I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 135

Takagi can't understand, but he can understand...

The policeman said that his "friend died", and he was referring not to Chikako Ikeda, but Atsuko!

As for the two sentences of "be careful of crooked stomach" and "don't make props anymore", it is obvious that he knows his full set of modus operandi!

"He said he understood me..."

Takahashi muttered to himself, tears running down his face.

With this understanding, the emotion he had hidden for many years finally collapsed. He gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from crying, but the tears kept streaming down.

Noting his appearance, Ayako Suzuki hurried over to comfort him.

Conan stood on the stairs, watching this scene quietly.

"He must already know the whole case...Why did he pretend not to know on purpose?"

After thinking for a while, he sighed.

Ryazan is really hard to figure out...

Yuanzi was following her sister when she suddenly received a call.

He picked up the phone and found out that it was her uncle Jirokichi Suzuki calling.

When she answered the phone, she heard Suzuki Jiroki's anger.


"Yuanzi! Are you okay!!"

Suzuki Sonoko smiled and said, "Don't worry, Uncle Jiroyoshi, Sister Ayako and I are fine."

Suzuki Jiroyoshi breathed a sigh of relief: "I'm with your dad. We are sending someone to investigate this matter. We will never let the damn little thieves go!"

Suzuki Sonoko said hehe: "Officer Ryazan has already taught us those people. Uncle Jiroji, don’t you know that Officer Ryazan faced more than a dozen robbers who took qiāng. He didn’t retreat, and he was qiāng alone. He directly repelled the opponent, and it is said that several died!"

Suzuki Jiroyoshi was taken aback for a moment.


He knew this name.Before, when he and the chairman of Baling Motors, Shan Wansan had dinner together,

It was good to see the news about Ryazan solving the case on TV.


Shan Wansan's eyes were filled with awe.

You know, as the president of 1V Ryogoku,

Even if Shan Wansan faces Suzuki Choi

Groups can also meet on an equal footing.

After that, he tried a few words, and sure enough,

Sankenzo told him, never

Go to mess with this young man named Ryazan.

This guy, what are you going to do to get close to the garden and the mistress

Suzuki Jiroki frowned slightly.

After being silent for a while, he slowly said, "Yuanzi, you can ask the Ryazan police officer for me.

Whenever I have time, I want to treat him to a meal.

Chapter 90 of the main text, can this second-in-command do it?(on)

Hearing Suzuki Jiroki's instructions, Suzuki Sonoko blinked and let out a subconscious cry.

Mumu found Ryazan and gave him a complicated look.

"Brother Ryazan...I used to say that Maori is the god of death

, But now why do I suddenly feel that you are more terrifying than death..."

"The first time I took you out of the mission, I encountered a qiāng attack. Not long after that, I encountered a sniper incident. Today, a kidnapper group just came here..."

Ryazan was speechless: "I was shocked, this can hit me, but I played the role of a victim twice."

Mumu gave a dry smile and scratched his head.

Ryazan is right.

"In short, I think it is better to find a temple when you have time to drive away evil spirits...Sometimes you really don't believe in evil, it's very spiritual." Mumu said.

Ryazan grinned.

If there are such things as immortals and ghosts, he really wants to take a look at the real eye, what is the structure?

Shiratori came with a police officer from the forensics class.

The forensic officer pushed his glasses: "Memo Police Department, the scene has basically been surveyed. Judging from the traces collected on the scene, the kidnappers should have ambushed in the woods behind the villa first, preparing to take advantage of the people in the villa not paying attention to the lightning. Shot."

"However, Ms. Chikako Ikeda went out for a walk and met the kidnapper in an ambush. In order to avoid exposure, the kidnapper killed Ms. Chikako Ikeda."

“After that, the kidnapper’s action was smashed by Ryazan police officer. Ryazan police officer’s excellent qiāng law deterred the kidnappers. In addition, the two ladies of Suzuki’s family had already evacuated. The kidnappers were hired by people and there was no reason to work for their employers. So I gave up the offense..."

Hearing the analysis of the forensic officer, Mumu nodded.

This is similar to the previous analysis of Conan and Ryazan, and is similar to his own brain supplement.

Shiratori said: "Police Department, now that the clues are almost collected, we can only wait for other results from the forensic class."

Mumu nodded, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Suzuki Sonoko running over.

"Brother Ryazan! Brother Ryazan!"

The second young lady of the consortium, who didn't know what the stability was, went all the way to Ryazan.

Ryazan gave her a strange look: "What's the matter?"

Suzuki Sonoko shook his phone: "Uncle Jirou Jirou asked me to ask, when will you be free, he wants to invite you to dinner!"

Hearing that, Ryazan was a little surprised.

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