I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 140

Looking at the whole of Japan, the one who is most likely to reveal his identity is Keir...

It's nothing good to have something to do with that fool!

Hearing this, Mumu scratched his head strangely: "Really, why does she use a cautious tone every time she mentions you...

Under Ryazan’s suspicious gaze, Mumu coughed and said: “Just now, Ms. 7JC Wu Reina contacted me and said that he wanted to invite Ryazan brother to work as a security consultant for their location crew in the name of Japanese TV station. ..."

"Security consultant?" Liang praised his eyebrows. "Is this also within the management scope of our search class?"

Mugure gave a dry smile: "Theoretically, it is not there, but the most

As you know recently, a lot of things have indeed happened and it’s quite chaotic.

It makes sense that the Jing crew wants to find someone to help protect it."

Ryazan stroked his chin.

Although he personally thinks Shui Wu Rina is a bit unreliable, but in the animation, this girl's performance is quite good.

In the battle between red and black, she pretended to be in a coma, and the doctor used a pain test to determine whether she was out of the coma.

When people are in pain, they will often produce some small movements that are conditioned against shè, even the tough guys are no exception.

However, Shui Wu Reina abruptly endured it, without a trace of reaction, and deceived the dean of Beihu Hospital.

This is not what Ryazan admires most.

What he admired most was how Shui Wu Reina had defecate after lying on the hospital bed for so many days...

If you urinate, you should have used something like a urinary catheter.

But what about the tuba?

If she is really unconscious, it's better to say that an incontinence will come out.

But... can a person who is awake really pull the shit out while lying down?

Ryazan imagined the scene for a moment, and felt that it would be really difficult to do it if he changed it to him.

Whenever he thinks of this, he has no mercy in awe.

After thinking about it, Ryazan felt that since Shui Wu Lian took the initiative to find himself, he should have something to discuss, and he didn't want to expose his identity and contact him.

He nodded: "Okay, I see, when will their location team start?"

Megure said without hesitation: "Just this afternoon, at the Rice Flower Shrine!"

After receiving a field application from Mumuna, Ryazan went directly to the Japanese TV station.

After he parked the car, he took the elevator directly from the underground garage.

The lobby on the first floor of the TV station.

He was about to talk to the front desk about his intentions when he saw 7JC running over from the front desk without mercy.

Seeing Ryazan, Shui Wu Lina smiled brightly.

She ran to Ryazan and bowed deeply--

"Good afternoon, Officer Ryazan! Thank you very much for accepting our invitation in your busy schedule!" Ryazan shook his head decisively: "It has nothing to do with him." Just kidding, he didn't want to get involved with Kiel at all.

Although this girl has a very strong head and strict training, she can be called a pure man, but her brain thread is a little bit small.

Looking at the whole of Japan, the one who is most likely to reveal his identity is Keir...

It's nothing good to have something to do with that fool!

Hearing this, Mumu scratched his head strangely: "Really, why does she use a cautious tone every time she mentions you...

Under Ryazan’s suspicious gaze, Mumu coughed and said: “Just now, Ms. 7JC Wu Reina contacted me and said that he wanted to invite Ryazan brother to work as a security consultant for their location crew in the name of Japanese TV station. ..."

"Security consultant?" Liang praised his eyebrows. "Is this also within the management scope of our search class?"

Mugure gave a dry smile: "Theoretically, it is not there, but the most

As you know recently, a lot of things have indeed happened and it’s quite chaotic.

It makes sense that the Jing crew wants to find someone to help protect it."

Ryazan stroked his chin.

Although he personally thinks Shui Wu Rina is a bit unreliable, but in the animation, this girl's performance is quite good.

In the battle between red and black, she pretended to be in a coma, and the doctor used a pain test to determine whether she was out of the coma.

When people are in pain, they will often produce some small movements that are conditioned against shè, even the tough guys are no exception.

However, Shui Wu Reina abruptly endured it, without a trace of reaction, and deceived the dean of Beihu Hospital.

This is not what Ryazan admires most.

What he admired most was how Shui Wu Reina had defecate after lying on the hospital bed for so many days...

If you urinate, you should have used something like a urinary catheter.

But what about the tuba?

If she is really unconscious, it's better to say that an incontinence will come out.

But... can a person who is awake really pull the shit out while lying down?

Ryazan imagined the scene for a moment, and felt that it would be really difficult to do it if he changed it to him.

Whenever he thinks of this, he has no mercy in awe.

After thinking about it, Ryazan felt that since Shui Wu Lian took the initiative to find himself, he should have something to discuss, and he didn't want to expose his identity and contact him.

He nodded: "Okay, I see, when will their location team start?"

Megure said without hesitation: "Just this afternoon, at the Rice Flower Shrine!"

After receiving a field application from Mumuna, Ryazan went directly to the Japanese TV station.

After he parked the car, he took the elevator directly from the underground garage.

The lobby on the first floor of the TV station.

He was about to talk to the front desk about his intentions when he saw 7JC running over from the front desk without mercy.

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