I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 106

Perhaps Ryazan is right, staying at home is the greatest happiness.

She nodded: "Officer Ryazan really makes sense." Conan almost vomited blood.

These two... actually closed the film again!

As he was thinking about it, he listened to Xiao Lan said: "Ah, yes, what I have always wanted to say before, Ryazan police officer doesn't need to call me Miss Maori, just call me Xiao Lan^"

Ryazan nodded: "Okay."

Conan: "..."

After a few seconds of silence, he began to change the subject noisily, and finally stopped the flow of Xiaolan and Ryazan.

In this way, after a while, the three of them passed by the Mihuashi Church.

Ryazan saw many acquaintances when I got out of the car.

The most conspicuous is a large group of big men in black suits.

The leaders are the two men, Kiyonaga Matsumoto and Meguro.

All the policemen who searched for a lesson were black suits and black ties. Those who didn’t know thought it was from which gang...

If everyone don't have a white flower in front of xiōng...

Ryazan looked at the sky in silence, feeling that he could no longer think about it.

Not far away, a limousine stopped.

The door opened and Suzuki Sonoko led the butler out of the car.

Many people cast their gazes.

"It's the second lady of the Suzuki chaebol..."

"The bridegroom is worthy of being the son of the Takasugi group, and even the Suzuki chaebol has come."

Suzuki Yuanzi looked around after getting off the car, and when he saw Xiaolan, he waved and ran over happily.

After running all the way, Suzuki Yuanzi saw Ryazan who was following Xiaolan.

She was a little surprised: "Your offensive is so intense, you actually followed Lan so inseparably."

Ryazan glanced at Conan next to him.

He felt that if he didn't explain it at this time, he might be the protagonist of the next episode.

"Ahem." He coughed, "Miss Suzuki, you have misunderstood, I just want to protect Xiaolan."

Suzuki Sonoko was shocked: "Miss Maori's yesterday, today

Tian has become Xiaolan?!"

Ryazan was speechless.

This Suzuki Garden is obviously a daughter of a big consortium, why is the brain circuit so strange?

At this moment, a voice rang behind him.

"Officer Ryazan, it's been a long time."

Ryazan turned his head and saw Officer Shiratori wearing a black suit, smiling at him.

"Yo, Officer Shiratori." Ryazan smiled and shook hands with him: "The flowers on your head are very handsome."

Shiratori was taken aback and looked up subconsciously.

Then he reacted, Ryazan said "flower", referring to his curled front hair.

He was a little bit dumbfounded.﹤Look♂The most ♂New﹥

﹤Chapter♂ Festival﹥

﹤ one hundred degrees ﹥





He had heard before that the Ryazan police officer seemed a bit eclectic. He didn't feel much at the last reception, but this time he felt more clear.

Seeing Shiratori, Suzuki Sonoko was a little surprised and said, "You belong to the Shiratori group, right? I heard that your family was in trouble before, and I thought you would no longer be a policeman."

Shiratori smiled and said, "Being a policeman has been my dream since I was a kid. I won't give up so easily."

Upon hearing this, Suzuki Yuanzi showed admiration.

Seeing Ryazan coming, Megure and Sato waved to him.

Ryazan nodded, turned his head and said: "Conan, Xiaolan, if you have anything, remember to call me."

After speaking, he opened the trunk, took out his own wrapped suit and put it on, and walked to the Metropolitan Police Department team.

Just as Shiratori wanted to follow, Conan suddenly spoke.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and raised his head and said, "Officer Shiratori, do you know Brother Ryazan?"

"Huh?" Shiratori was taken aback for a moment.

Conan smiled and said, "I think you seem to be too far away from Ryazan. This is not like the way colleagues should be, and strangers will not have such a reaction, right~ ~"

With that said, he even sold a cute to Shiratori.

Hearing this, Suzuki Yuanzi and Mao Lilan also looked at Shiratori curiously.

They also know very little about Ryazan and are quite curious.

Shiratori smiled bitterly: "This...I can't say more specifically, I can only say that Ryazan has a large number of officers and an unusual background.

He looked at Sonoko Suzuki: "If Miss Suzuki is interested, you can try to ask your parents when you go home. I think Officer Ryazan should be in their social circle."

Upon hearing this, Suzuki Yuanko was a little surprised.

The Suzuki Consortium is one of Japan's most powerful chaebols. Regardless of her usual madness, it is not easy to enter her social circle.

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