I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 103

Conan wanted to vomit blood: "...Sister Xiaolan, she has a boyfriend, you can't shoot her!"

Ryazan thought for a few seconds: "Isn't that better?"

Conan: "???"

Is this man really a police officer?

This statement is too problematic!

For a while, Conan didn't know what to say.

Seeing Conan looking suspicious of life, Ryazan stretched out his hand and rubbed his head.

"Children’s family, don’t think about it, I can

I dare not...cough cough, I won't deal with student girls like Maori."

Conan looked at him suspiciously: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, did Brother Zan fool you?" Ryazan

A gentleman with a face.

Conan: "..."

In short, regardless of whether what Ryazan said is true or false, he must personally protect Xiao Lan.

It's decided, he will also go to the villa the day after tomorrow!

When I drove home, it was getting dark.

Ryazan parked his car in the garage, returned to the house, and pressed a switch.

On the pillar at the entrance of the courtyard, the round lamp ball emits a soft white light.

Putting on the slippers, he went to the living room and took out a jamming device and stuck it on the wall.

After doing this, he stretched his waist and began to organize the ingredients in the open kitchen in the living room.

After a while, there was a soft knock on the door.

Then, with a loud noise yesterday, a small figure opened the door and walked in.

"Good evening." Shirley closed the door weakly.

The reason why she dared to come so blatantly was because Ryazan had an appointment with her before.

If the white light is on at the entrance of the yard, Ryazan is alone at home and it is safe.

And if the light yellow is bright, there are other people, which may be dangerous.

Seeing Shirley's listless look, Ryazan was happy: "What's the matter, it's dying."

Shirley gave him a white look.

What are these adjectives?

She walked slowly to Ryazan and moved a small stool so that she could also go to the kitchen counter.

While helping Ryazan wash the vegetables, she said helplessly: "Didn't I tell you yesterday that Dr. A Li used his identity as a guarantee and sent me to Didan Primary School to study."

"I thought it was a good way to hide my identity, so I agreed."

"Unexpectedly, after going to school for a day today, I feel that the whole person is bad..."

"Learning addition and subtraction with those elementary school students, learning Mandarin, is more terrible than torture."

She sighed, and gave the washed dishes to Ryazan.

Ryazan took it and skillfully cut it into pieces.

Shirley was watching Ryazan cutting vegetables, feeling very pleasing to the eye.

She has seen some so-called "comfortable

In the video of "Serving", it usually cuts the cake neatly without sticking the oil on the knife, or turns a lot of egg waffles out of the mold quickly...

The knives in those videos looked okay at the time, but compared with Ryazan, they were completely out of the realm.

Ryazan put the cut vegetables aside and looked at Shirley: "Say

Get up, did you and Conan... have a showdown with Kudo Shinichi today?"

He remembered that in the original work, Shirley had a showdown with Conan when she came home from school on the first day.

Shirley shook her head: "I observed Kudo Shinichi today. I don't feel there is any need to contact him. Although he is smart, he is still too young and knows too many organizational matters, which is not good for him."

"Of course, I didn't deliberately conceal it. When he comes to Dr. A Li's house, I will tell him my situation."

Hearing that, Ryazan was a little surprised.

However, after thinking about it, he also understood.

In the original work, Shirley was alone when she escaped from the organization. Apart from Dr. Aka, only Conan knew her identity.

Even if there is some disagreement on the grid, there are only those who can cooperate. What can I do if I don't cooperate with Conan?

And now, Shirley has herself by her side, her sister Akemi Miyano

Being alive again, the mentality is naturally completely different...

He shook his head amusingly. Reality is really different from Man Rong. Many things will change quietly if they are not careful.

Shirley glanced at him for half a month: "What are you laughing at?"

Ryazan took out the pot and put it on the gas stove, turned on the range hood, ignited and poured oil.

"When I go home from get off work, it’s not normal to have a girlfriend with my girlfriend to cook together. It’s not normal to smile during such a happy time."

While talking, he poured the vegetables and the sliced ​​ròu into the pot.

Shirley was taken aback for a moment.

A little red appeared on the little face.

She grunted: "Big pervert."

After speaking, she jumped off the stool and ran over to the sofa.

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