I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 107

And her elders... that are all raising their feet, and the whole country must shake.

Ryazan is actually in the social circle of his parents?

Maybe this guy’s energy is much greater than he thought?!

Chapter 73 Do you read detective novels?

Conan showed a thoughtful expression.

Ryazan, as expected, he is not an ordinary policeman...

Ryazan came to the Metropolitan Police Department and greeted everyone.

Shiratori also followed.

Mumu looked at the two in surprise: "Why, you two know each other?"

Shiratori nodded, his eyes a little subtle: "You can say that..."

Seeing Shiratori's appearance, Mumu tilted his head, a little strange.

At this time, Matsumoto Kiyinaga also came over.

He was stern, without a hint of smile.

Ryazan said strangely: "Administrator Matsumoto, today is the day when your daughter is overjoyed. Why don't you see a little joy?"

Kiyomizu Matsumoto glanced at him and sighed.

"Sayuri's child doesn't know what she's thinking. There are so many good boys in the search class. She has to marry a weak and incompetent boy brother."

"I was thinking, I should try to persuade the child to

I can't change my mind and get married."

He lowered his voice to prevent others from hearing it.

Everyone in the Metropolitan Police Department smiled bitterly. The wedding scene of Nima has been arranged. Do you always have this plan?!

Kiyomizu Matsumoto looked at Ryazan: "Speaking of which, your kid

It's pretty good, regardless of your young age, there is quite a set of solving crimes!"

He looked at Shiratori again: "Although Shiratori is also a rich young master, he is much better than the Takasugi family..."

Shiratori scratched his head awkwardly. He and the Takasugi family still had contact, so he didn't dare to talk nonsense at this time.

At this time, Suzuki Yuanzi and Xiaolan also followed.

Seeing Matsumoto Kiyomizu, Yuanzi was shocked.

Matsumoto Kiyomizu's tall and sturdy figure, serious expression, and a scar on his eyes all made the young lady Yuanko feel a deep pressure.

She hid behind Ryazan, "Ryazan, who is this guy? A criminal?!"

Ryazanle said: "You little girl, I am older than you, so you just call my name directly?"

Suzuki Yuanzi snorted: "Aren't you chasing Xiao Lan, as Xiao Lan's hard-core girlfriend, you have asked me to be the same, why should I use honorifics to you."

Conan, who followed by, heard these words and just wanted to seal Suzuki Yuanko's mouth with glue.

Seeing the garden hiding behind Ryazan, reaching out to hold Ryazan's clothes, Matsumoto was taken aback.

He recognized this girl, she should be the second lady of Suzuki's family.

Ryazan stretched out his hand and took the garden out from behind: "This is Kiyomizu Matsumoto, the manager of our search class, and is also the bride’s pro


Upon hearing this, Suzuki Sonoko was shocked: "Sayuri-sensei is so cute, does he have such a father?"

Kiyomizu Matsumoto: "..."

Police officers: "..."

Xiao Lan rushed over, covering the garden's mouth and dragging her aside.

Matsumoto Kiyomizu looked at his watch: "Sayuri should have almost prepared it. I'll go over and take a look."

After hearing the words, Xiaolan also reacted: "By the way, Yuanzi and I had an appointment with Teacher Sayuri. We have to go there quickly if we are going to help Teacher Sayuri record the video!"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi were going over, and Conan naturally followed.

Sayuri Matsumoto is Xiaolan’s middle school teacher, and naturally his middle school teacher. He really wants to see it.

Bullying" What kind of boyfriend did Sayuri Matsumoto find.

Seeing Conan's actions, Ryazan felt tight.

Although he doesn't remember whether there was an incident at this wedding, but with Conan, the chance of an incident is too great!

In the unlikely event that the murderer's tactics were fierce, Xiaolan at the scene might also be in danger...

Thinking of this, he also followed.

After a while, a few people came to the interior of the church, Matsumoto Sayuri's powder room.

Xiaolan and Yuanzi went to talk to Sayuri Matsumoto, but Ryazan stopped at the door without entering the house.

He, a big man, ran into the bride's dressing room, and it was a little weird to say.

Conan went in for the excitement and found it meaningless, so he went out to find Ryazan.

He looked at Ryazan and said strangely: "Brother Ryazan, why do you suddenly care about Sister Xiaolan so much?"

Ryazan chuckled: "I just don't want to hear this question from your mouth."

If he hadn't brought Xiaolan to the United States, how could he have caused this?


But then I thought about it, if Xiaolan were not there at that time, maybe Belmode would have died...

In that case, I may not be paddling happily here now, and only God knows what kind of life I will lead.

Thinking of this, his impression of Xiaolan was much better.

He squinted Conan, "You have time to guard against me, you might as well think about yourself."

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