I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 136

Suzuki Jiroyoshi... is Sonoko Suzuki's uncle and consultant of the Suzuki Foundation.

Although it is only a spare job, to a certain extent, this old man also has the right to represent the Suzuki consortium.

This guy, why did he invite himself to eat suddenly... to thank himself for saving his two nieces?

Thinking of this, Ryazan wanted to laugh a little.

If the old man knew that the reason why his two nieces were in danger was because the organization was testing themselves, he didn't know how he would react?

He thought for a while: "I will reply to you tonight or tomorrow. After all, I am very busy at work. Suzuki Sonoko said:

It’s okay, don’t worry, anyway, Uncle Jiro Jirou

I guess it doesn't matter."

Shiratori stood by, unexpectedly calm.

The Suzuki chaebol’s consultant offered to invite Ryazan to dinner, and he had to wait for Ryazan to be free


He thought he would be surprised by this, but he found out,


No surprise at all

Before he knew it, he had elevated Ryazan’s background to a level he couldn’t think of

The extent of the image.

Maybe, even if Ryazan told him tomorrow that he was going to accept the emperor’s award, he would

Won't be surprised

Chapter 90 of the main text, can this second-in-command do it?(under)

Ryazan did not go with the police, but drove by himself and sent Xiaolan, Conan, and Suzuki back.

After finishing all this, the rain almost stopped.

When Ryazan came home, it was already past eight o'clock in the evening. He simply ate something, read a book, then drank a cup of Wen Niu, did a róuruǎncāo for a while, and went to bed.

On the other side, Rum was not so leisurely.

After Bourbon led the team to collect the body, he tactfully expressed his dissatisfaction with the plan.

As a detective character, Bourbon said he was disgusted with such large-scale operations.

To Bourbon's protest, Rum did not reply.

Not long after, he received another call.

This time the call is from Gin.

Rum answered the phone with some doubts: "Gin? Why did you suddenly contact me?"

The cold voice of the gin X sounded in the earpiece--

"Mescal is not an undercover agent, there is no need to waste time on him."

Hearing this, Rum frowned slightly.

Is this what the gin said?

Is this the gin he knew?

For a while, he even wondered whether the gin was dropped or brainwashed?

He just wanted to test whether the other side was Gin himself, Gin continued: "The county councillor you are going to kill, I have already killed it, and then only Guguchi Shigehiko will be killed."

"I remember that it was Pisk's job to kill Shigehiko from Tunguchi... If the old guy can't complete the task, you can consider letting Mescal take it."

"Although that guy is stupidly stupid, but he is killing people

Noodles, but much better than Pisk's timid guy..."

Rumm's face sank when he heard the gin.

Gin is reminding myself, is Mescal important?

He said lightly: "You did a good job, you can act freely before the new instructions come."

After speaking, he hung up the phone directly.

After hanging up for a while, his phone rang again.

This time it was Belmode!

Rum's expression was a bit twisted Ittl.

He gritted his teeth and answered the phone.

Belmode is completely devoid of gin.

As soon as the phone was connected, she said directly: "Rum, I thought you should be very busy, but now it seems that you are more leisurely than I thought."

"Itakura Taku's software should be almost completed, and the rest will have to wait for your order. If you have so much time, let's study this matter carefully."

"My work here needs Mescal's help. I will call him to the United States in the near future. I will give you this information free of charge, so when he buys a ticket, you don't have to investigate where he is going."

After speaking, Belmode didn't wait for Rum to speak, and hung up the phone.

Rum: "..."

Looking at the darkened screen in his hand, he was lost in thought.

He just sent someone to test a wave of Mescal. There were three members of the organization, and they jumped out and accused him?

As the second-in-chief of the organization, can he continue to work hard?After a while, the call was connected.

Rum used his voice-changing device to make his classic non-male or female voice.

"Kiel, how is the work done for you?"

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