I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 121




"Don't show such an expression, it will appear that my boyfriend is a failure."

Under Shirley's gaze, Ryazan said with a smile.

Shirley felt a little warm in her cheeks.

Girls themselves are more sensitive than men, and can easily perceive a person's true thoughts.

And the life in the organization all the year round makes Shirley more sensitive than ordinary girls.

In Ryazan, she can feel the care without pretense.

She pursed her lips.

Mescal and himself are not relatives, even if he once liked him, but he has become like this, he is not worthy of being liked at all.

I'm afraid I'm tired of changing to someone else.

Not to mention, under the pressure of the black organization, continue to protect and care about yourself

But this guy treated her better than before.

Having grown up like this, apart from Akemi Miyano, it was the first time she met someone who was so sincere to her.

Shirley is suddenly a little guilty, is her attitude towards Mescal really okay?

Do you really have the value of being loved if you are so grateful?

Thinking of this, she took a deep breath and wanted to say something.As a result, Ryazan suddenly showed regret.

"Ah, I should just hug it...

Shirley: "..."

The computer was suddenly disconnected from the internet, and the 360 ​​first aid kit could not be rescued. Fortunately, there was still a notebook that had been sealed in dust for several months before the draft was written out before twelve o'clock.

My community is not allowed to enter, in case the optical fiber is broken... Before the epidemic is over, the computer is like a big brick.

Tears shed.

Text of Chapter 81

Seeing Ryazan's annoyed expression, Shirley couldn't help being speechless.

She felt that she must have had a brain problem just now, and she would think about this guy in a normal way of thinking...

She jumped off the sofa and walked to the door.

"Are you going back?" Ryazan asked.

Shirley nodded: "Aren't you going out tomorrow? Go to bed early. I just have a few papers to read tonight, so I won't stay too late."

Ryazan said.

After thinking for a while, he said, "I will make time next week to go.

Dr. Li's visit^ "

Shirley grumbled.

She put on her shoes and opened the door.

Before leaving, she looked back at Ryazan.

"Thanks shè."

After speaking, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and she closed the door without waiting for Ryazan to speak.

Ryazan: "?"

What does this sudden thank you mean?

He tilted his head in doubt, walked to the balcony on the second floor, opened a real eye, confirmed that Shirley went home safely, and returned to the first floor.

At this time, his Nokia rang.

After taking a look at the number, Ryazan picked up the phone: "Oh, sister Bei.,,

Belmode was silent for a few seconds, and then he said: "Mescal, it should be late on your side."

Ryazan was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at his watch: "Well, it's almost ten o'clock."

Belmode chuckled slightly.

"I suddenly asked you to write a movie script, and I called again so late... With your xìng style, even if you don't complain a few words, you will definitely take advantage of the opportunity."

"But you not only didn't mention these, but you also have such a good attitude. It seems that you just did something that I feared to know?"

After thinking about it, she smiled and said, "Could it be Shirley?"

Ryazan: "..."

He held the Nokia, grinning not daring to speak out.

It is indeed Belmode... This woman is afraid that she is not the person who knows him best in the world.

He chuckled: "Where what Sister Bei said, I don't know whether Shirley is alive or dead now... Besides, who of us or whom, can I ask Sister Bei to benefit?"

Belmode couldn't help laughing.

After laughing for a while, she said helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense with you, I have finished reading your script."

"From the perspective of an actor, I think this script is very clichéd and meaningless."

"However, considering our other identity, I think this script is a bit interesting."

Hearing this, Ryazan was stunned.

If Belmode didn't mention it, he really hadn't thought about it.

In this way, in the background of killing Bill, the heroine also belonged to a killer organization, which is very similar to Belmode.

Moreover, from the performance of Belmode in the comic, she does seem to want to retire, at least definitely not a person who wants the organization to grow.

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