I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 137

Kiel was taken aback for a moment: "I'm almost ready, I'm about to find a chance recently

Let Mescal confirm it for me"


Today I took the ladder to station P to find some pictures of my wife

Without a member, I turned page by page, but I didn’t find a good picture, but the san value dropped.

A lot

I always think that the popularity of Xiaozhan should be the most noblest in Conan now.

What a fake fan, all undercover!

The ninety-first chapter of the main text is so, I understand!(on)

Seeing Rum stopped talking, Shui Wu Ren couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

Did you say something wrong?

Rum was silent for a while and said lightly: "Very well, continue to speak, stay vigilant, and report any situation at any time."

After thinking about it, he added: "Mescal has a high degree of overlap with your range of activities. You can directly apply for his assistance in an emergency."

After speaking, he hung up.

He felt that he heard the name Mescal too many times today, and his brain hurts.

On the other side of the phone, Shui Wu Renai showed a somewhat surprised expression.

She couldn't help but look at the hacked phone screen.

After joining the organization for so long, it was the first time she heard Rum say so much.

She recalled the conversation just now and found that the key point of the problem seemed to lie in the phrase she said, "I am about to find an opportunity to let Mescal help confirm"!

Shui Wuren's eyes shrank.

"That's it... I see, Rum is consciously supporting Mescal!"

"The words I just said were just unintentional, but in Rum's view, this is me showing good wishes to Mescal!"

She took a few deep breaths and adjusted her mind.

At the same time, she couldn't help feeling a little.

After the submersible organization has been organized for so long, she has hardly obtained any useful information and has done some chores.

In order to gain the trust of the organization and obtain more information, she made various efforts. She often ignored her life, but the results have been minimal.

Unexpectedly, today, he was in a crooked fight, and he succeeded in raising his favorability on Rum's side!

Shui was moved without mercy.

After pondering for a while, she hurried to look through the schedule of the last few days.

After watching it for a while, she looked like one and made up her mind

The next day.

Without any alarm clock, Ryazan got up and got out of bed.

Self-adjusting the biological clock is one of the first skills that Gin taught him. Although he has graduated from Gin for a long time, these abilities have not been forgotten.

After a brief wash, he put two slices of toast in the toaster, fried an egg, and two slices of bacon.

Bread, fried eggs, bacon, plus a piece of lettuce just taken out of the refrigerator, put on two salad dressings, and a fresh breakfast.

Served with a cup of beef heated in the microwave, Ryazan sat and drank comfortably.

After getting dressed, he walked out of the house, ready to drive to the garage.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he was taken aback.

In the mailbox at the gate, there was a rose.

Ryazan walked slowly to the gate and opened the mailbox.

At the bottom of the letter box, there was a white card lying quietly. At the bottom right corner of the card, there was a stick figure head with a top hat, and a triangular pendant on the edge of the top hat.

After reading the words on the card, Ryazan couldn't help being happy.

"Kidd, the thief?"

"This guy, want to steal the gems from that Lamborghini?"

Ryazan recalled that the steering wheel of his Lamborghini was indeed inlaid with a large sapphire.If this thing hits, will the airbag slap the sapphire directly on your face?


If that were the case, it would be a simple version of the broadsword.

Ryazan shook his head dumbly.

This strange thief Kidd, where did I hear that there are gems in my car"

This strange thief Kidd is really good at picking people.

He is both a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department and a killer of the black organization. Kidd actually

Steal it to yourself.

This guy, the wolf plays so little, he doesn't know how to write dead words.

He casually put the notice letter into the mouth of his coat

In the bag.

The ninety-first chapter of the main text is so, I understand!(under)

Ryazan does not doubt the truthfulness of Kidd's notice letter.

Kidd has been playing for so long, and the notice letter has never lied.

If you understand it wrong, it's an IQ problem, no wonder Kidd.

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