the Mars base in the moment.

At this time, the synthetic beast Dallanbir has appeared and has started damage to the Mars base. The Director launched an urgent support for the TPC base in the deep mountain, the Super Shengli team began to start, and the victory of the wings began to advance toward the universe.

Shengli Chen Eagle is composed of three fighters of the Alpha, Beita, and gamma, with the new Max power system as driving, fast and terrible, and back to Mars is not a problem.

On Mars, Darland's arrogant, destroyed and dripping, as into unmanned. The victory goddess also arrived in Mars, the captain said thanks to the separated order, our big beauty was driving the gamma from Mei Village. "The hateful family is actually chaos in such a sacred day. I will never let you go. "

But all attacks are useless to Darby, because Darland's outer protective cover is in the outside of Darland. "Okay, is it bought?" Aliang angry.

The flying bird is already a member of the Super Victory team. Driving an Alpha, do not listen to the persuasion of the Jackfront, go straight to Darland, and launched his own attack, the final result is the ray sprayed in Darland. The given it.

In the Alpha, the Jackaine has fallen into a coma, and the birds have a man in a man, and go to the Dallan Bill climbed.

"This stupid." Aliang launched a gamma called Darlan Bill, "Stupid, you can't escape, the weapon is useless."

"Aliang, go to save the Mars base, where is being attacked by some mysterious spheres." The captain is coming.

"But ..." Aliang hesitated, because the flying fool is still below, if you don't cover it, you may be done by the monster.

However, when I was hesitant in Aliang, the mouth of Darland's mouth was sprayed into the Gama number, and this distance could not avoid it, and it was necessary to be hit.

Ray, endless light broke out throughout Mars, all people on Mars shore their eyes, it is a world of white, what happened?

Aliang's obvious feeling, the gamma number you drive is hosted by something. The rays of the spread of Mars are convergent towards a place, and that place is the location of the gamma.

With the gradual dissipation of the rays, all the people in the scene are big, and the hipsters are excited to be in front of the Beta, "that, that, that ..." The sister.

"This is not true, not really." The Sino Island next to him is very excited.

He, he once again appeared, the great savior, today is the ultimate day, people call to make him appear again? "In the Mars Base, see the director excited.

In the Alpha, I woke up in the light of the light, and my eyes looked in front. I took a shrave, I stood up, "turned out to be the savior of human beings, the Savior has come back again, eight years, finally I saw it again. "

"Lie, I have been eight years, once again, I, I, I ..." Aliang's eyes have continued to have tears, gamma is in Noah's hands, Aliang is The heart is constantly reminding yourself not crying, but tears can't stop, "I know, I will know that he will not die, Li Wei ..."

Noah made a slow-moving gamma number, then got a thumbs up to Aliang in the cabin. A voice rang in the heart of Aliang. "Ajiang has a long time, you are already a qualified warrior. Ah. "

Looking at this familiar silver gray body, the familiar double wing, everything is still the taste, really coming back. Aliang is constantly pointing, tears come crazy, it is not the fragile woman, but can't stop at all.

"Li Wei ..." Aliang's feelings have never been such a good time, Li Wei still remembers her, this human hero who has always been embarrassed actually remember her.

Synthetic Beast Bill has already been under the shock of rays for ashes, and the rest is those spheres, which is Sophia ball.

Sophia sphere stopped attacking, flew out towards the atmosphere of Mars.

"Is this going to go? Take the kiln here." Noah played a few light, all Sophia balls instantiate for molecules.

A Liang hurriedly wooked the oxygen supply unit, got out of the gamma, called Nova loudly: "Li Wei, have you gone?" When you left, when can you again? As well.

Suddenly jitter again, a burst of rocks and soil combinations, one looks more than a few monsters before, and the super-enaced Aodalan Bill has appeared, and hit the Noah hit.

Noah looked at Na Aodalan, "You do it," Noah handed the head of Na Aidland, and then lifted it directly. One foot, Na Aodalan flew to the sky and exploded in the air.

"It's really a little challenge, also has a good wood." Noah shook his head.

"It's really too powerful, it's hard to imagine, you can look at Noah's battle so close, it is my pleasure." Xiyi feelings.

"If the human beings on the earth know that he is coming back, it will be happy to die, eight years, finally come back, and is in such a sacred day." Zhongdao excited.

Noah's sight looks at where the birds, the rookie, the rookie, today is really embarrassed, let your first turn into a thorough soup, as long as you are not forced, labor will not be too much blow Go to you.

In the body of the bird, there is a light. For Noah, it is unlikely, despite the weak or action, after all, there is no monster, let the labor will play, so too the price, let the rookie go to play.

"Will we meet again?" Aliang called.

Noah nodded, the purpose of labor is to pick up the girl, if you don't meet you, how to make you, hahaha! Ok, I'm gone in Mars, and now I will go to the earth to accept people.

Noah is not seen in a light, and the Aliang is a little bit, but will also see it again.

Chapter 15, women's response [ask monthly tickets] 459

On the earth, people are in the respective way, the endless light suddenly slammed from the sky, and then filled the world. From the sky, the whole earth became a sphere that exudes a strong ray.

All human beings have to close their eyes, this powerful light, is it foredooted? The heart is already guessing, is Nova back? But how can this? Has been eight years old.

The global satellite immediately finds the source of glowing, and finally a very shocking picture is passed to the major media of the world, the source of the lighting point is the powerful figure that has been very familiar.

The light of the world is gradually scattered, but for this global global ray, it immediately triggered crazy thermists, Noah came back, Noah finally came back, the earth's protective God appeared again. Global instantly enters the carnival mode, all kinds of crazy sounds continue.

The major media made various interviews on the street alley.

"What do you think about Nova's return?"

A young man is holding a Noah statue, holding Li Wei's statue is full of excitement, "I have been excited, I can't say it, Li Wei has always been the object I worshiped, he is a real man."

"He is the pride of our entire east, when he disappeared in the crack in the year, my heart was broken, I swear that I must guard Noah, I will not marry for a lifetime." A four Ten years old aunt called.

"This life, in addition to Li Wei, I don't marry, I originally thought that I didn't want to be alone in my life in this life. I must be that I heard my call, so he came back, my mood It's really exciting. "

"For the eight years, every day I have to hold a plentiful doll with Li Wei, if Li Wei is not coming back, I am going to marry my inflatable doll."

"I really hate Li Wei back, my girlfriend has just broken up with me, saying that I have to go to Li Wei, do you know how long have I talk to my girlfriend? Overseas, this is this , I Li Wei. "

A man wearing a groom is sad against the lens: "I thought that I got a great blessing today, but my wife just ran, saying that Li Wei is, other men are Xiang, she don't want to marry Xiang I spent a few million, Noah, what are you coming back, and I will hate you. "


On this day, countless men and women friends broke up, countless husband and wife divorced, men hated Li Wei this dress, , envious.

During the sea, more than a dozen women are excited at the moment, standing outside, looking at the sky.

"This is finally going back, I have to punish him well, let us wait for eight years, really want to die." The tears of Qianhe said it will come down.

"You can't let him go." Maholba will decorate the sword, but the eyes are red.

"Sometimes, if you wait for so many sisters, let me wait for this, I am afraid that I will crazy." Ma off wiped his eyes.

The family is in the world, and the three women in the vitality of the viser have seen each other. "We are also the same feeling. It is so sad so many years, but it is in love with such a man."

"Look at it, keep a good attitude like us, it is very important, ..." I really cried together.

"I said you, or wait until you see the bastard and cry." Lina moved his face aside.

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