I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 129

Everyone followed his gaze.

I saw a bandage weird man in a cloak, holding a person and running past the window!

The person he is holding... is Chikako Ikeda!

Conan's face turned dark, and he rushed down the stairs and ran to the door.

The others froze for a few seconds, and several men hurried to chase them.Ryazan smacked his lips.

This murderer really chooses the time.

He looked at Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, Yuanzi, you two follow me.

After thinking about it, he said again: "Miss Ayako follow me, too."

Although he is not familiar with Suzuki Ayako and doesn't care about Suzuki Ayako's life, Suzuki Yuanko is a good person, and he does not want Suzuki Yuanko's sister to die by accident.

Text Chapter 86 Second Step Plan

Because of his three sisters, Ryazan did not move fast.

Not far, there was already Fatty Takahashi's heart-piercing scream.


Xiaolan and Yuanzi looked at each other in surprise, and hurriedly hurried over.

Suzuki Ayako also wants to keep up, but she maintains the etiquette of the ladies all the year round. She is really not good at running, and she almost didn't fall after an acceleration.

Ryazan stretched out his hand to help her, Suzuki Ayako staggered, holding Ryazan's hand to stabilize her figure.

She nodded: "Ishè thank you, Mr. Ryazan."

A few people walked forward for a while, and they saw that everyone looked serious and looked very eating.

Fatty Takahashi knelt on the ground, looking like he was greatly impacted.

Not far in front of him was a human head.

The head of Chikako Ikeda!

Chikako Ikeda had a look of unbelievable horror on her face,

Obviously, she was greatly frightened before she died.

The three girls suddenly screamed.

Seeing Ryazan coming, Conan hurried over and pulled the corner of his clothes.

Ryazan knelt down, Conan leaned in his ear and whispered: "

Brother Ryazan, the deceased was shredded, and the corpse fell near here

...But the blood is not right, this should not be the first scene."

Ryazan pondered for two seconds: "These are still jiāo giving the police to the police, what shall we do with this nosy?"

Conan: "???"

He gritted his teeth: "Aren't you a policeman?!"

Ryazan suddenly said: "Oh yes, there is still this setting!"

Conan wanted to vomit blood: "You don't be serious, I won't be a tool person for you next time!"

Upon hearing this, Ryazan showed a distressed expression.

After thinking about it, he sighed: "Okay, well, for your face, although today is a public holiday, I will just be busy for a while."

With that, he stood up and coughed.

As everyone watched, he took out his police card: "Sorry, everyone, I am actually a policeman. It is dangerous here now. Please come back.

Go to the villa and hide, waiting for the Metropolitan Police Department to send support."

Hearing Ryazan's words, everyone was taken aback, and then they showed joy.

It's so reassuring to have a policeman at this time of panic!

Only Fatty Takahashi frowned, showing a somewhat nervous look.

Ryazan put the police card back in his pocket.

At the same time, he glanced at the villa with real eyes.

Seeing a lot of people approaching the back door, the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, and he pressed lightly in his pocket.


A zhà sound, sounded over the villa!

Everyone turned their heads in surprise.

Ota looked at Ryazan nervously: "Hey, what was that just now?"

"Maybe you are the one." Ryazan replied casually.

Conan looked at him in surprise: "Brother Ryazan! That was the voice of zhàyàobàozhà just now!"

Ryazan reached out to fish him up: "Let's see what's going on"

With Conan, he quickly ran back towards the villa.

When activating the broadsword mine just now, he swept it with the real eye.

Although the distance is too far to see clearly, there should be seven or eight life reactions that have simply disappeared.

Most of the rest suffered minor or severe injuries and rolled into the ground, screaming again and again.

Ryazan ran all the way with Conan, deliberately did nothing to cover up, and was quickly seen by the ghost tiger gang.

One of them looked pure and sullen, and took out his hand qiāng to Ryazan, it was a qiāng!

In Conan's exclamation, Ryazan fell directly down without hesitation.

Conan can hear the bullet flying over his head


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