I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 117

This Mescal, decisive and resolute when performing his tasks, is more like a policeman than a real policeman...

Could it be that he really awakened a sense of justice during the undercover process?

Just thinking about it, I saw Ryazan knelt down, picked up the robber's dagger, and tapped the chuō robber's face with the hilt.

"Damn, where's the little thief, dare to run wild on my site... On a rare public holiday, just go to the wedding of the leader's daughter, and you have to work overtime to catch the thief?"

"Don't let me see you next time, or I will discount your legs


Toru Amuro: "..."

He ran to stop Ryazan from speaking.

If this guy continues, the image of the Japanese police is about to be defeated!

After a while, the police patrolling nearby drove over.

Takagi was patrolling here today. Seeing that Ryazan had captured the robbers, Takagi showed admiration.

"As expected, Ryazan police officer, who caught people so quickly


While handcuffing the prisoner, he looked at Tou Amuro curiously: "By the way, Officer Ryazan, who is this?"

"My cousin." Ryazan said casually.

Toru Amuro: "?"

Takagi was taken aback for a moment: "But he seems to be older than you?"

"Cousin is old." Ryazan replied blankly.Toru Amuro: "???"

"No, wait a minute, why did I become your cousin?"

Ryazan tilted his head: "Otherwise who are you?"

Shangmu looked at Amuro Touq's conversation with a bit of confusion. Why didn't he understand?

Hearing Ryazan's question, Amuro opened his mouth.

He felt the pain of the egg.

He now has two occupations, the first is Japanese public security, which

This must not be said.

The second is a member of the black organization.

This can't be said!

After thinking about it, he was about to say that he was just passing by.

Before he spoke, Ryazan said cheerfully: "Cousin, if you can't remember your identity, then I can only take you to the Metropolitan Police Department, and let my lovely colleagues help to check your identity. You found your family."


Toru Amuro looked at Ryazan in shock.

Is this guy so dumb?

If he was taken to the Metropolitan Police Department to check a set of identity information according to the procedure, it would be a big trouble!

In Shang Mu's gaze, he showed a slightly distorted smile: "...I am indeed the cousin of Officer Ryazan."

Hearing this, Takagi scratched his head and revealed a simple smile: "Hello, my name is Takagi, I am a colleague of Ryazan Police Officer."

"Then Police Officer Ryazan, did I take the prisoner back?" He looked at Ryazan and asked.

After receiving Ryazan's nod, Gao Mule cheerfully pressed the robber and left.

Ryazan stood there for a while, then slowly turned around.

As expected, Bourbon has already left.

Ryazan also didn't use his true eyes to find Bourbon.

Under the extremely asymmetrical information gap, he didn't worry about what Bourbon could do to him.

It’s best if the two can live in peace with each other. If this kid is really playing tricks, then don’t mind turning off his undercover status, and then playing the gin and kill him...

Thinking of this, he raised the corners of his mouth, chā with both hands in his pockets, slowly returning to the car amid the praise of passers-by, and left with a kick.

Not far away, in a small alley, Bourbon looked at the direction Ryazan left with a complicated mood.

Today, after coming into contact with Ryazan, his only feeling is that he can't see through.

When he thinks that Ryazan is a hidden undercover undercover, Ryazan shows a sense of justice without falsification.

But... if this guy is really addicted to being a policeman and becoming a people's guard, then he absolutely doesn't believe it.

Not to mention anything else, he was basically certain that Mescal did the Shinkansen toilet bàozhà case a few days ago!

A person who dares to even Shinkansen will honestly be a policeman?﹤Look-most-new ﹥

﹤ Chapter-Section ﹥






Amuro's eyes were firm.

Shirley or something, it doesn't matter at all.

He must use this opportunity given by Rum to investigate

Now, Mescal went undercover to the Metropolitan Police Department for what in the end!

He absolutely does not allow anyone to do what he loves in this land!

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