I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 221

"Larina, I saw it, you cried." Dina smiled and said, "Take a look at me, haha, I grew up now, my brother sees that I will be very happy, but I haven't been there. My side, it is really good. "Dina, who has already growing into a beautiful woman.

"I have never missing such a person, even my thoughts of my parents have not been so deep." The tears of Lili fell.

"I said you, I haven't seen it yet. I have seen what you want." Kaolian laughed.

Ma Yizhen (Foundation Mimei, don't make it with Fujusa] Wipe the nose: "Kaolian, you will be small, I often see you secretly rubbing the tears."

"I didn't." Kaolian urgently said.

"You have, don't argue, there is ..."

Luscia and Sand Juo have a bit more faint. "Li Wei is not in this time, I feel that everything is meaning, but we can endure, think of he is going back, we are really happy."

"Everyone is the same, this time, no matter where he goes, I have to follow him, I must not leave him again." I dance firmly.

"It seems that every one of us has become a grievances in these eight years, Li Wei came back to let him withstand our grievances." Bai Village Lingzi bites the teeth.

The grievances of a shares rose from the ground, so that the lake sweats that are not far away, Li Wei, let you abduct labor women, what do you do now? Luke squatted down on the sand.

A light is crossed from the sky, and the people in the ground flashed. Li Wei's figure appeared, whispered: "Wife, husband comes back, see my husband is happy? The husband is already open, Come embrace me. "

"Embrace your big ghost, sisters, killing this, no conscience." A large group of women came crazy to Li Wei this goods.

Li Wei was fell to the ground, a pair of small feet stepped on him, "Let you don't come back in eight years, let you live outside."

"I dropped our women, you have thousands of knives, let you die."

"Try you, step on you, babard, animals, not people ..."

"You dare to come back, don't come back, let's wait for us to die."


Li Wei felt this kind of grievances, and the heart flashed a traveler. It is some cute women. I have been waiting for my eight years. It is really not easy. I have to give them comfort. It can only be used in this way.

"Hey ..." Then the dark clouds were covered, and the body of Li Wei has undergone a layer of tears.

Li Wei stood up and grabbed two. "Wife is my fault, you don't cry, watching my distressed. What do you want, don't grieve themselves."

"Don't touch me, you bastard."

"You are my wife, I don't touch you? Walk, go with my husband to play fun, husband wants to give you comfort, let your physiology more healthy." Li Wei wooling two, Other women are taking away with rays with rays in a scream.

In the house of Li Wei, I came out of two days and two nights. The sound was heard in a few miles around, let Luke painful can only look at A * film, hard work with his own five Brother.

Chapter 16 Meet each other [Search Moon Ticket] 460

After experiencing the turmoil of the past two days, Li Wei was lying on a super big bed, all of the women's faces sat, sweetly fell asleep.

Li Wei is full of strong pride in the hearts of the goods. Men kidney is good, there is no powerful kidney, this boy's grievance does not know how to calm.

It should also let Mikaki, Tricken, who come out, only to understand the separation between each other as soon as possible, then come to a big dimension, hahaha! Thinking, you will come out to the mouth of Li Wei.

"What is your evil thing?" A voice sounded from Li Wei.

Li Wei smiled in this car, and pulled the pity next to him. "Pi pity, your physical strength is really good, have experienced a few spiritual wars, is there a spirit, Do you want me to take care of you? Then let's continue. "

"Don't, it's a bit hurt below. You are a bull, you don't know the pity and rush." ​​The pity red face was smashed by the waist of Li Wei.

"It must be that you are too beautiful to let me turn into a bull. Hurt? So let me see, let me hurt my pity, come, let my husband look." Li Wei Look at the pity below.

"Don't, don't ..." The pity red face wants to push Li Wei's face.

"The old husband is old wife, there is something shy." Li Wei did not take so many goods, and forced the pity to separate the pity, see it in it.

"Available bastard, saying that you don't want to see." Pi pitifully felt his face in the blood.

"No wonder it will hurt, so I must swell into a white hoe. My husband looked at it. Let's let my husband gave you." Li Wei's pig hand touched in a pitiful secret place.

"Don't touch it."

Li Wei is a grievances of this car, "my husband is purely just wants to treat you. I really don't have other means." A silk ray is treated with pity.

"It's already not hurt, you can stop." Puppet red face.

Li Wei, this cargo, "You still need, hey!"

The pity feels that your body is fever, and there seems to have a stream of water, and the pity is ashamed, "the bastard is not, otherwise, otherwise ..."

"Otherwise?" Li Wei took back his own hand, two fingers constantly bonded, and the above is a silky mucus, "pity wife, what is these? Good sticky hand Feeling. "

Presided with Li Wei, this goods wretched, "Breast, you are ashamed, you are satisfied?"

"Wife should not say this, I just do just purely want to increase my husband and wife, my wife, I know that you have been hungry now, let my husband to help you block the water curtain hole. "Li Wei, a wolf, a wolf, will be pitiful, and it will break out in a battle.

"Betting, you are ashamed, are you satisfied?" A voice came over.

"Wife should not say this, I am just a purely want to add us ... , haha, laugh at me." I saw Toya made up, constantly smiling at his stomach.

"The pity sister, we learn is not like." I really laughed.

A pity is pushed away from Li Wei, and then the quilt that pulled a bed will hide himself, and then a ostrich.

"The pity, my sister is shy, Xiaomei we can't excessive, otherwise the bad guys will kill us." Toya was afraid.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil, "two women who don't listen to you, you need to punish you."

"You come, you come, who is afraid." Toya is very brother.

Li Wei has a saliva of this kind of goods, "It seems necessary to give you two deep memories."

"Bad people, do not bully our sisters." One hand pulled Li Wei's feet.

Li Wei smiled in this car, "It seems that you are all sleeping, the physical strength is so good, is it good to thank my husband's energy."

When I heard Li Wei, all women laughed, and their current physical strength is very good.

"Since there is a spirit of this, let's continue to come to a vigorous battle, my big knife is hunger and is thirsty." Li Wei is a big hanging day.

"How do you never be inspected, it is a monster." Lina gave Li Wei with a white eye. Although the body's physical strength is still, but it is no longer war, and the little sister is exhausted, and it is a torture.

Li Wei smiled and smiled. "If I don't want to give me a hat, you don't give me a hat. Do you think that I have to put you all?"

The faces face each other, and there is no discontinuation that can be refuted. Li Wei is just horrible.

"Li Wei, you were taken into the fissure of Tzaki, after the end, what happened? Don't tell us nothing, ghosts, you believe."

"Ah saw that you said this, even if you don't ask me, I will tell you, come, let my husband to tell you the great love history, no, it is a battle history." Li Wei started For your own wonderful speech.

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