I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 116

The first jiāo front with Ryazan made him feel powerless after a long absence

Since just now, the rhythm of Jiāo's talk has been held by Mescal in his hand.

He, the public security policeman, was turned around by Mescal like a layman!

And all passivity comes from the gap in intelligence...

Whether it was *at the beginning, Mescal* saw through his disguise, or later intentionally or unintentionally said that he was an undercover agent, it made it difficult for him to get into the rhythm he was familiar with.

Tou Amuro couldn't help but wonder whether his situation had been figured out by Mescal?

The moment this idea came out, he dismissed it.If your secrets are really exposed, they will be arranged long ago

The killer was done, how could it be possible to sit here?

After thinking about it, he decided to leave this place of right and wrong first, and when he returned to the police station, he would use his contacts to get a better understanding of Mescal's situation, and then come to ask for advice.

He smiled and just about to speak, the intercom in Ryazan's car suddenly rang out.

"Attention police officers! A robbery occurred in Gomachime, Mihua City! Police officers nearby are requested to come and support immediately!"

≦ Chapter ≧



≦ chase ≧

≦ book ≧

≦ ≧

Amuro was taken aback for a moment.

Rice Flower City Gomachime...should be the street next to it?

The moment his thought came out, he felt that his body was directly pressed against the backrest by a huge thrust!

Ryazan stepped on the accelerator pedal to the end, rushed to the intersection and slammed the steering wheel, a gorgeous C-type drift, which directly changed the direction!

Before he finished talking on the walkie-talkie, he used his real eyes to scan the flow of people in the next street.

On the road, a figure running away quickly on a motorcycle came directly into his eyes!

After drifting up the streets of Gomachime, he did not slow down at all and rushed directly to the fleeing robber!

Amuro was sitting in the passenger seat, cold sweat.

There are so many people on the street, at the speed of Mescal, if someone hits someone, it is much more likely than robbery!

However, after a few seconds, his nervousness turned to surprise.

He couldn't help but glanced at Ryazan.

This guy...good driving ability!

Not under yourself!

The black Baling car is like an agile shark, speeding on the street accurately and quickly, avoiding other vehicles, and pointing straight to the target!

On the motorcycle, the robber saw the black car in hot pursuit from the rearview mirror.

His whole person is not good.

Is this a madman driving?On such a chaotic street, he drives faster than his motorcycle?!

Looking at the approaching Baling car, the robbers were heartbroken, braked directly, jumped off the motorcycle, and ran into the crowd!

As long as he gets into the crowd and throws his coat away, who can find him?

Ryazan stopped talking without saying anything.

"Bourbon, chase!"

With that, he pulled the car door and ran out.

Bourbon nodded subconsciously, got out of the car, and chased after him.

While running, he was a little bit dumbfounded.

He and Mescal, two elite members of the black organization, are actually performing official duties, pursuing a robbery...

What kind of black humor is this so special?!

Text Chapter 78 Otherwise, who are you?

With the surprised gaze of the surrounding passers-by, the two rushed out of the car, slammed the door at the same time with a slam, and rushed towards the robber!

Two people, like two black lightnings, flashed past passers-by at various extreme angles that ordinary people can't imagine, and rushed behind the robber in an instant!

The robber stealthily glanced back, almost staring out

Two expressionless men, like a race, have come behind him!

Thinking of the troubles he will face after being arrested, the robber gritted his teeth and groaned, stopped, turned around, and drew out a dagger.

"Don't come here! Come here again and I'll be stabbed to death..."

Before he finished speaking, Ryazan and Amuro Tou had rushed to him!

At the same time, the two raised their arms sideways, wrapped the robber's neck with the inside of their elbows, and directly lifted the robber's feet off the ground with their momentum!

The robber didn't understand what was going on, he felt a pain in his neck, and the next second, he fell to the ground fiercely!

With one move to bring down the robber, Ryazan stomped on his knife-holding hand.

Amuro was standing by Labor's side, feeling good.

It has been a long time since he went undercover to the black organization.

Unexpectedly, the rare execution of "official duties" was actually carried by a black organization killer.

He couldn't help looking at Ryazan.

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