I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 139

Chairman of the mission, Shiro Suzuki's secretary!"

"There is no need to keep the content from you. The Suzuki Consortium thanked you by name and donated a batch of vehicles and supplies to the Metropolitan Police Department."

"What does this mean, I don't need to say more, right?"

Ryazan stroked his chin.

As one of the few large chaebols in Japan, the energy of the Suzuki family can only be described as terror.

Although the Suzuki family seems very approachable in the world of Conan, if someone thinks that the Suzuki family is so annoying, then they really think too much.

Not to mention the Metropolitan Police Department, even the super bosses in the police department, I am afraid no one would dare to confront the Suzuki consortium...

Such a behemoth jumped out and gave himself an endorsement to a small police department. It really felt a little bit big to hit a mosquito.As the elite backbone of the winery, his "favor" to the Suzuki consortium is really not

Very concerned.

Money is a gadget, there are hundreds of millions on hand, enough to spend, what's there for so much?


As for fame, sorry, people in the winery don’t need fame,

We will only kill

Famous people.

After thinking about it, he said, "The Suzuki family said the star thanked me,

Actually, I am grateful to the Metropolitan Police Department. I just did what a policeman should do.


Ryazan is actually not very happy about the promotion.

He joined the Metropolitan Police Department, the main purpose is to confuse the world connection, a lot of draws

Chapter 92 of the main text, what do you have to do with Shui Wulanai (part 2)

If you get promoted too quickly and become an idle job in the office every day, that would be bad.

And... If he gets promoted, Gin will probably arrange a troublesome job for him.

This is seriously inconsistent with his creed of paddling days...

Hearing Ryazan’s words, Kiyoshi Matsumoto didn’t know for a long time whether he should admire him or if he should be speechless. He could tell that Ryazan really didn’t care much about Suzuki’s help!

Ryazan must know how much this call from the Suzuki consortium is.

He had never thought that someone could be indifferent to such tempting help!

Although I have long heard that Ryazan doesn't care about fame and fortune, I didn't expect that it would reach this level...

He smiled wryly: "It is said that geniuses are often very strange. I have seen it today."

Under Ryazan's gaze, Matsumoto Kiyomizu leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair.

"Although you don't like it, but you should always give the face of the Suzuki chaebol."

"The Metropolitan Police Department has arranged your vocational examination. As long as you pass the examination, you can be promoted to the police department."

As he said, he grinned: "Of course, if you really don't want to, you can also deliberately fail the exam. When the professional training period is over, you can take the exam yourself."

Ryazan thought for a while: "Isn't Shiratori also the police department of the professional group? He has been searching for a lesson for so long. I took the exam before him. Isn't it good?"

Kiyomatsu Matsumoto said slowly: "Shiratori could have taken the vocational examination long ago, but he stopped taking a long vacation due to family affairs. Now although he is back, if there is no special reason, it is better to Wait for a while before taking the vocational exam. This is also for the sake of a reasonable procedure. 3"

With that said, he pouted his mouth so insignificantly, obviously he was also very disdainful of those rigid procedures.

Hearing this, Ryazan nodded: "So, after I am promoted to the police department, can I continue to work in the search class?"

"If you want, I certainly welcome it." Kiyonaga Matsumoto raised his mouth, "I can't bear to let a policeman like you, who can fight and have a strong ability to solve crimes, to other departments."

After thinking about it, he stood up and approached Ryazan with his hands on the desk, and whispered: "The position of the first lesson has been stable for a long time. It should not be far from the next big transfer. I hope you can inherit it in the future. My location."

Ryazan was slightly taken aback.

He really didn't expect that Matsumoto Kiyomizu could think so far.

He was completely uninterested in finding a position for the search manager.

And if I remember correctly, after Matsumoto's promotion, this position was not replaced by someone from the search class, but an uncle from the police agency.

That uncle is still one of Rum's suspects.

Thinking of this, Ryazan once again observed a moment of silence for the Japanese police.After checking the time of the vocational examination with Kiyomizu Matsumoto, he went back to search

One lesson office.

Seeing Ryazan coming back, Mumu just wanted to inquire about the situation, the phone in front of him suddenly


Seeing Mumu's phone rang, many police officers raised their spirits.

Mumu's phone call has been synonymous with homicide in recent times!

Mumu answered the phone, yeah, for a while, then put it down


He looked at Ryazan strangely.


He looked at Ryazan strangely.

Brother Ryazan, do you have a Wu family with the anchor Shui Wulani?"

Ryazan: "???

I don't add it today, my brain is muddled, I can't stand it, and I'm so bored!

Text Chapter 93 Warm Smile (Part 1)

Ryazan shook his head decisively: "There is no relationship at all." Just kidding, he didn't want to get involved with Kiir at all.

Although this girl has a very strong head and strict training, she can be called a pure man, but her brain thread is a little bit small.

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