I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 138

It was just Monday today, and it was still early on Saturday. Ryazan was not worried that Kidd would come over early.

Driving his beloved Xiaomo in a black Baling car,

He went directly to the Metropolitan Police Department.

As soon as he walked into the Metropolitan Police Department building, he enjoyed gaze from all directions.

In the lobby on the first floor, many police officers who were discussing matters or were busy transporting files, saw Ryazan coming in, stopped their work and looked over.

Ryazan couldn't help but stop.

As a member of a black organization, he felt a little weird to be stared by so many police officers suddenly.

Is this the plot of a horror movie?

He was wondering when he saw Yumi Miyamoto running over.

This woman looked at him with a look of xìngfèn: "Ryazan Ryazan! I heard that you fought with more than a dozen qiāng kidnappers yesterday, not only repelled people, but also killed several?"

Ryazan was stunned.

It turned out that this matter was publicized... No wonder these people looked at themselves with monster eyes.

He shook his head: "There are only three of them with qiāng, the others just use cold weapons."

"Moreover, they retreated because someone called the police and the target they were kidnapping had left the scene. They didn't need to continue wasting time with me..."

Although Ryazan quickly shifted the focus, Miyamoto Yumi seemed to be in possession of the entertainment at this time, and directly grasped the point: "So Ryazan, you killed the robbers and repelled a dozen people is true?"

Ryazan rolled his eyes: "Sergeant Miyamoto, are you so idle?"

"Oh, just satisfy my curiosity. Anyway, everyone already knows about this case. What are you doing under the covers~"

Miyamoto Yumi clutched Ryazan's sleeve and asked with XX dissatisfaction.

Ryazan pulled his sleeves back: "It's true...but you have to pay attention to the preconditions I said. I am not really knocking back so many people alone..."

Before he could finish his words, Miyamoto Yumi was already exclaimed: "As expected of you! If you change someone else, I will be bragging for the Metropolitan Police Department, but if it were you, I wouldn't be surprised at all!"

Ryazan: "..."

Ryazan confirmed that it was not only Miyamoto Yumi, but all the police officers in the hall couldn't help but exclaim.

Ryazan felt that if he didn't go to the office, he might not be able to leave.At this moment, Mumu’s voice came: "Oh! Old Ryazan

Brother, are you here?

Ryazan turned his head and saw the elevator coming out behind Mumu.

Good horse, I'm looking for you for the province, come with me!

Ryazan was taken aback: ".

I was arrested?"

Mumu was also stunned, and then burst into laughter.

Sorry, sorry, but I'm used to what I mean. Come with me to Matsumoto

The manager's office, the manager has something to ask you."

Is there anything Kiyomizu Matsumoto is looking for?

Ryazan stroked his chin and followed Mumu into the elevator.

Chapter 92 of the main text, what do you have to do with Shui Wu Ren Nai (Part 1)

Following Mugure, Ryazan came to Matsumoto's office.

Seeing Ryazan and Mugure, Matsumoto nodded, showing an expression of appreciation.

"Ryazan, this time the Suzuki Villa kidnapping incident, you did a very good job!"

"According to the appraisal of colleagues in the forensic class, the blood on the scene is basically from members of the Ghost Tiger Gang!"

"The Ghost Tiger Gang is notorious and has made many extremely bad

Speaking of the incident, you are predestined with them.

The attacker hijacking incident is that you personally wiped out their plot."

"If the remnants of the Ghost Tiger Gang know that, this time you will make the shot again. I'm afraid that if you don't see you in the future, you will have to evade."

Matsumoto Kiyobashi, this extremely serious man, made a rare joke.

From a public point of view, Ryazan has made countless contributions soon after taking office and is a star of tomorrow that no one can hide.

Privately speaking, Ryazan is his daughter's savior. Within the scope of the rules, he can't favor Ryazan too much, let alone just kidding?

Ryazan smiled slightly, did not answer, and waited for Matsumoto's topic.

Just now, the whole bunch of imaginary things are basically just a piece of soup, so there is no need to care.

Seeing Ryazan's reaction, Matsumoto nodded secretly.

He looked at Mumu: "Mumu, go ahead."

Hearing this, Mumu nodded, saluted, turned and left.

Before leaving, he squeezed Ryazan's eyes and signaled Ryazan not to be nervous.

Seeing Mumu's suspicion of being cute, Ryazan couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

When Mugure left, Matsumoto rubbed his chin.

"Ryazan, did you know that Suzuki's family called the Metropolitan Police Department last night."

Ryazan raised his eyebrows in praise.

Although he guessed that the Suzuki family would return him a wave, he felt that it should be after inviting him to dinner and based on the situation of the conversation, and then decide how much to help him.

Unexpectedly, you will start to show your energy before eating now?

Kiyohana Matsumoto slowly said, "It’s Suzuki Choi who called.

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