I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 128

Ryazan wanted to laugh a little when he heard this name.

Is this a coincidence?

Some time ago, the few people who controlled the Metropolitan Police Department's sniper and let him snipe the Shinkansen are the remnants of the Ghost Tiger Gang.

And those few people have already been qiāng by him for a second...

"What does the person looking for you look like?"

The man said without hesitation: "I don’t know, he is wearing a long black trench coat, a black hat, black sunglasses, and a mouthful.


Does the star go to the airport?!

Ryazan couldn't help but want to complain.

Looking at the man lying on the ground with a look of horror, he squeezed the trigger blankly.

With a flutter, the man's head was directly pierced, and the blood stained the ground under him.

Ryazan put away the qiāng and touched the corpse for a while.

After a while, he took out two photos.

In the photo, it is Ayako Suzuki and Sonoko Suzuki.

Squinting his eyes, Ryazan put the photo back.

Then, he took off the rubber gloves, burned a black ball with a lighter, threw it aside, turned and walked back.

He can be sure that in the original book, no criminals were kidnapped in this episode, let alone ghosts.

Is someone secretly messing up?Or did your own butterfly effect change the plot?

He walked to the other holy wall and determined the location of everyone.

Then he took off his shoes and stood under the eaves in socks.

With the sound of thunder, he jumped violently, pedaling a few times on the wooden wall, and the hand that did not hold the shoes hooked the handrail on the second floor. He turned over and jumped directly to the balcony on the second floor!

Opening the balcony window, he returned to his room, took out the broadsword mine, jumped back to the ground, and tied the mine on a tree at the back door of the villa.

Then, he activated the mine's signal receiver.

After doing this, Ryazan repeated his old tricks, went back to his room, and put away the clothes soaked in rain and shoes that were stained with mud.

After changing back to the original clothes, he looked in the direction of the woods with real eyes across the wall.

The people of the Guihu Gang have discovered that a teammate is dead, and they are busy running back and forth. Something is flowing.

Ryazan saw that one of them took out his mobile phone and seemed to be talking to someone.

After the conversation, the person was a little angry, and his emotional index rose rapidly.

He waved to the others, and after everyone moved for a while, he returned to the ambush position.

"It seems that the people behind these guys are full of energy, and they can continue to keep these people disciplined even if one person is dead."

He sneered and lay on the bed.

He has already guessed the identity of the other party.

Before long, the door was knocked.

Ryazan lifted the quilt and got out of bed, opened the door with a confused expression, and saw Conan standing at the door.

"Brother Ryazan, Sister Xiaolan and the others have made a meal, come down and eat together!"

Conan smiled at Ryazan.

From black to black, from chaos to chaos, he still has a good impression of Ryazan.

Well, as long as Xiaolan is not involved.

Ryazan said oh and stretched.

Conan was used to glance at Ryazan's room.

The quilt on the bed was opened, and the sheets were wrinkled.

Ryazan also had a pillow mark on his face that he had just woke up. It was obvious that this guy was indeed sleeping just now.

Thinking of this, he rolled his eyes in his heart.

Ryazan didn’t do anything bad, what did he observe blindly?

The two came downstairs and saw that almost everyone was here.

Seeing Ryazan, Yuanzi smiled and waved his hands: "Brother Ryazan! The meal is ready!"

Ryazan nodded.﹤Look♂The most ♂New﹥

﹤Chapter♂ Festival﹥

﹤ one hundred degrees ﹥





Suzuki Ayako looked at the people around her, and she was a little confused and put her finger on her cheek: "Weird...what about Zhijiazi?"

Hearing this, everyone looked around and found that Zhijiazi was really missing.

Xiaolan said: "By the way, I seemed to see Miss Ikeda picking up a note from the crack of the door. After reading the note, she looked very bad, and then left directly... "

Conan blinked, then gave Ryazan a strange look.

It's raining, villa...Isn't it really going to start Blizzard Villa mode here?

At this moment, Fatty Takahashi suddenly pointed out the window in surprise:

"what is that?! "

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