I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 227

Xiangzi is somewhat shy: "I, my name is Qiu Yuexiang, you, you can call me Xiangzi."

"It's really a very nice name." Where is it, you don't have this, it will make people think of the famous camel Xiangzi.

"Thank you ..." Xiangzi's head has been low.

Hunthang reported here to the chamber of the Super Victory team, "Here is Huntuan, I have an urgent thing to report ... Before the Qajin Daru people wake up three monsters, please destroy them. "

His thanks to the loud said: "Hunting, you are doing the gray, the Super Shengli team is dispatched."

"Understand!" Everyone called. Aliang looked at the screen when I walked, I always felt that people wearing a hat and glasses a bit careless.

Gurikin Daru people three in the garden of Qiuyue's gardens facing the blue light in a sphere, in the distant somewhere, the three monsters on the ground opened their eyes, then slowly From the ground, there is a discharge, change for stone statues, the body of the stone statue is slowly changed, and the varying vary.

"We are late." Xi ratio is very unhappy.

"The three monsters have been active, this is bad." China island panicked.

"The real battle begins now." Flying birds called anger, driving Alpha attacking the monster, then the light flashed, and wearing it.

In the case of Dr. Qiuyue, Li Wei stood up this car. "I will save you today."

"You don't want to make it." Xiangzi hurriedly said.

Li Wei's confident smile, "Nothing, look at it." Then I kicked the top of the door, a blue light flashed, the door was kicked.

"It's so powerful, it is really good." Xiangzi's eyes flashed a worship.

Li Wei, this product touched his own mind, "A general, don't excessively worship brother, hahaha!"

"Are you nothing?" A voice came over from Li Wei's goods.

"Alright, you are coming, this warrior will kick it." Hunting hurried.

Aliang came in, looking at Li Wei, "Kick it? So, I don't know if I can meet this warrior."

Li Wei walked outside, "In this critical moment, it must first take the crisis to exclude. If you know, don't care too much."

"Hey, you wait." A Liang hurriedly chased it.

In the garden, Qajin Daru people are moving rays in a round ball, suddenly flashed, and the ball burst. The body of the three Gajin Daru people seems to have been hit hard, and it will go down, and then the body is in order to facilitate.

Aliang, who is running, looks at this, "Who is you?"

"I am a good person, do you believe this?"

"Your voice seems to be, ah ..." Aliang screamed, the body was wrapped in the rays, and the next second has disappeared in the original place.

The Xiangzi and others who ran came and saw it all over, "I got it, so fast." The heart of Xiangzi suddenly had a slogan.

Brothers, ask for a monthly ticket, seek flowers

Chapter 24 is really only unexpected 468

The radiance of the sky flashed, Li Wei took Aliang to stand on a hillside, and in front of the abuse battle.

Dai took the ball, rolling between the three monsters, the misery is really sad.

Aliang looked at the man in front of him. Improve the way: "You are Li Wei, you must be Li Wei."

"Answell, what reward you want." Li Wei lied his glasses and hat.

Ajiang excitedly looked at the man in front of him. "It is the biggest reward again to see you again. This is the first time that we have in human identity."

"Yes, I want to come between us. I really have a lot. I need a lot of exchanges in the future." Li Wei revealed a trace of evil.

Aliang seems to think about what, "Do you want to bubble me?"

Li Wei is stunned, "Why did you say this?" The purpose is so obvious?

"Because your quasiology can be a malfunction, so many women really let people want to hurt you, you are extremely disrespectful to women," Achun glazed his fist, I really want to give this alive man, of course, in this point, Aliang is still very satisfied with the other aspects of Li Wei.

Li Wei, forty-five degrees looked up at the sky. "In fact, you misunderstand me, I just want everyone to be happy, this is my simple and pure dream." Special, labor is not over eight years, Whoever shakes the rhyme of labor, it is simply adding the labor to the people.

"In fact, you can also say more shameless." Aliang's voice with a strong contempt, "I have always thought that you are a perfect man, since I know that you have so many women, I For your impression ... "It's a good contradiction.

"Is it very bad in impressive?" Li Wei's voice of this goods with a trace of disappointment.

Aliang did not speak, Zhang Zhang said, but did not say anything.

Li Wei flashed in the eyes of this goods, "I hope that you can seriously see me seriously, remove those radiops on my body, remove my feelings, use your heart to feel what kind of person. "Feel a yarn, one is awkward.

"Can you do it?" Li Wei continued.

Aliang just looked at Li Wei. "Then you have to give me a chance to cope with you." How do you feel a little strange?

"That is nature, we will see it in the future. Now, I should protect the earth." If you don't go, you can be abused.

Aliang covers his eyes with hands, this strong light is not human eye to resist. In the air, the radiance is slowly chemical for entities, Noah is standing on the ground.

"Look, it is Noah, it is Noah, nothing, everything is nothing." Zhongdao excited.

I nodded, "Yes, the present scene is not going to take it."

The three monsters looked at Noah, and I came again, and I went to play with the Dai to play it.

Noah is so powerful standing, let the three monsters rushed over and kicked himself. Did you see you? This is the gap between you and labor.

"The light of the Noah's body can give the monster to be exhausted, not to wear it, it is powerful." Zhongdao has a thumbs up.

I nodded, "Yes, it is really too powerful."

The three monsters have a furious scream, and this guy is just insulting them, so I still have a hand!

Noah saw that the three monsters were unhappy, and after the three-box feet, the three monsters flew over the sky and turned into three stars.

"It will not be the end." Xiyi said.

China island wiped the sweat on the forehead. "According to the screen from the satellite, the three monsters have been hit by space, then, then exploded."

Nova walked away from lying on the ground, and played a light on the body of Dai, wearing a restoration.

Dai took stood up, looked at Noah, this is a huge gap in strength? Special, a good blow to people.

Noah took a shot on the shoulders of Dai, "Don't be frustrated, do it, the brother is covered with you." Said that these Noahicizes disappeared in order to disappear.

Dai took a person standing there, I won't be able to admit it, Noah, I will wait for me, I will be surpassing you, I'm still fighting for blood.

Aliang's eyes have a strong excitement, then a voice passed, "How is my performance?"

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