I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 122

Belmode felt that he was using the script to metaphor

But I really didn't think so much...

Seeing that Ryazan was silent, Belmode also fell into thought on the other side of the phone.

What does this little man know?

Did he guess something about his own plan...

Belmode naturally trusts Ryazan.

This guy is the only person in this world who dares to pay her life.

But...some things, she didn't want to involve Ryazan.

After all, this is a way of Shura, and a little carelessness will result in losing your life.

As she was thinking, she heard Ryazan say: "Sister Bei, you think too much, I just want to write a script that can show your charm as much as possible~"

"Oh, that's the case." Belmode stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows of the high-rise hotel, looking at the bustling night scene at his feet.

It seems that Mescal, this guy, has really begun to perceive his actions.

She sighed silently.

Although Mescal has no curiosity, if it involves himself, he probably won't stand by.

It seems that you have to pay more attention to safety in future actions.

This kind of feeling that one's own life no longer belongs to oneself alone, it is not bad either.

Thinking of this, she raised her mouth.

"I've decided, I will shoot your script." She said.

Ryazan was taken aback for a moment: "I have decided so soon?"

In fact, he was still wondering, if Belmode didn't like this film, he would bring out the movie Resident Evil and let Belmode play Alice.

Belmode nodded: "Just take this, and I have a request."

"Sister Bei ordered!" Ryazan turned into a faithful dogleg without hesitation.

"I want you to play the bridegroom who was killed at the beginning of the film." Belmode said with a smile.

After hearing this, Ryazan said: "I haven't acted in a movie... and I still have a lot of things to do here in Japan, and I don't have time to go to your side to film a movie."

"Time is not an issue. You will be required to come here soon. You will have a lot of time then."

"As for having never acted, it doesn't matter. Anyway, the bridegroom just needs to be responsible for being killed, right?"

Ryazan was speechless.

After thinking about it, he simply agreed.

Although in the original version, the first shot of killing Bill did not show the groom, he can add it.

The essence of the movie Killing Bill lies mainly in the narrative style of sāo and the music of sāo.≤full-net≥

≤new-new ≥





Ryazan can reproduce the music that Sister Yulian first appeared in. As for the other parts, he also remembers the approximate music style, so he can find a similar music and put it on.

As for the specific details, he is not a researcher of movies, how could he remember so clearly, just as he pleases.

Adding one or two more lenses and making one or two fewer lenses has no effect on the essence of the movie.

He was even more curious about what Belmode said just now.

Does the organization need him to go to the United States?

Is it possible that there is a more troublesome task that needs him to do it himself?

After finishing the call with Belmode, Ryazan took a bath and went to sleep.

Early the next morning, he drove to the Maori detective office.

Conan and Mao Lilan were already waiting downstairs with their suitcases. Seeing Ryazan who was walking down the car, Xiaolan smiled and said hello.

"Good morning, Officer Ryazan!"

Ryazan nodded: "Luggage directly into the trunk, I have already put snacks and drinks in the car, don’t worry about nothing on the road.


After getting in the car, Ryazan took out a notebook jiāo to Xiaolan: "The journey is relatively long. I watched a movie last night. I can watch it on the road and pass the time."

Xiaolan took it in surprise, and thanked Ryazan.

And then, Ryazan took out a U-shaped pillow: "If you are sleepy, you can use this to sleep."

Xiaolan reached out to take it, and Ryazan took out a thin blanket: "If you want to sleep, you must cover this, be careful of cold..."

Xiao Lan was a little bit dumbfounded.

This Ryazan police officer also likes taking care of people too much... She felt as if she had regained her mother's love for a while.

Conan is sitting on the side, holding pockets with both hands, humming in his heart


You take care of it so thoughtfully, and you say that you are not evil?

_(:3B)_Are anyone scared by the chapter title?If yes, please allow me to say Happy April Fool's Day, hehe.

Although I don’t have the habit of celebrating foreign festivals, it’s still fun to skin a little...

This chapter is the second update on March 31...

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