I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 104

Chapter 71 The safest behind the driver

After eating and drinking, Ryazan and Shirley washed the dishes together and put them in the cupboard.

The two swayed to the sofa and smashed down at the same time, letting out a breath.

Shirley glanced at him silently: "What are you sighing after?

Ryazan leaned on the sofa: "Shirley, let me hug me and soothe my injured heart, okay?"

"Not good." Shirley shook her head directly.

Ryazan lazily said: "It's all about old couples, why are you so restrained..."

"Your progress is too fast?!" Shirley couldn't help but

Make complaints.

Ryazan leaned on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling: "My life is like a candle in the wind... Sister Bei gave me an order to protect a person, but there is a god of death next to that person every day, in case I am not alone. Be careful not to take care of it and hurt that person. The first thing that Sister Bei did after returning to Japan was to kill me to sacrifice to the sky.

Upon hearing this, Shirley couldn't help being a little surprised.

The Bei sister in Ryazan's mouth... naturally Belmode.

The femme-like woman actually has someone to protect

This is more amazing than the sun coming out from the west.

After the surprise, she felt a little complicated.

Does Mescal follow Belmode to this extent?

Although she had known that the relationship between the two was very unusual, she still felt a little weird when she heard Ryazan's tone when he mentioned Belmode.

Ryazan was lying on the sofa with his eyes closed, enjoying the quiet time.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a small body sitting on his lap.

He lowered his head in surprise, and saw Shirley sitting on his lap sometime, holding a book in her hand, and looking quietly.

He was taken aback for a moment: "Shirley?"

Shirley was expressionless, did not look up, and said lightly: "Don't move, I'll read a book here."

Although a little strange, it was quite comfortable anyway, and Ryazan would naturally not blast Shirley down.

He leaned his head back into the back of the sofa, closed his eyes and rested.

Shirley confirmed Ryazan's reaction from the corner of her eye, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

She held the book tightly in her small hands and kept talking in her heart.

Because this guy saved my sister, he did it

Because this guy saved my sister, he did it

I just simply repayed his kindness and had no other thoughts at all. Well, that's right!

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and began to read quietly.

﹤Look♂The most ♂New﹥

﹤Chapter♂ Festival﹥

﹤ one hundred degrees ﹥





As time went by, Shirley also felt a little cold.

Although Ryazan’s house has done a good job of keeping warm, it’s still not February. For her little child, the temperature in the house is still a bit cold.

After thinking about it, Shirley looked back quietly.

Seeing that Ryazan was asleep, she raised the corner of her mouth and leaned back on Ryazan.

The warmth from Ryazan made her feel quite comfortable.

In this position, she continued to read the book.

After looking at it for a while, Shirley felt that the text before her eyes was a little fuzzy.

She tried to open her eyes several times, but finally failed to hold her sleepiness, the book fell aside and fell asleep.

I don't know how long it took, Shirley slowly opened her eyes.

Looking at the strange ceiling in front of her, she was taken aback.

A few seconds later, she suddenly remembered what happened last night.

She sat up in surprise and found that she did not know when she was covered with a coat.

Looking back, I saw Ryazan smiling and looking at him.

Shirley flushed: "I accidentally fell asleep while reading a book last night... When did you wake up?"

She knew that Ryazan must have woke up much earlier than her, because the coat he was covering was already very warm, and he must not have just put it on.

Ryazan stretched his waist and said cheerfully: "I woke up quite early...After all, there is a loli lying on her body, and she is still cold, and everyone has to wake up."

Shirley's expression stagnated.

When she thinks about the appearance of herself rising up like a kitten on Ryazan, she feels ashamed to death.

Ryazan rubbed her chin on her little head: "Get up, although today is the weekend, but you do not go home overnight, you still have to talk to Dr. A Li."

Shirley reacted: "Well, I didn't go back overnight, Dr. A Li will definitely be worried."

She looked at Ryazan: "Why don't you go with me?"

Ryazan said: "How does it sound like going to see the parents"

"It's no problem to go with you. We will make up a relationship between the two of us and tell Dr. Ari. It will be convenient for you to come to me later."

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