I am Ultraman

I am Outman Chapter 228

A Liang hurried turned his head, "it's so general." It's just that Aliang's expression is sold.

"Yes? It's really disappointing answered, no matter how no relationship, I even hope that you see that I as part of human beings, not Noah."

"I am joking, you are great." Aliang laughed.

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, "Aliang, since I dare to play me, is there a price?"

"What do you want to do?" Aliang took two steps later, and Li Wei gave people a dangerous feeling.

Li Wei is helpless: "Can you ask this question? Because I will answer you."

"Shameless!" Aliang's face loudly.

"It doesn't matter, you will really understand that I am actually a hierarchical person." Li Wei walked towards Aliang.

Alexa is a step backward, "You don't come over, ah ..." Aliang's feet touched it with her herbs, and fell to the bottom, of course, it would not have any pain. Feeling.

"My feet seems to be hosted, let it open." Li Wei shouted, pressing the body of Aliang, do you want people to make the rhythm?

"Don't ..." In the pain of Aliang, Li Wei was pressed against her body.

"I dare to swear to the sky, this is really only an accident." Li Wei smiled in this car, the body of Aliang is still very good, good, it is so cool. "

Aliang was silent for a few seconds, and then he was hit by Li Wei's face, but when he was only one mm from Li Wei, he was hard to stop, a slight snoring from her mouth. issue.

Chapter 25, the subversion of the image 469

Li Wei's own hands on a soft place. The sour can't believe that labor is lucky, and it is necessary to hit the fist of Aliang's girl. Li Wei's hand couldn't help but feel the touch, even if it was separated from clothes.

"Betting, don't move, hurry up from my body." Aliang called loudly.

Li Wei smiled in this car, such a scene rarely, how can I let it easily. Aliang is now a woman who is full of people, do you want to be beamed?

"I really can't do it. In your body, I seem to have an attraction, I will attract me tightly, I can't move." Li Wei's hand accidentally moved.

"Ah ..." Aliang once again sent a slight call, then blush, "You have a bad egg, I don't listen to you, you go." Aliang tried to use his strength to use his strength to use his own strength. Li Wei. The animals will be given down, but they can't do it at all, this guy is more important than the cattle.

"This attraction is really too powerful, let me not move. I know that you don't believe what I said, then I will prove it to you." Li Wei's big hand pressed in Aliang. On the brother, let Al Liang are still ashameful, "Break ..."

Li Wei seems to be powerful, but there is no movement of one millimeter, and the body is tightly stuck on the body of Aliang. "You see it, this stock is really unable to leave. what."

Aliang has reached the point where you want to kill, and a little fist once again went to Li Wei, Li Wei, this goods smiled and looked at himself.

Aliang's fist was on the face of Li Wei, and the atmosphere was silent for a few seconds, and then Aliang cried his face, "the bastard, people can evil, the face is so hard, good!"

Li Wei revealed a trace of evil in the mouth of Li Wei, "I am hit, how can you blame me?"

Aliang's and touched electricity, "the hateful bastard ..." It turned out that Li Wei was added to the above, which made Allah how to get it.

"What am I doing? I just want to spit out a breath, I will add it, can I blame me?" Li Wei said that God said God.

Ahiang's anger regards this animal, the gas has not said, "You are a rogue, I think you, hey!"

"Actually, I am a hierarchical person, why should I have a prejudice for me because a little thing is, I am hurt." Li Wei's tone of this goods is very heavy.

"Is this still a little thing?" Aliang shouted, "You damn a bastard."

Li Wei climbed from the body of the Aliang, squatting, one hand, where to draw a circle.

"What are you doing?" Aliang can finally stand up, today's cheap is complete, the harsh bastard, the light animation.

"I am in painting circle, express my silent protest, do you understand?"

"Do you understand your head, you will continue to draw, I am gone." It is really a second and I don't want to stay.

Li Wei looked at the back of Aliang, showing a trace of evil, and then looked at his hands. "Today is a good day, accounting for it." You are so good. Women?

"Okay, Aliang's things don't need to be anxious, you can slowly teach a woman who has a woman's taste in front of labor, hahaha!" The light flashed, Li Wei lost his trace.

Dr. Qiuyue, Xiangzi alone sat on the chair of the garden, stunned, the person saved his family, but he didn't even know that he did not thank people.

Dr. Qiuyue and Hunting in the house have some things in the house, of course, these are not Xiangzi to care.

"Hey, what are you thinking?" A voice came from the back of Xiangzi.

Xiangzi hurriedly turned his head, looked at the person wearing a hat and sunglasses, is you, where did you go, I thought you wouldn't see you again. "

"Don't care about these details, I am back, because my heart is deeply dismissed."

Xiangzi's heartbeat has accelerated, what does this mean? I know that myself knows less than an hour, even what people don't know, "Yes, is it?"

"Of course, the environment around here is very good, life here is really a very good thing." Li Wei sat down next to Xiangzi.

Such a near distance, let Xiangzi feel unknown. Of course, Xiangzi said that if Li Wei rolls away, Xiangzi can't say it. So saying that the monks can't be kind, otherwise only white is covered.

"Xiangzi, is there a person who likes?" Li Wei was asked directly.

"Hey?" Xiangzi stunned, and immediately returned to his face: "No, no." How can I ask the first time to ask this question?

"Oh, then it is good." However, if you have, it will be disassembled by labor, wow hahaha!

Xiangzi really doesn't understand what is good. How did this person become more and more strange?

"Xiangzi, you must feel that I am weird, how can I suddenly ask this." Li Wei asked.

"I, I don't think so."

"In fact, it is very normal. If someone suddenly asked me, I will think that this person is a metamorphosis or color. But don't think that I am, this world is too chaotic, you are a Silver girls, it will be cheated, I don't want to protect you so much. "You are too concerned about a woman who knows less than an hour.

"This ..." Xiangzi suddenly found that he didn't know what to say.

Li Yu smiled, "You must feel that I am very great, no way, I am such a sense of justice."

"Maybe." Xiangzi nodded.

Sure enough, the effect is not very good. The key is that labor is not wanting to conquer Xiangzi with a good appearance of labor, and labor is just like a person who is really touched by labor. This can prove that the charm of labor is invincible.

For the time, it is not allowed to let Xiangzi know the true identity of labor. Once you know, you will definitely fall, that's it is not the love you want, so I will come here today, slowly, time anyway, there is a lot of time. .

"Xiangzi, I still have something, I don't bother you. When you encounter danger, I will come to you." Li Wei walked outside.

Xiangzi looked at Li Wei's back, and finally chased it. "I, I still don't know your name, , people, how so so soon," Xiangzi looked around at the door, " Is this going? When I met dangerous, would it appear? "

Chapter 26 Mai Lai 470

A reluctant returns to the super victorious team, Li Wei, this color, I used to blew my eyes, I thought that such a man was perfect, even if he knew that there were so many women, it was still incomparable. .

"Good predecessors, what happened?" Mason asked carefully.

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