I! Black Organization Boss

I! Black Organization Boss Chapter 141

Seeing Ryazan, Shui Wu Lina smiled brightly.

She ran to Ryazan and bowed deeply--

"Good afternoon, Officer Ryazan! Thank you very much for accepting our invitation in your busy schedule!" Ryazan was slightly taken aback: "You won't be here waiting for me?"

7JC said without mercy, "It is my honor to be able to wait for Ryazan Police Officer!"

Ryazan hissed, feeling goose bumps on his body.Does this girl have to

What is sick?

Shui Wu Rina smiled, and took Ryazan all the way to the crew preparation room.

As soon as he entered, Ryazan saw an acquaintance.

Yoko Okino stood up and waved to him:

Officer Ryazan? Is it because before

Say the consultant you are looking for is you?'"

Ryazan nodded:

"If you mean the location security consultant

That is indeed me

Main text Chapter 93 A warm smile (Part 2)

Although she has filmed a lot of times, she feels more at ease with her acquaintances than with a group of strangers.

A little Xianru with dyed blond hair showed a puzzled expression.

Picture: Xiao Xian ròu

"Ryazan...? I seem to have heard this name somewhere."

A girl with glasses yelled, "Could it be the Ryazan police officer who solved the crime like a god? The new star of the Metropolitan Police Department?!"

When she said this, everyone reacted.

A young man with a bàozhà head but a small face came over excitedly: "Hello! Officer Ryazan! I am the crew of this time, and my name is Yuji Shimazaki! I am your fan! This I’m really happy to invite you for the next location!"

Seeing Yuji Shimazaki’s enthusiasm, Mizuno Reina thought


She knew that Ryazan was a kind of indifferent personality to strangers. If someone you don't know is too enthusiastic, Ryazan may be unhappy.

Today, she wants to try her best to get a wave of Ryazan favorability, but she can't let this guy ruin it!

Thinking of this, she quickly wanted to come up to help Ryazan.

However, Ryazan smiled naturally and shook hands, and briefly chatted with Shimazaki Yuji.

Seeing Ryazan's proficiency, Shui Wuren blinked.

In a daze, she thought that Ryazan, like Belmode, had the hidden identity of a big star.

That set of celebrities’ behaviors like meeting fans is too standard, right?

Okino Yoko couldn't help but tilt his head.

Ryazan’s skillful handling of fans reminded her of many big celebrities. When facing fans, they also reacted like Ryazan...

At this moment, a man with long cheeks and a deep expression opened the door and walked in.

[Photo: Anzai, not a coach]

"Hey... Are you not ready yet, I have been waiting for a long time here.,,

While talking, he noticed Ryazan standing in the house.

Seeing Ryazan, he frowned.

After a few seconds, he stared sharply.

As everyone watched in surprise, he rushed to Ryazan


"You, are you the American composer Joseph?!"

The director was a little angry and said: "Anxi! What are you talking about! This is the Ryazan police officer! The location security consultant from the Metropolitan Police Department!"

The man known as Anxi shook his head: "No! He is Joseph! He has written songs to many American stars! Sharon Wynyard's super famous diamonds was written by him!"

"Although you almost never show your face, once you chatted with Sharon Wynyard backstage in the theater, and a photo was taken by a friend of my photography circle... I just came back from the U.S. last month, and the picture was taken by him. When I was drunk, I saw it clearly. It must be you!"

Hearing this, everyone subconsciously looked at Ryazan together, showing suspicion.

Yoko Okino's eyes lit up: "Really? Really, Officer Ryazan?!"

Mizumi was also a little surprised at first.Immediately afterwards, she felt a little bit in her heart.

Sharon Wynyard is the mother of Chrissy Wynyard!

And Chrissy Wynyard, West is Belmode!

When it comes to that woman, this matter may really have a relationship with Ryazan!

In his gaze, Ryazan slowly smiled.He looked at Ansi, ha


"Is it recognized? There is really no way.


By the way, can you tell me which of your friends has that

What about the picture? Maybe we still know each other!"

Chapter 94 of the main text This is for justice!(on)

Hearing Ryazan's words, Anxi smiled disdainfully.

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